The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan (2024)

on and oveiroM RA Fk ASH liquid caiarra remedies, dui use onmu a nipio Care, which consists of four separate pre para- tions, three in tablet form, to be used internally, curing catarrh of the stomach, liver, bowels, pelvis and systemic catarrh, and making hcb, red blood, and a catarrh cream used locally, curing catarrh of the head and nasal passages, bronchial catarrh and catarrh of the lungs. A full two weeks' course of the four preparations in one large box, sold at only 50 cents by all dealers, the greatest value for the money ever offered. If your druggist won't supply you, send 25 two-cent stamps by mail today and we will send it postpaid and guarantee safe deliv Fifty-two years ago last Friday Edward J. Inslce arrived in Port Huron. At that time the town was small, but lively.

Log funning on Black river tnd a few saw mills were the principal industries. Mr. Inslee bought his present home, then iu the woods, and helped clear th land. There were no streets running east and wer.t and only a few running north and south. He has watched the town grow from a ham- cause the mucn-aDusea win be given, to some extent, a much needed rest.

Your druggist will tell you that of all the many remedies advertised to cure Dyspepsia none of them have given so complete and general satisfaction as Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, and not least in importance in these hard times is the fact that they are also the cheapest and give the most good for the least money. Port Micto. ery- Address w. EHani 1-J HMBMi b', Mass. let to a prosperous city.

1 T'-irr nviim daily times MO VI NOVEMBER 21, 1904. PAGE ,7 THE PEOPLE'S LINERS TRAVELER'S OUTFITS The finest at 18.00 and S20 00 Suit cases for ladies' extra light weights, linen, leather and silk lined suit cases for men of a gator. boarded and sole leathers 13.00 and up to $20.00. We are making our first holiday show as traveling toilet sets, purses collar and cuff boxes, etc Reach the Greatest Number BOAT BURNED The Great Place Where ONE CEN One-third of a nvM0rWaik Thos. Datdson.

Niagara Paliki, 8- St Paul f.40; Omaha. Hart' and eonson WORD the rim 1 BROS, 1 line, ano consort. Snim a. Crew Forced to Desert the Steam Will! er nets, weston and bare es, Canisteo and h-Jl Philip Minch. lit subsequent consecutive times.

Lifesavers From Marblehead Station 40; James, 12. Up Sunday Wilkinson 12 40 a Tempest No. 2, Stewart 2:50 Slil.a Mahoning J. Rescued Them. ehanna.

Son- Steamer Reported to Be a ti i u.ov, r.uuy, Morley. 7 and consort. Manchester. BATES for advertising in THESE COLUMNS -One cent a word for tlie first publication; one-third of a cent a word for each subsequent consecutive publication No advertisem*nt counted as less than 20 words. Every Initial and every combination of three figures or major fraction thereor Is counted a word.

Advertisem*nts for this column may be sent to the buai- nrKmS Th Tlmm- Water stret-t. or at anv of Tbe Times branch offices as follows whence they win ti telephoned to The Times office -vjATarsrrtr' dru WrZrJtrJZ4 (UtISWOI.D STKEET SKt'TION Mrs Atliv B.rkl.v. MARINE CITY-5 W. Jewe.ry or. Had No Cargo.

iukuu, Hiawatha, 8:20: Azter nmi tS L2 cm every 5 box. 25c 30; Maruba Bessemer. Smeaton. The wooden steamer Philip Tioga. Weeks.

Newmotlnt Lak managed by William Gerlach, of Shore, Cadillac, Mary Bovce purnea to the watpr'a oH' iu.4u; iron Mnir and BUM MBM iiwumw'iwi winwiE MBlWBHMMMMMi 1 "Trim nm WBBBHBssjBBjWBl(M0 CARVERS TURKEY Rodsters FOR SALE. To RENT. TO RENT. Ike Erie eight miles east of Mar-1 Goodyears, 12:20 p. Topeka 12 blehead at midnicht Saturdnv 50; Massachusetts 1'tft- 9B SALE 1 horougbbted Kac -tt.

brindle TO KK N'T- Newly decorated nd painted land the entire crew, consisting of sv. I North Wave. Wfdlar m- xxt: FOR KKN'l or writ y. i Truvis. Tenth Ave.

i -Eight rtsim dwellluf. Hot nonse. comer itih ami Street. Seer ter cnnnrcTion. inquire W.

F. Oavidsou, were torced to quit the "H': anrana, Sinaloa. FOR SALE or RENT House corner of Sixth wier airtei. i -j i Fairmount, Uganda. Bangor ni n')i ana ciid water furnace etc Very deslraole location jipatvlai tnducmeut to good u-nanu John (1 (WJeltl Ella M.

Plant. North St. P. O.Mich. 7 27 2 0 11 10 0 TO RENT With or without tuard.

pleasant furDlshed nxtins with all modern con ten con en s.iw; nana, Rockefeller, whale-9U30; 10:0: Gov. Smith They were taken ashore by the crew from Marblehead lifesaving station of the men wert leme one block from city ball. Address Box a to tne most wonde think it over well. xiojfN omce. II (I 2 3t HELP WANTED MALE.

WE Utt NH BROKERS hausted and half naked, sufrrin i.ow, nenessaiear. ii; Lafayette and I consort. Pieslev, 50- Yale 12:10. verely from burns and the cold. The fire started in thf.

stt.rr, -1IT hl- btb heated TO KRNT-Lanre barn. Inquire at Thuw iu ti 1 1) Up today Thew 12:30 a. Par. We ar under contract with many employer to top- TO RENT A suit of three rooms. Furnished or unf urnl hexl aiTiMLapccr ve.

It 0 2 0 TO RENT Two stores and offices in my new but We hftVN nnt I-. rri 1 TO BE CONTENT AND HAPPY Use "GARLANQ" Slaves and Rang ship from some cause as vet not n. i.iu, ounsen ano consort, 2:30 enough right men to all the opportunities now on our uuuu ug on Huron avenue. Apply to Jos. Casello.

11101 rauuueu. rapid did the flames -vtatuaiut. Iehieh m- Sli yru re -Pole 01 "ecuttve, cirt- Slirend that "imt-s Owen RnKv cin. cJ. Technical or Salesman position paving from 1 OuO sprta.i that several members of the )i en' '-10; Louisiana kxo vr write for plan and booklet SSm, iSm CreW i.

1 1. .1 Denver 'm M.i.-. VtCail m.rVl eunr ahflltv 1 ,1 19 BUSINESS CARDS SUPERFLUOUS HAIRS AND MOLKS "'vii i'uukk, ata not i VA lonners, nave time to dress and Panama. 8:30: Venezuela tIAPOOODS fnc.l. Rrmln AmtM A COMPLETE STOCK OF 'i I III IK oved nAn 1 A 1 A Housekeepers' Hardware uet-K clad only in their linderwt, and scalp mass; bv electrolyslN.

Facial sare Siuallpix ulu treauad Mrs. 1 1 unlet Minnie. USU rL Wi3rtlord Building. Chicago ShaniptKilnii mi'tnierit Satnr. and leaving all their personal effects behind.

person aci loenlftv finniciu1 irti.uir rniiDD "MB-L," 5 day Scott, 12:30 p. Yosemite -i 11 AHalla LM, 1 Ort TO RENT-Plesaut and desirable rooms for light houw keeping. Knmitre 8S Union treet. Hefer-me ri iiulred. 1 1 14 TORENT-Afondhouw at 81ft Wall street Address Ci-orge W.

Ulllesby K. No. Port Huron. is 6 TO KENT Pleasait furnWhed rism. gas heat, bath, phone; 7 St.

Clair si. i5 so ltS6 St-Enquire L. F. Law. 10 14 9 0 bustness position.

alaryJ.l0 wsisn aud Bath Room Fittinqs After fiehtine: the fire fa M(NY TO LOAN real at uuuia est rate, Adams at Clark iuujwV v-aiJL. nenson gave tin the fip-hr o.r.,1 Block. If eijienseK. Expense mcney advanced. Position permanent Previous experience unnecessary.

Business established. Address Mr. Cooper Coino Block, Ch cago. 1 1 in 1 0a WANTED Live agents to sell an article which sells on sight in anv office Addresi Orbrom. ue lvery, Flint, Mich.

17 4 ordered the crew to take to the vawl boats. From these they were picked up by the lifesavers. LOCAL SOCIITV MttTTi F. W. Devoe Co mo a nv I reductions, purchased for plenty of them but we might say, right at the talking, this sale is going PORT HI HON LODOK No.

mil, I O. F. effort was made in eVft--ii. A fur rn. Land for oumics, iosco Jean-nette, Ponfiac, Ward.

Saturn, Georger, Western Star 2 30-French. Cranage. United Empire, arrived, Stone, Conemaugh, It; Robt Holland, Syracuse, 12. Down Sunday Nreebingr 3: 20 a Monteagle, 4: Pridgeon and consort' Motan, Schoolcraft and barges, Pauly, 7: Australia, Amazon, Nep- Prepared Oil Colors for Artists Palmj- Indeed. We necl a reliable man (or woman) to sell ur ramtly remedies direct to the bonios of Port Huron.

Steady work and good pay to the light peason. Address -D," Times Office It 101 the flames after the arrival of the lifesavers. as the ship was afire from stem to stern and further efforts toward extinguishing the fire would simply have been a needless and boneless risk of life. ms it-iiipic. I.UM-T nrenue.

every I11. H.I11J v. iiIiik. ,11 7 C. (1.

J- P. mm, HOI coi' veil. as." MoyarAreanum. tK i-" l'M ftrxl m.mI tint. I luesdiiy iveiihiKs In m.mtli orv C.

F. TA YL0R, tune, iew i oik, Merrimac 7-30; Sanilac. 8: Hurlbut, Cam TO 110 PKK DAY EASILY MADE selllns our California Flavoring Powders. A purl, strong, California pronuct. Airents 217 219 HURON Phone 137.

The Philip Minch was nmntn. u-w from Fairport to Sandnskv una. sevona. Hall, Egan. wamea.

iik ea tern ottloe (Irani 'RapUis. Mich 1 1 coal. She is 275 feet long, was built at Cleveland in 1888 and has a rrrvi WANTED. Men to learn the Barber trade. nunna.

frank Peavey 9-40 Adams. Frick, 12; Richardson' 12:10 p. Chicago, Roman Farwell. 1:10: Smith. Frver' capacity of about 3,000 tons.

urirt- caiiiogue explains how we Uach jiqnicsiyioy sreaay practice aud exp, rl in structlous Tools don ttek. Uraduater arn weekly. Write at once. ller Barber l'tlUT IH ItON UUKJE r-H. F.

A A. M. WADE GOOD PASSAGE vAjiiege, nicago, i i. st. u.gumr Tliurs.l,iv even Inn or iH'fore Dill moou., Hecretnry. BUSINESS CARDS. GIRLS Avoid tbe Chaps DB W. O. RANDALL and DR.

A. O. THOMPSON, Dentists. City Opera Hons Block, Port Huron. "Phone 448 J.

1 y. BEST lylng-ln nospltal in the state; strict secrecy child adop-ed. A few who are poor can work out fees. Write to Reed City Saul tarium, Reed City, Mich. 15 ly dtfw -By Using- Koumania.

Crete, Fairbairn. Jenny. Schuck and consort, Citv Mackinac, Morse. Corlies, Midland Queen( arrived), Trevor, whaleback, Schles-inger, Watt, whaleback. and barges.

4:50: Gilbert Whitworth, 5: Corsica. McDou-gall and consort. Ellwood whaleback. 6: 3d; Kathadin. Col-borne, Helen C.

and barges, Orion. 12:10. Down today Umbria. 5 a. Black Rock, Huronic, Pooe, Mullen.

Mary Elphifk. Wyoming. Grat-wlck. (new) Moore. Oglebay.

Sill. J. Owen, Malletoa. Kensington. 8:30: Lumberman and barges.

Spencer, Onoko. ton. 8:30: Princeton, Mauch Chunk, Coralja. Martha. Shaw, whaleback.

IS: D. C. Whitnev. Childhootrs lmy dnys. Kniil's Antiseptic White Buffalo Comes From Soo to Detroit in Twenty-six Hours.

A fast trip was made between Sault Ste. Marie and Detroit by the steamer Buffalo. The vessel passed Detroit Friday night, having covered the distance in 26 hours, in spite of the smoke that hung over the water. The sailing distance between the two ports is 333 statute miles, so that the Buffalo maintained an average speed of neaiiv 13 miles an hour, which is not bad for a plain freighter. She is one of the Western Transit steamers and is commanded by Capt.

R. Jones, who has made something of a name for himself on the lakes by his independence and daring. MONEY TO LOAN on personal property Lowest rates. Office open 9 a. m.

to I tit and Monday, Thursday and Saturday evenings. Suite 40, White Block. A. David Co. TO RENT Neat 7 room cottage on Eleventh Pl.VK GIIOVK LOIMJK A.

A ftasTMar utnuidcntloiia i.M Ing ii or before full moon. WM. ItoltEKTSOX F. H. 8wmary LAK I A P.

No. 4, Woodmen of America. ts on n. sc oiiil and fourth eveiUtura In every uion 1 1, Knluiits of Pvtliliis hull opposite postofflec J-. 1 S8.en.

Com. STANLEY McFARLAND. rierk POUT HI HON OMi ANDEHY No. r. Regular ts.n.Uve MnHonle ildnv evening 011 or before full uhmhi.

'KlttK. E. a h. LEWIS. Reirder.

POUT (lltATMIT LOIK1E No. K74. A hail 'hm' In Mnsoitlc nail, noitli Port Huron. Tuewlnv eveulug-nftiT full itiooti. v.

HI'KNt KR, W. M. W. A. McDONAID, Scretarv.

emulsion of Glycerine i rjuuerort and cedar, neatlv papered painted throughout 7.M water free. E. C. HKKMAN ,1. HILL, Ientlst.

Rooms 8 and in pi I ANY ROUGH- Huron, Mich. 8 5 lv 10 14 FOR RENT Several small houaea. for sale vacant and Improved city property. Also garden lota of 5 acres each, on tha Btoae, 2 miles north of city limits A. Goolden, at First National Bx-change Rsnk tO 27 0 men to 5 after preparanon for HELP WANTED FEMALE.

I lien a woman c-es ok well in blue, she looks well indeed. Is blue rar favorite? come xd get one of our blue suits, iy just half what it is worth id take it along. While we ave a large assortment of lits, you seldom find two ike most of the styles are 1 xclusive and that means a I reat deal. It isn't always leasant to have someone oming down the street "with our suit on." Our suits may i lways be depended upon for tyle, quality, workmanship nd satisfactory wear. WaNTED-Compet-nt girl for general house 12:20.

v.race umircn itectorv Mxth st. 1 1 SI St CALLED MEN TO WORK No 371. I. O. 0r.

252 a7. A'lh risT House Tunnel, rooms each Pr month with nse of bath and always hot water. 10 18 3 FOR RENT Dulldlng on Huron Ave suitable tor Paint hnon Garage" or other bust ness also large Jwelllug. corner Huron Ave. and Beers St.

Ten rooms, all modern lm- WANTED Girl for general housework, no washing or ironing. Good wages. Enquire 180 Military st. Mrs. John Jenklnsou.

is 0 nvei PASSAGES ON SUNDAY. Soo Up Siemens, Krnpp, Gayley, 10 p. tllie, uruil.Hlllv tiny Three Hundred of Them evening nt 7: o'clock' WM I1ENNETT. N. I5c and 25c a Bottle WSJRU8JTORF0.

CENTRTiUoTORE Prescriptions Our Specialty. PHONE 162 3 R. rni, Sisri'inrv. aaaa i 3EO. If.

KM Strict. LADIES Earn 10 per hundred writing short letters Send stamped envelop for articu- South Chicago Shipyard. The American Shipbuilding Co. com ti Vn reasonoDly. I'eter o-SSii II 10 3 0 lars.

iueai Mrg. uassapotis, Mich. 11 WM. HANItOIIN Post No. its A of Ml.lilirmi B.

II 2 St ninceu work at its South Chiean lurunnra rooms with litli rnd gas for rent. Ask 231SI 9th II 1 3 "Wra aaturtliiy on the contracts WANTED -Fo-ty girls to operate bean pickers. Inquire at pea mill, foot of Bn'lerSt. McMoman, Gray Ltd. II 2 18 8 first 11ml third Weduewluvs of emli month In odd Fellows' temple R.

recently awarded It for new tonnage Empire City. 11; Crerar. 10 a. Fulton. Bell, 11; Edenborn.

noon; Eric-son, Manda. 12:30, Maunaloa. Manitoba, 1 Monkshaven, Agawa. Haddington, Leonard, Matoa, Marcia. Hand.

Choctaw, Warner, Warriner, Pahlow, Delta, Craig. Rappahannock, Montezuma, Paisley, W. S. Mack, Myles, Joseph Gil aenverett next BDrtne Three FOR RENT- Large building suitable for boarding house, near tunnel depot Modern Improvements. John O.

O'Neiir 11 10 to TO RENT. -Good Snrlirht Pi nunareu men were put to work in the slab mill, but the force will be increas- WANTED Ladles and Gentlemen. We pay 20 per IUU0 cash copying at home. No mall lng or canvassing Material furnished. Par-tiulars free.

Imperial Specialty W. 42nd St. N. Y. 11 II 2 6 SATIN TOILET SPECIALTIES.

HEHAUSE of patent roller process' of big Satin Skit, iki show or log the pores. Heat mad' Party 1-aving city. Enquire tVW Superior street eu to i.t'tiu Dy Dec. 10, when the keel for the first of the steamers will be laid. The keel for the second boat I win ne laid about the first of the year when work in the yard will keep 1,500 WVE TODAY SPEND TOMORROW christ, 9.

Down Christie, 2 a. Mary El-phicke, 5:30: Pope, Mullen. Oglebay. Huronic, Midland King, LOST FOUND. LOST -Overcoat, left on field near corner Oriswold and Seventh Sts.

Kussell Hart Pine St. II 21 2 wuiKinen ousy until spring. WHAT THE ASHES SHOW, 4 LOCAL MARINE NOTES will enable you t. decide on tbe uualitv of nnr 30; D. C.

Whitney. Malietoa, John Owen, Kensington. Onoko. 8.30; Sill. Eads, whaleback, Cor OrX' "I'LL TAKE YOUR LIFE" The passenger steamer Huronlr- h.n nell.

Holley. 10:80: W. Hrown arrived at Karma. Iron Duke, noon; Oodorus. 1: The steamer R.

Oads has rlnro.i Mariposa, whaleback. Maricopa. Claimed That Wm navi 0ALI with salt for Chicago. iuursata, jenKs, Turret Cape, Policeman Trapp. 8.

The steamer United Emnire arrivpd at Sarnia on Sattinlav. The Straits. Up Hand, midnight; Continental. 5 The schooner Kathadin has arrived He Denied the Charge in Police Court Today. i I I.

K. McColl Think a bit about the future and provide against its needs. Put your surplus earnings in this bank for savings and have it to spend when you need it later on. The 3 per cent Interest we allow will give you back much more than you put in. Ask here for furl her particulars.

at Sarnia with lumber. a. Mueller, Pueblo, Scran-ton, 11: Christie, 2:30 p. Penob scot, Tampa, consort, Na The Juno was discharged from the Wolverine dry dock on Saturday. The schooner Kitchen has arrived If few have no! already dona so while it was burning.

Your dollars don't fly up the chimney nor drop through the grate when any of the coal we sell used. Being almost pure carbon It Is very hid and contains little waste material Patrick Davis was arrestwl on niRiit by Patrolman Trapp. Davis ples, 9. Down George Spencer. 10 a.

became disorderly and it was neces-l, at Haynes' lumber yard with lumber. The steamer Majestic has arrived iViedman. Magill, 2:15 Mauch- sary for Trapp to use his club to quiel I Wisconsin, Castalla. tm. on the way to the jail he swore' tamapo.

5: Gladstone, Spauld- to take Trapp's life when he got Wiedman Ch Ramapo with grain at the Grand Trunk Mt. A quit of" mixed goc4s" perhaps the best and most I ical for the business I ect. There is so mr I wear in a suit of thts I -it may be worn in fjj I nds of weather and will cofl-I to look well as long as I There are mixtures blue is the predomi-I atiug color or browa--o ray-or black. The styles I many, new and handsome. Money put into one of these I nits is money well spent.

Have some beautiful I things in invisible plaids-m I greens and browns. The schooner Selkirk cleared for 0sa 3 Arrivals and Clearances on Sunday, was arraigned before Judge Benedict Dtiiutn-buperior Arrived: Pren- this morninsr on a of dis.wnW. Cleveland to load coal for Sarnia on Sunday. Phone 22S seventh Stre. 1 ice.

Middlesex. Alia. Shenandoah, lv conduct ami nleadert nnt ui. I The steamer Wyoming arrived at Chieftain, Northern King, Kerr, Lang- trial was set for Fridav morn in of trial was set ior rmav Just- be- ham, Harvey Brown, Colgate. America this week and bail at $100.

137, Dultith. Linden. B. L. Smith.

Mon- fore leaving tne urana Tronic. Height sheds this morning. The Con imercial Bank tne court room hi. nt. the court roo A heavy fog has hune over Lk Huron and the rlvfr since 6: 3D roe fcrnuth, Majestic, miii.

Kttssia. De- tempted to make a complaint against parted: Superior City, Osborn. T. Wil- Patrolman Trapp for using his club He son. Black, 131.

Devereaux. Siemens, claimed that he was making no dis-Tacoma, Reed, Nielson, ore. I-ake turbance, but the only satisfaction he Kne; Mills. Ireland. F.

W. Gilchrist, received was the terse ejacul*tion on Friday. The steamer S. C. Hall arrived at HE LEADING )GRAPHERS Sarnia with hemlock lumber from Alpena on Sunday.

grain, mtnaio; a. i-. vvngnt, from the judge "I don't believe if you. A The barge M. I.

Wilcox cleared from tieorge Peavey, uaiton, Manistique. light, Iake Superior ports; Zillah, consorts. Shrigley, Myron, consorts, Prin-gle, Unadilla, Sweetheart, lumber. THE MENNONITES the Gas. Works docks for I.ake Erie (.

A. Fraser, The Clothier ports on Saturday. The steamer Midland Queen arrived Lake Brie; Utica. merchandise. Buff- Held Religious Services at County Jail Where nittn .1 i at the Grand Trunk elevator this morning with grain.

aio. Port on Sunday. Woolson, it 1 Huron Arrived: av.iuiiig iu mc taicM wriiiKies fashion The steamers Lincoln and Robinson arrived at Sarnia with coal for the Oil r. y.j. uvii i.

cm. ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i iu uic ateil- nonite church called at the county jail tadln; Sheltered: Thew lou- on Sunda afternoon and hef, isiana Cleared: Oades, salt. Chicago. ious scrvies. The Manitowoc Arrived: Gawn.

Shel- -aL-Z th. large cltla. ualn, Pl.tlnum p. par 0n their be.t work. BIDDLECOMB'8 STUDIO I.

the only ft, the elty to eet photo, on Hita p.p.r. W. th. genuln. Pl.tinum p.p.r give you no substitute, and call It Pl.tinum.

Wa also hav. tor th. flneet line of Phot. Mount, Folder.

Manufactured In th. Unlt.d Statr. Btddlecomb Art Studio refinery on Sunday. A hank The schooner Woolsen arrived at sgiving Suit and Overcoat the Grand Trunk docks. Port Huron, with a cargo of lumber.

tered: Magill. Foster. Oregon. pyers and singing The men Glen Haven-Sheltered at South Led In the ja give thl visTtoraX Manitou: Seymour. Temple, Emory close jttontinn Special Sale The dismasted schooner Willie L011- are just the ou auci scow; westcoti, urescien tit passed down the river in tow of a Marquette Cleared: Major, Ashta- tug on Saturday atternoon.

Col. Breckinridge Is Dead, ibula; Kaliyuga. Toledo; Winnelago, The steamer Point Abino arrived up 'pig iron. Sandusky. MHEUHCL r.

levator. Lexington. Nov. 21 Col. Will- Ped 1 sirs suits in bron.

worsteds, invisible checks and Ptr eftw, Scotch mixtures in grays and browns and salt and jo an' blues and blacks, faultlessly tailored. Reg--wand $13.50 quality until Thanksgiving day, on Saturday night with a load of brick 1 Two Harbors Cleared Madeira, 1 ramnlSci! Preat Ur.vLrirtL from St. Clair for OSuIlivnn Db c-i Campbell res ton Breckinridge is I ii.k.1 lij. i-n. 11 it.

The steamer Thew unloaded hv 1 Cleveland-Arrived: Alfred Mitchell aeaa Iro.m stroKe suS- the Grand Trunk freight sheds on Sat. Castle. Saunders. Pontiac. Wiehe, Pa- lalneJ Wednesday, lhe end came Sio.oo nces for bein urday and returned up Lake Huron fn nay.

Stone, Roebling. i peacefully. He had been gradually another caigo. Huron Arrived: Cartagena. Cleared sinking for twtnty-four hours, and for The steamer Craig up bound Coal: Italia, Duluth.

that length of time the case had been known to be hopeless. The funeral wil! take place this afternoon at the the United Empire rounding too at Haven bneitered: Pioneer. Sarnia, collfded about 5:30 Chattanooga. George Williams. Ocean- urdav.

The TTnited wmr.i Massasoit, Kaliyuga. 'Winnebago. aanaataa 1 i 1 First Presbyterian chu-ch. with burial th-hT, i mercoats- Oxrords. Vicunas and honest clothes faSO looms- varrying lin's Nocturne Op.

9. No. 2. His exquis- until Thanksgiving day Sio.oo broken bulwarks and had her fendei- leetwoa. Moravia, city of Rome strake cut.

while the Craiir whiVTh 1 Buffalo Arrived: Steel King. In the Lexington cemetery. Marble, Monuments, Granite, Masolemn j. Mantels, Grates, Tile, Wall Stone, Cut Building Stone. Clear- struck the Empire head on received no tdi Coal Wolfe.

Chicago; Blake, Port Truesdeil Marble ranite Company, Gov. -Elect Warner Dined. aamiKK inn r-i hoK -i mr vj 11 1. i iin Chicago Whitaker, E. M.

Peck.1 St. Louis. Mo Nov. 21 Gor-w on suits and overcoa ts at these prices must be cash. lUv i.i l.l Port Huron Vessel Passaae.

Up from noon to midnight Saturday tonestoga 1 uscarora. ingdon. Clear- Fred M. Warner of Michigan was the ed: Merchandise. Erie; Auburn, Buff- kn I alo.

Grain-Prince, Ogdensburg at hT f8t glven ln the New York state building by Mr. --i-i-s. preeric Smith, p'es'dent of the Hair dressing, massage, manicure Michigan commisison. After dinner and scaln treatment at the Ron A FRASER, The Clothier J. Gilchrist.

2 p. Ieonard. 2- 401-405 BUTLER ST Port Huron, Mich. Choctaw. Craig.

Falcon, LIMITED Zenith City. Malta. Juno. wane, Penobscot. 5:50: ade.

Penobscot. 5:50: aa May- Marche. Evening appointments. Phone m7. ham, W.

S. Mack, Olympia, 205. entlemen present 4M4 PAGE 8. POET HURON DAILY TIMES, hN i V. 1 1 I 1 gj I 1 THE RIGHTS OF MA Wc' CIGAR HABIT 1.

TIONO Must not be surrendered labor unions, or thinfl alaa. Thay re Km A SPORTING fc I 1 a a. mtm tkW WA J4 It fll ill uw jovcrnmt! charge of a I HE EMPEROR as a a i aaaa FOOT BALL Is Breathlessly Awaited by Russian Zemstvos. How to Break Off This Expen.ive Needless Habit No good business man woM WH twice aa much for his stock 0f Kfx( as he oufht. Why shouldn't ho the same principle to his durst I The 10c.

cigar habit is 9mU4M is also needless. Joseph ljfarstotfer has put in a ilsar. Wade worth Bros' "Chieo." that is as good as any lyr oiKar ever made, yet it retails tor 6c straight. Just sec how easy It Is to break of YE I With a world of Winter Wearables for Your Selection St. Clair Team Badly Defeated on Saturday.

the end of the first half the score stood 15 to 0 in favor of the Port Huron boys. It was found in this part of the game that the regular half back was not fast enough to keep up witn his mate, and he was placed on the line and Bachers. the other A half back was sent in to take his place. With good players in the back field the real scoring began. At the -wi the eame the score stood 35 to Representative Form of Government is Demanded.

CIWIT The Port Hurons Won by a Score of 35 to 0. Wl ARE READY. Means a lot to us Means a lot His Decision Will Mark Epoch in Na- al i. i.

The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan (2024)
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Author: Duncan Muller

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.