The Age from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2024)

SITUATIONS VACANT SITUATIONS VACANT SITUATIONS VACANT SITUATIONS VACANT SITUATIONS VACANT SITUATIONS VACANT WANTtP TO StLt I WANTIP TO Stlt WANTID TO SELL The age, 18, 1970 '45 lit Or ma '2nd vear, lor oarage. East B'wlck area. Phone 3S 6674. bet. 8-6 An.d Qthce Manager, mole or female, ft required by The 'jey Valley Development League.

Duties: Under the general organising retary. to deal at Aibury quarters with correspondence re- and the preliminary filing of River land and pub- flH desired, short- Hand valuable. Age to approximately SO not Th Murray Valley Develop-tnent ha a -Stats. nA. graphical spread and concerned with a wide range of develop frontal and conservative objective.

Is full scope for Initiative, versatility and dedication. or Inquire by writing to BOYS to learn grocery In modern utfBnnrei, rcrmaneni positions, wages with over-time. Uniforms supplied. Apply SIMS MARKETTE, VI Baric I West Footscrav. BREAKFAST Cook.

Small restaur pni, ai. rvuaa area, a or aay week. Phone 94 5676 between 3 and p.m. for appointment. BRICKLAYERS.

Tod tradatman top money for the right men, work through ChrUtmas, plenty of weekena work. New wuiiraiiani welcome. -Appiy on f.Jw in. bur. Minus sjmi Hlahett BRICKLAYERS and Bricklayers' Laborers wanted at Lot 22.

a mage Bayswater. Also 33 ClOvellv Glanrov. Start Able to Karroio. lot 14, union fmpitiiowe, BRICKLAYER'S LABORER. Work Attona area.

Phone 39B 3465. before 7 a.m. or after 6 p.m. BRICKLAYER, 090 clear p.w. Apply lob.

Peace St, Sprirtg- BR1CKLAYER and Laborer. Ap Ply 67 Plenty Preston 7 a.m. back tane. BRICKLAYERS. Apply comer BRICKLAYERS 5000 Bricks BV, reaay to ptan, uanoenong.

BRICKLAYERS and Laborers. 109 iuron Nortn Meioouroe. BUILDER'S Laborer rMiilrrt $71.85 per 40 hours. Must be financial union mtmntr, ohwoo BOILERMAKER Preferably with D.L.I. for Installation and site work.

$75 plus travel allowance. Ample overtime, overalls supplied. 69 7968 MURRAY VALLEY DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE, P.O. Box 159. Alburv.

ARMANE LIAR MAN, must be experiences. Hers, essential. day week. 40 hours. Wages $60, Aoolv In person.

Mr. Ri. FLAG. STAFF HOTEL. B4 Dudley St, Tint rvieiowurno.

BAR MAID, experienced, Imme- dlate start. CLUB HOTEL, cor, Spencer and Latrobe Mel- bourne. IAD Cfuuxl ah. ftunb.ii runs enor a.m. BOOT TRADE, EXPERIENCED GLIDE LIME SHOE 265 Lennox St, Richmond, PHONE 42 4396.

Open Sat Morning, DOMESTIC HELP required in Caul field area. Phone 50 2541. DRIVEWAY ATTENDANT. A position is avail an le ror a remaie Attendant Must nave good appearance and personality with previous experience! overtime available. uniforms supplied.

AftDltf GOLDIM PL1ECE SIB- VICE STATION, cnr. Kino and Hawke sts. West Melbourne. In 7mA Dki i required for furniture manufacturer, genuinely good career, opportunity for right man. Wages to 565 p.w.

Good conditions and overtime. Free super annual I on, endorsed licence necessary. Apply Mr. s. Polan.

WOODS WILLAMS PTY, 6 Grom. nam riavw, mimiiviKJ tmA bdji A.H. 540 DRIVER. Wholesale Merchant re quires man witn grocery ax per nee lor citv ana suDuroan delivery. S-dav week, aged 25-40.

must be reliable. Applv NATHAN BLIGHT PTY. cnr. Ferrers ana uougias aouui iiei- maie, sen. req, for well oaia position.

Laundry deliveries overtime. S65 to M0 p.w. Apply after 9 a.m. to Harold Youno. SPOTLESS LAUNDRY.

225 DRIVER, with endorsed licence, to unve uoncreie Agitator in metro politan area. rnone so4( DRY CLEANING. experienced i nour piam mana. jer or presseri req. for prestige lounge plants, developing near city and north, suburbs.

Future prospects good. Boiler Cert an advantage but not essent. Top wages avail. Contact Personnel Manager. aruiLtas lid.

387 2111. FIBRO PLASTERERS wanted. 109 Oavles Brunswick, Immedi ate start, overtime ivaifaoie. Abbotsford. Ring 51 9092, tilt a.m., tnen a soz1.

FITTER and Turner required, Top money and plenty overtime. AL-VEMA ENGINEERING, 17 Grosvenor Abbotsford, Only good man need apply. New factory, good amenities. FITTERS foi Installation and site work. Ability to weld an advantage, S73 plus travel allowance.

Ample overtime, overalls supplied. 69 7968. FLORIST. Exp. Permanent niHumi riorai uaKtcign.

56 1642. GIRL FOR COFFEE BAR, aged I evenings, New Australian wel-1 come. Apply afternoon, 122 Elgin Carlton. GIRLS (2) wanted for night mm, piastre anempiy worn, Approx. 4 to .5 weeks.

Apply MOTOR MECHANIC WELDER 1st Class Experienced tradesmen required. Good wages paid. Apply Personnel FREIGHTER INDUSTRIES LTD. Keys Road, Moorabbln. Phone 95 0366.

trtritfTRlff iaaef We require builders LABORERS, top pro fessional demolition men only. Wo art prepared to pay up to $100 p.w. for experienced men, For appointment, ph. 467 1625 LABORERS. Too Professional De- molttten Men only, Wt are pro pared to pay up to S100 p.w.

for experienced men. For ap pointment. Ph. 467 1623. BdlLbEft' LABOMM.

2 dW 24 2530r h0Ur' 85 9392 Qr Good Cutter required tor supermarket. High wages, no early mornings, uniforms supplied. Apply SIMMS MARKETTE. Slf flarblv t. Wast (nntvnu.

BUTCHER, good condition for experienced Butcher, with driver's licence. ORBIT MEATS, 12 High ai. rv 110a junction, i jo 10 du 1 v.ncn uuni en. BKperiencea, required. Sat.

Good Mrs. Bride 48 54 BUTCHER, Manager, married, cap- Die man iot new snop. Heser voir area. 460 1373. BUTCHER Apprentice.

Top Wages, Balwvn. 83 5601. CARPENTERS. ubeAntract. for architectural work: must be iraoesmen aoie to tnintt, immediate start Good prices.

Phone 232 043S or 232 0440. A.H. 754 3ZD0. CARPENTER, villa work and al. teratlons.

Essendon. Kellor area. A. D. Mason.

Master Builder, ring 337 before 9 a.m. 12-1. or evenlna. CARPENTERS, experienced brick cimaaing men reouireo; szoi AppIv Bolt On Homes Ptv. Lign iUt Durwooa.

rnone Foreman with sound building knowledge required for Protect In North Eastern suburbs. Phone 7290343 to arrange Inter- CARPENTER. Boat Repairs, for re-rlbblng, general maintenance on 28 ft carvel Cabin Cruiser. Phone rARPFNTFn rwaulMMl Ciinbtirv for framing. Phone 81 6508.

LAnrenicH), iraoesmen. oniy, 7.30 a.m. Cnr. Bay and Bridge rori MCiooume. CARPENTER.

H.C.V. Maintenance. King jy t43Z. CARPENTERS. Fixers.

Apply on CARPENTER. Few days' work renovation. Beaumaris. 93 8067. CAanitK I ou I Vatitn, Bxpericncea Girl required.

Sat. Good wages and Donuies paia, bv DrooreislVA comoanv situated the Moorabbln area, Experience preierred out not essential, TtrfKoft far rlaht man-. For appointment phone 95 1360. CASUAL BAR DISPENSER. Expert encea im meo iie 11a n.

luud HOTEL cor. Spencer and Latrobe CHEt) with references. Top wages. IRQ FitzMv St. Kllda.

Meioourne. CHILDREN'S NURSE or English Nanny, irve in, moaern nousenoia. 2 small children and baby. Sum-map at PnrfMa. 24 filflfl CLEANERS.

Experienced only, between Kew and Doncaster areas. Day time wonc. nmg between 6 and 6.30 a.m. or 6 to 7 p.m. 842 2921.

CLEANER, oart time. M. anorox. 3 hrs. dally, 6 day weekly.

Refs. Good pay. beefeater kestau RANT, 219 Carlisle Bala- flaw, 501ft CLEANERS. Experienced, St Silas cnurcn. Nonn naiwyq, tor.

7-a AttM di m. 30ajl71. COOK, MALI. 1 B-U TEAKa, PAST FOOB, Prvtmi experience an edvan tage, but not essential. Permanent position, 6-day week.

Good conditions and wages. Future firospects excellent. Must be re-labia and conscientious. Apply In person to Paul Clarke. KENTUCKY FRf-ED CHICKEN, Dan-, denong Rd.

Spring vale. SOOT TRADE. experienced Sole -Laver and Hand rilrkr. rnirb tor ladles' Fashion Shoes. Excel- whbh ano cono irons, PACIFIC MELODY SHOES PTY.

18 Salisbury off 566 Nicholson North Fitiroy. APPRENTICESHIP VACANCIES 1971 This Company in 1971 will have vacancies for apprentices in the following trade FITTING TURNING GIRL for dairy produce section of tvpirmarKii, uooa wege, permanent position, uniform Apply SIMMS MARKETTE. 395 Brunswick Fitiroy. GIRL, 15, wanted. Children's nursery, wnaostone.

0 77Ji. GROCEKY STOREMAN required ror wnoiesaie wareitouse; must be reliable and have good references, NATHAN BLIGHT PTY. cnr. Ferrers and Douolaa South Melbourne. 69 7312.

GROCER, Driver and ihop nana. MDoweHiwara raies, oaaichi FOOD LAND, 142 Martin Garden vale. Ph. 98 2133; 99 4111. GROUNDSMAN.

Experienced man required. 5-day week. on. -Frl. Good wages and condi.

Apply AN DR INGHAM GOLF LINKS, Cheltenham Rd Cheltenham. 98 3590. HAIRDRESSER. men'e. wanted.

fully qualified, full or part time. Oaklelgh area. Conditions excellent for the right person: aoe rturn hla Mith temllw. Ac. Buil- fiesa couple.

Details, B7B 5897. HOTEL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, Barmen. Bar Useful. Cleaners. Cooks (City, Porters, Diorrmen, Many otners.

v.l.r. AGENCY, 113 Swanston St HOUSE and Site Cleaner required by builder, northern suburbs. Must have trailer or truck. Ring 560 5079. 7-B a.m.

or after 9 plus keep, modern home. 1 child no objection. 97 3239. vrunawicK HOUM MAID, far fruit I. South Yarra.

Star Immadiitolv. 26 3701 LA SELLER. $50. Lady, to assist busy despatch, manager of xcalltnt co. In North MeiD, runner oeiaus, Mrs.

iai, 62 4628. 62 2892. 1VUKKLOAD ri T. 1t floor li OuMfi St. rltv LABORER.

ExorlMei fioad Can. srrucxion. Atpiy loaay. and Weatherall Cheltenhim. LABORERS for scaffolding.

130 Aims o. Ease si. n.naa. a.m. LADY for our transport office tn jna the phone, clerical and pub iic relations.

Accommoaauon end car sud oiled. Aoolv 43 Dawn Dandenons. Phone mature woman to aulit In the despatch department of I wunonr, uooa wnn tot an energetic and reliable woman. 1250 Malvern Malvern. mAv.ninii.

oalr houEchold Jlnn. Jutroat Jnd overalls. S-dav wk. Location Brunswick. Permanent.

Phone wir. oroeie. ifoiLtas linen RPNTAI CBRVir. MT 9111 MECHANIC required to work on a ot irutKi. uwa wages ana conditions.

Apply Mr. Devlyn. MOTOR MECHANICS. 2 FlrJt- men lor general car re 6a Irs end engine tuning. One for entleloh, one for Chadstone.

Salaries by arrangement. Apply 9r.nvi.C 3IAMUN, MOTOR MECHANIC, Experienced. EisiemwicK, aervKe nation, uooa wages and conditions. Ample Overtime available. Ph.

3 lifts OPERATORS. Front-end Loaoer, comoi nation units, new machines, experienced operators required for hlr and contract work with building and hlrel company, uooa wages ana condition to roliabl mn A PLANT HIRE. S3 9966. OPERATOR for Fim Jt3-Lr Ma Must oe experienced, wages 590 Plus Saturday. Ring 678 6329.

A in.t an. fta mftmr operator. Dackhoe. Must be experienced. 565387.

PACKER 17-25, Brunswick GRAY-BROWN'S S.O.S. STAFF MutNLi, uueen at. 02 -Ji4. PACKER 21-40. West Melb.

S50. GRAY-BROWNS S.O.S. STAFF AGENCY, 34 Queen St. 622324 ram 1 eh ana 1 ciass raper-hanoerc. 6 tradesman.

Ton wmm constant work and work during Xmas time. 70 Hawthorn PAINTER 10 tradesmen. Toi waaes. Permanent notltrort War all suburbs. Work available over G.

CO. Jo iSUX. JO VXJ. PAINTER Wanted. C.ntxi trades man only.

Apply at 7.1'5 a.m. at 4 Arfred Caumeld Sth. Napier and Kerr Ffttroy. Apply 7.30 A.M. PAINTERS.

Tradesmen only. Start 4u rastoe vaie Eicendon. PANEL BEATERS, first class, for large, new shop with modern amenities, start soon as possime. wages p.w. pi us overtime.

Ring John Massey, 41 7395. ASSOCIATED REPAIR SERVICE. 248 Hoddle Abbotsford, COUNTER GIRL, 17-20 YEARS, Saturday only 4 p.m. to 12, Pleasant personality and neat as. pearance essential.

Conditions are uooa ana new or ve-in restaurant. Apply In person mornings tram fD 303 Sydney Coburg, PAttT.TtM inv 'iVif' rlasin. I no duties In modern home. Regular employment for Monday no rnaay. iuk KAi ana nours to suit applicant.

Not required aasi Drigmon area. W4 PA RT-T I I. CoolT for sandwich bar. 9 p.m. shut1 ui nonaari.

mooraDain area. main miiurwi. dally. Phone 94 5676 between 3 and 5 p.m. for appointment.

SPARE PARTS SALESMAN Excellent position available. Mature man. Knowledge Studebaker parts an advantage. Apply HOLSTOCK JAMIESON 52 Leicester St, Carlton. 34 6101.

STOREMAN Acquired for' QUEEN VICTORIA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Knowledge of Surgical stores en advantage. Apply In writing stating aoe end experience to. Personnel Officer. Queen Victoria Hospitals 172 Lonsdale Street Mel-bournes 3000, PIT BUILDERS required for main runway extension, i unamarine. Mr.

B. 31S211S PLUMBERS. licenced Plumber- weraer tor industrial ma in ten- UMBERS wanted. General reno. vat Ion work: $95 P.

week, over 36 B6S2. PRESSERSt inele or vacancios exist tor i nour piani managers, near city and north, suburbs. Top earnings avail. Must be reliable, future prospects ex-cellent In this expanding division LESS LTO. 387 2111.

PRINTING. COMPOSITOR. Hand Setting. Top money for good man. for Interview, ohone 663 1B65.

ALL- STAMPS d. SERVICE, Drewerv unt, MeiDourne. SANDWICH Hand. Mon. to 7.J0-4.30.

ssg.BO. tounw exp. preferred. Ring 67 2593. Brown.

SPRAY PAINTER for car smash work. Good conditions. Good money. Start immediately. 1 7TB.

1 11 STOREMAN (LABORATORY) BALM PAINTS LIMITED. Have vacancy for en Intelligent man 10 assist in no iiwriimn in the research laboratory store. Thin It permanent position, with good wages, with the opportunity to advance and acquire ikiiis tn tn paint nwnuiuniis industry. Anatv a.m. tA Paraannel Offl- cer, McNaughton Road, Clayton.

STOREMAN. wa reaulra the ser vices of copetent Storeman eaaa4M malntatnlna an aitab- llshed system of despatch, goods receiveo ana stock, ana ana control the movement of raw material wltnin the plant. Reply to the Production -Manaaer. 359 1444. CRANE VICTORIA rTT.

114 SYOneY WO. Fewkner. STOREMAN, spare pans. Young man, agea 43 or more, witn driving licence required by South Melbourne automotive parts company Tor assemoitng clients' orders end relief driving ol Com mar van. Excellent opportu nity for young man of ambition.

Interested In selling career in OLtomotlve parts trade. Contact wr. Knott, ittig iitt. STORE MEN 1 to $65. 21-40.

N. essenaon. is-eo. ciy. 403.

n. Carlton. 18-40. W. Melb.

30-40, Al phi r0 ton. 20-30, Melb. 30-50, Airport W. 18-40. S.

Melb. 1S-19. City, No fees. CPAY-RROWN'C C.O.S. STAFF siunsman tot renaming wans top money, experiencea man nnlw.

Aonlv on the lob. MEY. RICK CRESCENT. Rosanna. or rma aag iv.

STOREMAN. Fork-lift Driver, 3b pi us ovenime. -su-au. Air Ml w. GRAY-BROWN'S S.O.S.

STAFF fTflRfl rOMTROl 1 Ffl fo 45. SWIMMING POOL ATT'E DAN to 54UUO. tutijta. Appiy to tne uvtrseem Hawthorn Central Depot. 105-113 Camberweil Road.

Haw-thorn, on Wednesday, 18th No-1 mbW.R170.OHNJON TJWN r-i rate upholsterirc. wortr under con tract in our latiwrr, cauiwit pay and conditions. All you need Is your tools, we provide all materials. Earn $200 per week. Call personally R.

Hoyle, PHILIP HILTON INDUSTRIES. 42 River WAITRESSES wanted for coffee lounge, cays weex. monoay to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Good wages, APPly 170 FJInders WELDER.

1st class, oxv and arc. 4 Die 10 worn wiinoui supervision. Good wages. Apply Mr. White, WOOD MACHINIST.

Experienced witn inm saws ana wiae ven sander. to control veneered par- tem hoard firvlhkia ornfti Must be able to read and write ingnsn. uooa wign ana vf PANPLS Q6 Albert R7 last Brunswick. WOOD MACHINIST. A Grade tradesmen required in ma nunc fur nf hloh-ttat.

furnltura. Good wages. Apply C. F. ROJO 6.

SON PTY. 237 Napier Fltxrov. Pfian 41 4238. WOMAN, uooa gararn Knowicog uuiaoor wane, tasiern suouros. 9 a.m.

4 p.m., 3-4 days weekly HQ HdSt aftr 6 a.m. WOMEN for laundry mangle work. uau maivern tviaivem. rnone au 1001. WOMAN, for part time, cleaning I Guest house.

5 day week. Good I salary. Ring 91 2643. WOMAN, for guest house, for oreaKiast, return iingie room and full board. Ring 91 2643 WOMAN, good Ironer.

2 days YARDMAN 'MMr required luunvi rvrt rs o-tu ti i nuirwi rn urn kirm worse in cluding spray painting and color ness In Above award pay and good conditions. Applv In person. HELCOM INDUSTRIES a uunni jvum.t nemnorn. rn. 81 6566.

YOUNG attractive lady for licensed restaurant co*cktail bar. Camber- wen area, excellent wages, wonting hours from 4 p.m. to 11.30 experience not necessary, lease ring 53 3145 between 10 end 2 p.m., or 62 7574 after YOUNG LADIES for Interesting ouiaoor positions, joponunity 10 xravei; ao p.w. rnone ss 3703. immpaim siarx.

YOUNG MEN with car are re- quirea tot evening wonc. earn-Ings S60, Phone Mr. Peerman, 30 2551. for dtalla. YOUNG GIRL 15-17 years, for in at YOUTH.

15-19 Years required ror our DOOK Department and News Agency. Apply Mr. Steel, COLLINS BOOK DEPOT 'PTY. 3G3 Swanston Melb. 663 3787.

YOUTH, to learn glass bending, pumping ana processing. Location North Melb. Apply Sid Syne Neon Displays Pty, 238 Flinders Lane. 63 7071. 600 6JJ Potential apprentices should apply in the first instance to Mr.

G. Kent, Machine Shop Supervisor, at Dunlop Australia Limited, Normanby Road, Montague, 3205, Telephone 64 0491, Ext. 282. The facilities for training apprentices in this Company are probably unique. At Montague we have what we consider an excellent Apprenticeship School separated from, but operated in conjunction with out large- Machine Shop.

ACCOUNTING -Machine, National ACTO 14'f 4-ttr. Cylinder Mower. complete witn catcher ana h'book. condj $100. ADDING MACHINES, new: S45.

Meioourne largest range or new end used hand, electric, HIRE ITERS, 163 Lonsdale Dandenon. 792 2800. Ooen Saturday. ADDING MACHINES. BurwOOd business machines, specialising in new and fully guaranteed recond.

unit. 2flH3S1l inv tim. ADDING Machines, new and used. irom racinc iypv wrltan. 272 Swam tan City.

I AIR CONDITIONERS (6). In e. oroer. Hetrig. crP- 4 n.p 20.000 STU.

rev. cycle. Prom $150. Mave Inst, new unit. Apply, before 7 P.m.

Wed. and Thur. KOALA "Queens Lodge" Motor Inn. 81 Queens ST. KILDA.

31 csoi. wr. 3Para. AIR CONDITIONERS. Latest re irig, type, an oranas ana siavs.

from 5159. MAGNETICS IULK STORE. 96 Koornsng Rd. Car-nsal tRQ eflan. ANTENNAS, from S2; handymen KIU.

nannn matter n- tennas supplied and Installed. Free advice and quotas. 5KY BEAM, 646 Nicholson N. Fitiroy. 48 7925 and 21 Scott Cft nnjl.iiiwi TQ 1 ni AN'tiqui and modern jewellery, silver, lira, rurnnurv, ui.

Pictures, eVc. Kozmlnsky Galleries, 377 Little Collins Street, B7 1277. ANTIQUE Lady's Chair, 1873, oeautuuny upnoisterco, oiamona ANTIQUE Chaise Coucti, button oacKeo, nvwiy 93. 459 2954. ANTIQUE SII.

1697. Also Old Hina 1. am, in. r.j., rytram. ANTIQUE Dutch Wallelock, rare ofa.

21784 Ba Ha rat. ANTIQUES. Old Paintings. China, aiiver. ate, a ooau.

4.TTB NTf AM. jcout ana wuiae roups. tnurtn v-ommmevi. raciory miiMtri. Ac.

Secondhand Chairs going cheap. Also large range new Chars. Ring 267 1977. iTTTm k4i.Hlf WTSTt 55T. MALVERN DISPOSALS.

50 8434 ah 3Z ft. witn poot ran, sneives cam orawers, laminex irani, ex. stock Exchange Club. $25. Ph.

650 1884. BARGAIN 23" TV with radio tneeos sugnt repeirj; rope vvasn-ing Mach, (wUh heater); 7a cu. ft. Llndbarg Foster Fvrsdle Kero. Heater, Lounge Buffet, Double Wardrobe.

Lamlnex Kitchen Table and 2 wooden Chairs. Dr'opslde Child's Cot. $125 the lot. O.N.O. 196 Surrey Blackburn, eny time.

BATH HEATERS REPAIflED. AS GOOD AS NEW. Any Make of Gas Bath -Heater. DOUGLAS, 599 Bourke 67 4186. BATHS, new, $20; Cast Iron, S40.

115 Queens Pde. Clifton HILL. A'KQ OA BATHS. New P.S. $20.

42 2262. 360 swan at. ATM HEATER. WITH SHOWER. GUARANTEED.

CHEAP. SAIItNlta, 1V. va.s. viaiawns. Falcons.

c-, guaranteed. Fitted free. AJ-AX 388 Vktorla North Melb. fd rourH. 2 ft.

3 with storage space, 2 Armchairs, to match and conee Taoie; so. Dropdown oeo, a witn Polished frame and mattress; $25, 51 soo. BCDnBuM suite, aoiv. twin rooti, wire and matt. Regency bedspread $150 or offer, 56 5137 A.H.

53 4739. EO Suite. DbJe. Bed. 2 robes.

D. table, I.S. Also dining table. 4 chairs, oiond, S2d. Varw oood QB 2622.

BED ENDS, double. Queen Anne: $10. Also fancy cast Iron single1 oeo; i new. Cheaper than reconditioned ones. Direct from manufacturers to you.

save doners. 04 3290. BICYCLES, 2 ladles'. 1 rair conaiiion, roi- rn. 98 4646.

BIKE. 20 EC: $22. 98 1524 BILLIARD TABLI MAKERS. Al. co*ck Thompson layior, airect imponers or an accessories.

Sturt Street, South Melbourne. MILLIARD Tahlaa 121. Coin aoer. ateo. uooa conaition.

i vib Or 92 9113. BINOCULARS. 7 50 coated op tics. -g. 29 7733, BLINDS.

Dim Eds FJIOM raiTTDRV Venetians, Canvas, Holland eunas, screens ana Kepatrs. For Free No-obligatlon Quote, Any time, Anywnere. mm Ing A.H. BLINDS. Internal or external.

In sect scrn ana Doars huv ai. rect. Large discount. Free measure and quote. Phone 44 06 37 fl llnoMl.

1 BLUESTONE DRESS, suitable for rsMalnlno walla. Ac. 359 39QO. BOOKS. Paper Backs.

Current1 Magasmes, Kecoras. top prices paid. Batman 377 Bourke Phone 67 1622: BOW, L. hand straight 1'glass 38 aiu. telescope, J'j m.

flee: ISO. Phone 53 1018. BRICKS AND TIMBER. 15,000 Colortone Bricks and Hardwood BRICKS, 100,000 hand made. nawinorns, an colors, aeuver.

anvwhera. 359 2040. 35Q 1K3Q, BRICKS, 50.000 machine made. 1 ti tsto -in An cia BRICK MEAT SLICER, good order ppiy Bsxaaie ri. vnlnei BRIO.

HWS. 60 gal. tank. 30 gal, tank. 52 1477..

BUILDINGS. TonrfskF mrm purvnaie ana removal or ouiioinsa ontrioea oeiow, suitable for sleep outa. on-site OHIces or bulldsv. Apt. Lntv Ma t-C Description: Sl2e 11' 11 roof.

Iron, cladding watherboard, lining fibrous plaster, windows large window at front small windows on i two sides: wired for light end power. Location: Lot No. 1, JordanvUle, comer of marron. at. ana ueveiana Lot 2: Box Hill, rear of 28 M.

Lot 3: Preston, rear of krjwsr uoi rresion, rear of 135 Raglan Lot nciavNwnj, mores ray ourt, ai the end of row of shops; Lot 6: Dftcerlnt nn. 1t 17. roof corrugated calvanlsed Iron, wired for light and power, good; conaition. Locmon: maiastone, 144 Ba Marat Offers to our. chase all or any of the above shall be forwarded In a sealed envelope marked "Offer for Office Buildings' to the Supply Mana-teiford.

Chadstone. 3148. uners win ciose at noon on Mon ger, concrete House irofect. Ba day, 30th November. 1970.

BUILDING MATERIALS. laro ouantitiai. AH sliaa In Hardwood and Oregon. Baltic end Hardwood flooring. Good quality Weatherboards, Roofing iron.

Hot Water Services. Doors and Windows, Sinks and Cabinets, Bath Doors, Knockers. Cast Iron Posts, Plumbing supplies and many other Items. All available at Broadmeadows. alvage Yard, 221 Barry Campbellfleld (proceed along Sydney Road to 59 3900.

BUILDING material, demolition vara, 1344 Heatnerton Dan. denong. Open 6 days a week, 791 1675. A.H. 211 840S.

BUNQALOWS. PTY. LTD. All minent Accommodation for Immediate Delivery. Open Display Every Oav.

44 6126. A.H 717 3S1B. BUYER. Refined Lady ex periencea in Clearing nousenoia estates. Including china, ornaments, kitchen ware.

will call all dlrtrlct. Rlna I7S OU7. CALCULATORS, electronic latest mooeis, lease 9 weexiy. specialty Tvnewritert. A7 toes.

CAMERA, Baldessa, 35 witn leatner case, itgrrt meter, artrat: S30. SS 6BEE a CAR COVERS. BRAND NEW Next mm tning to a garage, vest range and cheapest In Vic. CAMPING A CANVAS CENTRE, 208 Chaptl St. Prahran.

51 2973. CAR RADIOS WANTED. TOP PKIt'ES PAID PRAHRAN CAD RADIO CENTRE isi commercial pranran. CARPET 3 rooms with brand new n. wiae oroaaioom, colors to choose from, for only S195.

This price Includes free measuring, making and laving on thick aided felt, with tackless smooth edge Installation. Eaiv terms avail. Room sizes should be approx. 13 12. 12 12.

12 9. If vour room sites are different, call or phone CARPET CITY for a free quote. See the largest ranee of top quality carpets In Australia at CARPET CITY PTY. 584 North Road, Ormond. 58 6351.

Also at 1279 Nepean Highway. Chel-tenham: 43" Nepean Highway. Frank st on. and 538 High Street. North eo te.

WE BUY BY. THE MILI, SO THAT YOU CAN 5 AVI ON EVERY YARD. BOILER ATTENDANT We require the services of a Boiler Attendant with Open Certificate to work our John Thompson Super Economic Boilers on rotating shifts. Good wages and conditions. Also superannuation after a qualifying period.

Please apply to: THE PERSONNEL MANAGER, WESTMINSTER CARPETS PTY. LTD. PRINCES HIGHWAY, DANDENONG, 3175. Phone 792 066L; fV-'v Vtf CARPI NTIRS TOOLS, full set for sai. i CARPET, patterned Axmlnsttr, oant toning i.

approx. 46 sq. vds. with fait, aa llftiwl. mm BSOQO KankrurM- mtvW 4tt 2262 4 JaJO.

CARAVAN. lutttbl. for iock or ouiiaer, pnon. 3467629 CARAVAN. lnk.


CASH orf CURTCekS. CAROebARD. CAR- Ji Jiees, Lowest prices ARCHERS. ogarty N. Melb.

garty Nth. Melt). 30 4220. cash DTK N. Mam.

30 422a: CASES, Packing TEA CHESTS, all vvsrtll firitn. TICKS. Fog arty SI, N. Melb. 30 2330.

REGISTER, National 999-99, tape, excell, condition: S275. Lang's Dress Materials, 63 7291. 7 Howiv Piars. Molhoiirn. CASH Registers Burwood Business rviacninn, apecanising new ana fully qua ran.

recond, units. iooiaij any 11 m. CASH Register, Item Iter, under Buir, rnuii mi, iddd. CASH -Register, good cond. tape, S150.

772 CEDAR SECRETAIRE. Phone Baa: CHAIRS, 4 saucer, padded covers; each. 232 1609. CLOTHING. TOP PRICES AT SAM nr ah cum utN i Mini.


465 Bur- wuw nui, ntmnuuii CLOTHES HOrst, Rotary 20. Phone COLONIAL DtNINGBOOM. cnatrs ana siaeooani, wiin oar, Also Carpet Square. 12 12, COMPLETE Home of Furniture fori aaie. Notning over a years oia.

s-nnnsr ya zbij. ran asBistr. CONTENTS of Mouse for sale, Susiuy, custom-maoe rurniture. -pee. Q.

Anne bedr. eulte, 5-st. 4suna ult. ma ale rilnlna suite, 2 coffee tables, telephone twiv, map wrow. Ming 01 CORRUGATED Iron, used, highest prices, spot casn.

Any quantity, any site, 20 sheets and more picked irp. Metal Salvage. 152 napier rmroy, ei eoos CONCRETE MIXERS, all new or fuiiy 3 and 3i c.t. avail, from es low as $49 plus ST. Also Petrol end Elec.

models, fully guar. MARTINS 317 drummend Cart ton. 1 mile from the city. Phone COTS. PUSHERS.

NURSERY PUft- NIIUNE, Al UIX-UUNI CHIl.CS. 124 Bridge Road, Richmond. Ooan Saturday mornfna. COT MATTRESS, Bounclnette. and nign very gooa oraer; $15 the lot, will separate.

21131X1. i i i COUNTERS, 6 ft. and 10 ft. Also ixtures, luiUDie ror oress materials. Lang's Dress Materials, 63 7291, 7 Howey Place, Mel- hnnrno CROQUET Set.

full sue. Apply DAINTY rnd. Mah. din. table.

4 sm. chairs. 80 4948. 1 DIAMOND Jewallerv. Old Gold.

Umii. lilt, (ill In t. DINING table, 4 cnairs, DUITet, teax venear osnisn aestgn. uu. Dble.

bed ttak base $100. Ph Nit 475 A.M. DINING SUITE, mahogany, lovely ouirex anu Taoie. anratuvw chairs, I mac. upholst.

and su-Derh S2S0. 85 3849. BiniNii taDie, 4 cnairs, SI 2' Wall Unit, from C14 Jtfl. Tables, all sizes, Includ oblong, oval and round, Ex trnilonc Ala ImoartsMl Sfkndlna. vlan designs In teak, oak or rosewoca.

Chairs to matcfi 1n many designs with covers as required. Call All Hours 93 4312. B2 Centre Dandenong Cheltenham. OINNER'SUIT plus Talis. London laiioreo.

liko ftvw. 6' tall. All for $45. pnone zo zzitB. DODGE, 660H.

fully recond. DIs trioutor; V4U. MCAnnur St. Albans. 396 2827.

DOZER, Marshall: $2500 cash. 92 4983. 96 4168. MALVERN DISPOSALS, 508434. DRUMMONDS PAY CASH lor An- tique silverware.

uia jiwnmg Plate. Diamonds. Rubles. Saoh-1res, Opals and Jewellery. 384 ftnnrUa St.

PhQM B.T 8725. DRUM Kit, as new. Must tell; ELECTRIC Stove with three hot Jlates, In perfect working condl-lon. WHI accept best offer. isicpnon wtr.

riwioiiwuw. 34 43Z4. ELECTRIC MOTORS. 1-3rd h.p, H- h.D.. 46.

82 1086. ELECT ROLUX Vac. In cartons. Special at $42.50. Trade Ins accepted, economic.

266 run- dsn Lana. G5 A200. ELNA Industrial, excell. cond, FENCING supplied from 85c per it. ieenesT; prices ror erecirons, 40) 7502.

A.H. 546 2602. PILING CAB. $20. Desk, $15 4 Jiju.

JD3 swan si. Imperfect sheets direct from the manufacturers at Melbourne's lowest prices. SAVAut mokc-nLACc iMnircTJiiFC ptv ltd. 100 Mason Newport. Phone ssi msa.

upen saturoay morn PILING CABINETS, NEW 4-UN1AYVBK, J-lKAWtri $38. Plus delivery. 79 BRIDGE nu.i nii.nMunu. ttnt rar unti-iual dailan wonn inspection. zuu.

-1 oorax. FIREWOOD. New deal Mr nn sioners, tu poies cut 9 ano irnainj, iu per ion. act free 702 2003. anw hour.

POODGUARD Deep Freeze, 9.7! c.i glass suae top, io trays. After 6.30 p.m. any day, 5204 Neerlm Road. Carneale. FORK-LIFT wanted.

Pneumatic tyres, any conainon. vnone 3il4 7ZBH. FREEZERS. Latest brand new mods. an maxes, ai sizes, irom o.

MAGNETICS BULK STORE. 96 Kaornino Rd. Carneafe. 5E0B848 suitable for mfltt bar, as a nop is oeing oemonsnea. FRIG.

Motor good. Doesnt freeze Si 3 UNO. 96 ZoZZ. FROCKS to tell In qusutltv, Manufacturer going out of busl ness. Phone 654 4116.





BUS. 81 A.H. RQ57 FURNITURE. Louis Bedroom Suite, mnnw. SJiua inaiirrji, inh ana spread; $175.

Period Style Firescreen: $25. 2, 2 -Stater Settees. $30 1 Standard Lamp. $20. 1 Queen Anne Sole.

Bed and Mat-tress; $20. Phone 58 5680. FURNITURE from various estates. ycrsvjirse aut oi ail NOUieMMd furnlshlnBs. Inquires welcome.

S. i. ALLlN SON. 53 8868. 443 Gtenhuntly Ehrternwlck.

FURNITURE for use on TV pro-" uui-iiuniv dcst. quality necoea, fnodern and, period. Pay cash. E.U i. FURNITUrte.

Lounges', kitchen tet- owroom sums, rectory seconds. To be sold befow cost. LITTLE BOURKE AUCTIONS. 188 Gertrude Fltlrov. 41 XAR7 tA HAT FURNITURE.

GAS STOVE, GAS rMiuuE. CARPETS, (Removal Rum QQ irin-7 FURNITURE. Antiques also large Palntlna. Ap. R7 fiftjfi 0RACE 560RS.

B-ARGAIN PRICES, XMAS STOCK CLEARANCE, Shon-solled doors, available at flve-ewav price. If yau are In he market, for ne-M door, this Is an opportunity not to be missed. Most doors have only slight rub merks or dents, which ere easily repairable. For further particulars, contect ROLL-A-DOOR PTY. 926 Mountain H'wav.

Bayiwettr 729 0241. A.H. 870015 GTrAGI Equipment. CRYPTON Morormaster, cam Angle Meter, power tuning light, volt amp. meter, compressor gauge, gas analyser, as new condition Cost $800.

Sell $350 or offer. Finance OARAGES, brick, Incl. cone. fW, door, spo'ut and'downDlpe. Plan and Permlti from $590.

Terms, jWMAN, Builders. GARAGE Jack, Apse. Truck or car. ai qizj. GAS APPLIANCES.

Reconditioned end Maw. Cookers from $29 $30 100 Space Heaters' from A. A P. CAKAO 72 Chaps I Windsor, 514818 GAS HWS, RtEEM, 20-GAL. PER FEOT ORDER.

41 4743L GAS STOVE. CHEF rMPERIAL, AS rnuvMiTPin. ai ataA. GOLP CLUBS, lady's, used twice vniy, rur. iuii sat, wooos, Irons.

A bargain at SI 05. Apply W. GREAVES, 32 Hoban wionimorancv. ua duj. GRADER.

Moore, S2500 cash. good. Half price. 232 2034. GUITARS, Canon.

Tempo, Suiukl, V.imi(u. S7fl OUfl. GUNS. 12G SKB mod. U-0 600 Ki.

Droao rib. S200. otntrs. 12G Ammo Super X. I.C.I.

Special S2 50. Pkt. Closing down sale. 423992. HCATEttS Super Convalr SI 8.

wonoerfteaic i o. bow aooa HEALTH Food Shop Unit, epprox. nign, 13- long, 4- 306 8651. HOOVER vacs, all models. Huge discounts at tne hoovir lin.

TRE. 266 Flinders Lane. 638200 UATVL Inrludlna 2 stainless steei unaer oar oorcre cabinets. 1 stainless steel bottle cabinet with glass chiller on 1 3 ft. 6 stainless steel glass1 chiller, dbie.

dowi s.s. smxs, 1 Single bowl S.S, Sink. 1 Kemac oil burner and boiler with u-geii copper unit n. 'w lrraoi 64 3278. I NSULWOOs.

PI BRFGLASS Sup- JACO lounge suite, velvet uph. jaco jn. laoi. a carvva oast chairs, pr. carvers, auto.

tray. 80 4946. "JCW EL. 197t." World's finest Stalnlesf Steel Razor Blades, direct to you from Sheffield. 39 cis.

ror a aaa postagei; 7 p. 1O0 Post. Insur. Free. (Trade In a trial Invttedi.

ANZ Ola. trrbutors, Box 424. P.O.. Potts ayoney. 4oni.

JUMBLE FAIR at Pres. Church, cnr. Mwain ana cvans Parkdale. 21st 3 KONlCA Auto S. Mnn.

Auto. 1.B lertS. 5SO UNO, B9 3915. LADDERS. 8-14 $15.

6 ft. steps. S6.9S. 42 3250. LAMINEX FORMICA.


94 LAMINEX 30 cents a sq. ft. Chlo-board. 20 rant. 42 HIO.

swan at. LAWN MOWERS, Qui lea it. sharp ai a razor, ea. ioys, LINTELS: "KALSTEttL." K. A.

Laird STEEL Ph. 314 4377. AH. 317 7863. LOUNGE SUITE.

AN UFAOT USERS. Unusual oil teak Club Suites, with all zip off covers. Arms changeable. Luxurious CKib Suites with padded arms, sprung edges, rubber or down-filled cushions, ttius suiitn in orocaiene. im Ac.

Latest oversaat deskma. A available for architect deafened homes Others from S120. CaH an nours, OJU. 92 Centre Dandenons Road, Cheltenham. LOUNGE SUITES DIRECT PROM rUIUKT BANKHUri ALE.




PHONE IN-! QUIRIE5. 489 2400 Or 439 2855 M. rvi xo r.Mi LOUNGE SUITE, luxurious floral tinen, j.piece ciuD stvle. 2-seater couch, featherdown xlpp-off kuiMiwiu, uiiiiidrrira cvno. Din gain: zsu.

os 3049. LOUNGE Suite, brown wall cdv- erra, 4, armcna rs ana two seater settes. two stools. $65 eir bete nftsv Ph. ml 1 mA LOUNGE Convertible Couch, 2 re timing cnairs.

green wool, matcn-I no coffer table- C2Q. 377 21 1 MASSAGE RS. Keep slim and fit In your own norm, nine ror so per MATTRESS Foam Rubber SB. 42 3230. 365 Swan Street.

MEOPTA Magnlfax ert larger. $40. MIRROR. English period Wall Mir ror, nana tarv iiowers. A bargain.

$160. Inqulr- MIIMASTER Sunbeam, good order a wnaiiton. u. laora-20 4567. MOTOR MOWED.

rnt BAnnir. io reai type, in pen. MOTOR MOWERS, as traded: from SIO. S3 9911. MOWER, VI eta 2 stroke, perfect, S30.

497 1432. MOWER, Flymo, pay only $99. MUSICAL Instruments Ampll rirrs. uemens, ies Ruseii St. City Phone 663 2286.

-i OFFICE FURNITURE FOR WtNTA-. Did you know that you can rent BRAND NEW office furniture at the following weekly rates. 5' dble. pedestal desk, 95 cents. 4' dble.

Pedestal desk. 84 cents. Executive chair, 44 cents. Typists chair, 33 cents. 4 rlr.

fHlna 78 cents. Just to mention few Items All payments fully tax de doc table. Soerlal de orer la Mnn allow. nee If you wish to purchase at any time. Arso.


51 S3ZZ. or i re new- a men cnairs, ruing, bioinm, BUDGEONS PTY. LTD. 132a and 79 BRIDGE RICHMOND, 42 6703, 42 5754 OFFICE FURNITURE, NEW, used. aesxs.

nung cans, the lakucj i RANGE IN MELBOURNE. ROSE 60-76 Moray South Melbourne. 69 3071. Open aaturoavs. 1 OFFICE Desks-end' Filing -aotneis, very reas.

price, tod can buy direct at J. T. WRIGHT or og Exnioiiion sirci 662 1685. i OFFICE TABLES and Swivel nairs, rrom so, MALV-DM nPmALV '08434 OIL FIRED WATER HEATER. 60 gallons.

$100. Dromana 72975. ORGAN 1 Only Demonstration model tamous welk with full automatic rhythm by THOMAS. New guarantee and flnace available. Priced at $2990 tot quKK uie.

Ring Ba7 oqjj A.H. 857 7429. ORGAN. Italian electronic "EKO" rviisiHKL new. aargain, -o.

arms. 29 5005 any time, or bus. 41 -RK1 ORGAN, electronic portable Bauer' siarmasier, ex stuaia. must sen saa. n.M.n A4R4.

OXY KIT. Near New. $85 546 0127 anvtimai PACK RACKS. AM Sizes. Rear of 54 Alexandra Parade, cnrton unt an atifii All brands.

In stock, white water pain, rrt-y U'coat. S2.50: White Uc. $2.85 end White Plastic, $3.20: 100s paint bargains. Large range oi wallpapers In stock. MODERN PAINTS AND WALLPAPERS, 346 Victoria Richmond.



EDWADO A Phone 24 4480 NOW for oblfga- tron-rrte inspection at s. rarra. PIANOS. BRAND, NIW rrom jyo SAVE HUNDREDS of DOLLARS on vvnoiesafe. netaii rronn, OROER DIRECT from IMPORTER J.

EDWARDS A SON, Expert PIANO CRAFTSMEN end DIRECT IMPORTERS. -Phon 24 4480. PIANO. Wert helm, full Iron frame. excellent tone, gooa wainut case.

A strong, robust piano, Ideal for beginner or student: S250, or buy on easy terms. BRASHS PIANO TRADE-IN MARKET, 155 Gladstone South Melbourne. 69 7281. PIANO, F.I. German, small oveiy case: sioo, o.n.o.

63 3727. 878 1307. PIANO RENT A BRAND NEW PIANO roR $2.50 PER WEEK No deposit, no Inter, est, no tying up ol monsy. Alt payments Credited you later decide to buy, Trade In your eld piano obtain a cash refund. Choose from brand new Lindner, Beale, Petrol, Ro-nlsch.

Llndahl. Welnbach. Yamade planoi SUTTONS 105 Elisabeth Street. Phone 60 1201. WANTID TO MIL TABLE, 12' excell.

COnd. two TAPE RECORDERS, mono ana) stereo, irom a. National, teac, Aiwa, Lincoln. Sharpes Thorn Ac. Cash lav by terms.

Brashs Bulk Gladstone Sth. Melbourne. 697281. TENT. IB 12.

tt.d. come, txc. order, so 4948. TELEVISIONS. 21-23-25 Inch.

New ana reconanionea irom seo. au famou brands, free ANT, free) del. Also a large range of ports at Melbourne's lowest prices. Cash lav by terms. BRASHS BULK STORE, Gladstone Sou Hi MlrwMirf-k CO 7541 TILES.

Caramk. mosake, fantastte varwiy, cosours ano types, peo-rock prices. Trade suerrlled. AR EE fn.ES, 354 UL BourKe 67 6221. -i I TIMBbRS $41.

ell types of demoli tion materials, aimpson TRAIN. SEV. Trlane, on ft ft. board, double gauge. Incl.

van pginxa, iikk aiawii. offer. 94 44. PORT-UPORT. TER to public.

SENSATIONALLY PRICED. Cave Manv BUY WITH COMFIOENCE PROM rns pet.iALr-T wnere eervice and spare parts are always avall-Me. FULLY GUARANTEED Personal service and satisfaction PACIFIC TYPEWRITERS, 272 SwlMin Amk Csit. TYPEWRITER SALE. 2000 wiacnines in stock an maxes, from $30.

Portable and Standards, rebuilt electric IBM Jc SA1E HIRE REPAIRS. SPECIALTY TYPEWRITERS. 1-92 Elgin Carlton. 3473064. 163 Lonsdale Dandenong.

792 2aoo. nPFM SAiianAV TYPEWRITERS. New end Used. runy guar, ideal xmas girts. $25, $30.

$40, $59. Trade-in welcome- Lay-bys now, PACIFIC TYPEWRITERS, 272 wans to TYPEWRITERS MM ELECTRIC to 50 p.c. Executive standard ball types. Lease from $3 weekly. Terms Sole Agents, SPECIALTY TYPEWRITER, Imperial.

key standard; S20. 50 5937. TYPEWRITER, Royal, late office) model; S60. 50 5937. TYPEWRITER, Remington, plastle keys; J30.

50 5937. VINYL TILES. 1st QUALITY. 51.50 SO. D.

COM ME RC AL. 2. 5fiO OO0.1 A rati WASHERS. Simpson, Hoover, wninpooi. latest brand new.

fully auto. 5yr. guar. Slashed b-fow cost. HEIDELBERG BULK APPLIANCES, 50 TfuJ WASHERS.

Hoovermatlc, twin tubs. orenu nsrw, lupcrieatD fully guar. Prices slashed for 69. HEIDELBERG BULK APPLIANCES, 50 The Mall, W. H'berf.

459 1588. WASHER, Slmpsomatlc, fluid drive, spm cry, late moo. price $99. 20 others, very cheap. RE LfANCE HOME APPLIANCES.

269 Swanston St, Melb. 663 3647. WASHER, Pope, semi auto, with neater, superseaea, tuny renewea and guar. Slashed to $89. HEIDELBERG BULK APPLIANCES.

50 The Mall, W. H'berg. 459 1S88. WASHERS. Simpson, Whirlpool.

noover, an top oranas. am slashed almost Price. MAGNETICS BULK STORE, 96 Koor-nana Carneale. 569 B848. WASHER.

Hoover Kevmatk, su- PTTseoea, run racrory warrantr. Slashed to $119. MAGNETICS BULK STORE. 96 Koornang Road. Carneale.

569 8848. WASHING MACHINE, Hoover, type; $17. WASHER, Maltevs. IlitO. 12.

$45, nun muR WEDDING GOWN. Nat uad. rrencn lace, sleeves and line, witn 4on thart trail. SSW. SS0.

69 1696 batwaan tt and S. WINDOWS, timber (3), 8 ft. re a 7 rt. ox9 n. ej In.

Reai. ofler. Rlna 99 223S. WINE Collectors' Bottle Chateau Margeaux. vintage i93 made In Francs; $150.

Inquiries. 20 2822, after 6.30 p.m. WOODEN Vats, large. 15. selected oregon, wans tnicx.

rnone nnmmm am i5 oski YAMAfd, safety stitch Overlocker comp. with bench, as new. bz rt3il. Radio, TV, Tape RtcoreWra AKAt. X150D tape deck, used once.

rerr. szoo. o.n.o. doe wood fatt Burwaad. ANTENNAS from handyman Kits, ss.25: Channel Master Antennas supplied and instance.

Free advice and Quotes. SKY BEAM. 646 Nicholson N. Fitiroy. 48 And 21 Scott 79 11046.

Unbeatable Prices, Top Services PRAHRAN CAR RADIO 192 commercial rrann ii 0951. All my saturaa' CAR RADIOS. New and Used. 1Z, SZO. 530, 540.

55Q 12 Months Guarantee. 24? Smith Fltxrov. 41 3BM. CAR RADIOS WANTED fc 1 TOP PRICES PAfO. PRAHRAN CAR RADIO CENTWE.

152 Commercial Prahran. CLEARANCE SALE, Antenna Kits, type iaa poTOoie a3U. 'Oscilloscopes from SI Car Whrp 16 ft. fold-up types. $4.50 Insulators, Valves.

Transformers, Chokes, Condensers. 2-way Low Band TCA Transceivers. $20; High- Band AW Transceivers, $60: Meters, all types, frequency meters, type 'signal. Generators, 221 from $40. Racks and Cabinets, an slses petrol, electric Generators, 12 volts.

ZO imp 300 watt, new, in carton, with spares; S70. Power supplies complete relays Inductances new TV cabinets all sixes from $6. Week days 10-5 p.m. Sat, until noon. 104 Hlghett Richmond 42 8136.

KRIESLER 21" Console, perf. con- omon. 4 cnanneis, sacrmce ac S40. 97 3239 will del. NATIONAL 11 R.F..

4 band, brand new; $73. 386345. PHILIPS Radio. ex. compi.

witn pniupa 3 speed record changer; $40, 7833 936S. PHILIPS Stereo1 Portable, twin speakers, near niaw; SS0.2321609 TAPE RECORDER, new, AKAI. 1 iu privately, owneo, tracks, stereophonic, full accessories. 3 tapes; $200. 24 4833, evenlna onlv.



WONE 489 4400. 489 2 855. 9 A.M.-9 P.M. TELEVISION SETS TO CLEAR. 23" BRAND NAME TVS.

NEW. ONLY $110. ALSO 25" AND 23 TVs. ASTOR. AWA.


INSPECT AT 284 9 A.H.-9 P.M, rELEVISION, Portable. 6 tn. One only Specially re- uuiu irom 44U TO 5109. RELIANCE HOME APPLIANCES. 269 Swa niton Malh.

KRXirqt TELEVISION SET. AWA. 3 mths. 'ii. usen; aus, opto.

Wit ntnn. Will d.llv.r. S3S. 21" lmm.c. C0n.

D.main. sa. 97 9239. frM del. THORN 25- TV.

Mlh or tak. er Book. TRANSISTdRS. Hub. ring, famous Dr.nn nw.

ai.inra simosc HEIDCLBERG SULK APPUANCIS. 50 Th Hall. W. H'btra. 459 18na.

TRANSISTORS. Hilt named wnran price. MAONSTICS BULK STORE. SS Kaarnitw Rri r.r- 569 S848. rv TV TV TV RENT $1.45 p.w.

Mm. period 12 months. your old TV. Stc. No dp.

Ph. 53 6003 or A.H. "2 1215. TVs, 11 12" 17 In. ports.

pous maxes, orana new. Slashed almost a price. HEIDEL- aii mooeis, rree eenaii, ifcence, service. Insurance, less than 29 cents a day. BRASH'S, 6B 72 St, WANTED TO BUY TVs.

17" brand new. latest famous makes. Slashed almost price. MAGNETICS BULK STORE. 98 Koor-nana rarrtMi.

tttto aaaa. TV. B.G.E.. V.G. per far nlr-tiiPB aa aa TV.

astor. excellent order: TELEVISIONS as repossessions as 25" TWIN SFcMKEJt lOWIOf PORMILf Ivfanufacturers, guarantee. As new. Way below cost. DISHWASHERS DISHMAID BANKRUPT DISPOSALS Sit CIMkuntlv IhNf wick.

ts tool WANTID TO SELL PIANOS from only S150. Expert Vliii. IJMINi EOWAKDS sun, pnone 24 44B0, PIANOS. fIANOS. PIANOS.

rnUM S73. Many to choose from, ell workshop checked, cash or easy terms. BRASHS PiANO TRADE-IN MARlfFT Hist Street. South Melbourne. 697281.

PANO SPECIAL If 'WE RTHEIM, fcr.uniui niwii oy injsi maKer, walnut case. Iron frame, over strung, lovely tone, excellent order. Bargain et S395. Cash or Ttrmi 1mm tl A uairTJ on CHESTRELLE 201-3 Collins St. Tal 1 TKOi PIANO.

Thurmer, Iron frame. oeautirui wainut case, not big, excellent tone, original condition. This Instrument has truly been cared for. a realty good buy at only S180 or 51 weekly. BKASrlJ PIANO TRAQi'lN MARKET.

155 ClariMAna South Melbourne. 69 7281. PIANO SPECIAL 1 1 THUAMER. nut -case, iron frame, gooV or der. Only SI 75.

Cash or Terms Ir5m. j50 weekly. ORCHES-TRELLE 201-9 Coil-AS St. PIANO, Iron frame, small, modern it i. wtt.tirni conaiiion, laeai for small room or flat: fust S225 or monthly repayments.

BRASHS PIANO TRADE-IN market. 155 Gladstone 1 rtMnw, maxe, ror ALLENS AliCTldNS 44-1 Glen- PIANO. Imported HohrterV elec tronic 5 octav, can be amplified teak, matching stool; $350. PIANOS, suit beginners. Accept SS montly, 91 Warrlgat Road, PIANO.

Genuine Mlgnon. Full bi. Perfect con. PIANO, horizontal grand, isvety instrument; 3400. PIANO, S6S.

Smalt German, I. UD. OS. 92 8911. PIANO.

I Irwt mlHrflA Rlno evening. 20 2317. PIANO. AUQutt htuttmr II lip. jqo, o.n.O.

5446014 Ring PIANO, famous Llpp, I. under- tubiti, iron frame: S90. Telephone 98 2882.1 PIANO l.f. underdamper, smaft, German: $80. 47 5299.

INEBOARD 20 cents sq. ft. 42 3230. 368 Swan St. 9.

au i too, 'tAyjR PIANO, SPECIAL 1 I a i kuuo, remous Imported model. Iron frame, rosewood lortiT xone, gooa oraer Present value S7Q5. telllna har. gain price $395. Cash or Terms rom $2 weekly.

Guaranteed. Coins 4t Tl att sd1 siturv. Electric model by Famous Maker, walnut case. Iron frame, tetest features, glorious $395. Cash or Terms from $2.5 weekly.

Guerenteed veari ORCHESTRELLE 201-3 Collin Tel. Al Utt PLAYER Pleno. Wert helm. Latest mooei. wainut.

es new Inside and out. Sell far 105 cash. 50 roH end stool. Free cartage. Inspect dey or evenlna.

Rlna 51 6366. all hour riATta riAwu. uooa conaition; PORT AG AS 4a cu. iuii wiatn rreezer. uooa oraer, Suit holiday home.

$70. elso 2 cu. fL, $60. Suit cum per. PUSHERS Cots.

Nursery ture. At discount prices. 124 DnuB eioao, Kionmona, Open aiuraay morning. QUEEN ANNE 34 Bed end Mattress, oood order: SIS. 2321609.

RECORD PLAYERS. mono and stereo from sio. HMV, Lincoln. Sony, AWA, Krlesler, Rolls, Cash lay by terms. BRASHS BULK STORE, 155 Gladstone St.



ALSO 100 RECONDITIONED FRIGS. $30 TO $60. Gen. sale. No gimmicks.

Apply 284 HIGH: NORTH-COTE. PHONE INQUIRIES Whouie, gigantic 2-dr. ul iiw-, uraim new, o-yr. guar. Slashed almost 'a price.

HEI-i Ma' H'berg. REFRIGERATION, commercial new -no rsjcono. cooirooms, Kecream cabinets, dell, display and ooen to" dairy caie. AO VANCEO 53 Bats AU eiS- KrHibtKAioN, westing house. seaieo unit, auar.

3 $69, many from $39. RE-LIANCE HOME APPLIANCES, 269 Swanston Melb. REFRIGERATOR. Kelvin a tor. 11 c.


RELIANCE nUME AITLIANLEX 409 SPRIGS Rrsnrl new I Irntt, irw current ano superseaea moos vasnma almost 'a price. MAO-NETICS BULK STORE, 96 Koqr- REFRIGERATOR. 3 door combina tion, aeep rreeze ana storage, bench tvDC. Grns Tath QhIiUp Private rsale. 39 Corrlffa REFRic.

Frlgfdalre, 10 c.r,. late muu, nuiTc iook. rvnewea. guar, antee. Slashed to S89.


Caravan. Flat or Office irprs. orano new. os. imaCi rEltk.S BULK alUKE, so KOOr- Cult Pla.

CR MALVERN DISPOSAL enA44 n.rniuERAiun. Lin. rosier c.t. how oraer, suit noixiay nome. S2S.

857 9894. REFRIC, 5 WORKING UKUtK! S24. 344 B2BB. S.T.C.. F.W.F..

GOOD ORDER: S35. 544 8280. nirniui. rn ua r.w.s.... FULLY RECOND: $75.

544 8286 REF KI GERATOR, FrTs ida I re," c.f. ROLLERS. 10 ft. 6 'lona. ram.

pieie witn oearings, sues from 10" diameter to Very oood rondltlon. Phnnn KH ft ma Howard, 18n. cut. reegs siignt attention; S80. ROTARY HOE 10-ln, 570.

SAFE. Or'lolnel. cost $250. Sell sioo. Plan cabinet, steel, six arawen, jell Burrows accounting machine, tabulating, 14" roller, two totals, dates.

4rc. To nine million dollars. Sell SI 20. Phone 277 8968 for lnoactlan hv aorolnftnnt. SAFE, good order, suitable for pistol ciud, Ac, 340.

Phone 63 50.50 hue. hr SAW, 1450 DE WALT, RADIAL ARM. 03 ZZ16. SCALES, Cash Register, Refrlge-1 raieo mnoow r-mre, stor-ao hkiw. Rlna 44 13XS.

SEWING Machine, hardly used. Oil AutO.t lSO. Z02307 SETvinb MAt-iiiiNt. aingr, port- aoie, eiect. si a.

as ipoi LINCOLN Seif-servke Gondola units ano components ror A Peg board Fittings'. Cash Drawers, LINCO SHOP FITTING COMPANY. S04 BRIDGE RICHMOND. 42 3969. SHOP FITTINGS.

NEW A USED. uispiay iases, ioinei, nacKi, wiiiiray aiaiiua, uuiiuui. w'iu. Card Displays, Striping and bi ai.Ki iwr gvicrauiicn airvi-vino- BUDGEONS PTY. 132A arrd 79 BRIDGE RICHMOND, 42 6703, 42 574.

SHOP FITTINGS, Pharmacy, count- en, snowcasvs, sonooiai, sneiv Ing, OjC. Must Urgent. Accept best offer. 47 1585; A.H., 45 3915. under end over.

niKKO. txceii. cono. ana case. Onlv S16S or attar.

19 Tennvion Hlghett. SHOTGUN. MlrOuka. brand new. never been used, under and over broad rib and new rasa.

Ol 21 BS. SKIS. SKIS SKIS. WMn-cic acLL-uui ur High quality skis, complete witn bindings, rrom $15. Hun' rlravli tn rhnnd Irrun.

AUSKI PTY. LTDj 9 Herd ware UatKniiHia 'sfT 141) STAINLESS, steel Trough and W7; auasaver, is from $28; SB Sink, $12; DB Sink $25: Hot water, aH brands, liss A3 p.c. King yo Mil upen at. STEAM PIPE AND BENDS. Good 3U rt.

4-a msui, 44444. STEEL windows Angles. Fiats, Rounds, Square. Plates, Window Sections and Tees. Alfred H.

WaH, 661 Sydney Brans wick, wpen morn, jo suwi. STEREO GRAMS. 3 olece modu- lars from $48 or new HMV, Sony. AWA, Krlesler. Rolls.

run-dig. Blau Punkt, Thorn. Will take trade In, cash lay by terms. BRASHS BULK STORE. 155 a Id tone South Melbourne.



41 4743. SURFBOARDS, Child's 8' Balsa and 10' Flbreglass. 20 2686. SWIMMING POOL. Clark.

18 4. De luxe, unused, 2 weet old inci. aou woven poiyinene cover. Cost new $430, sell lor $350. 87ft 6B2S.

TABLE, 3 2, 2 chairs, white laiiirnun, iuikoisj nai or nouoav house, good order; $20. 232 1609. Master How would you like to work with Australia's top MACHINE TOOLS building team in a wide variety of Interesting work Including NUMERICAL CONTROL MACHINING CENTRES, SPECIAL PURPOSE MACHINE TOOLS arid machine rebuilds. If you can think for yourself, like precision fitting and like to produce work you can be proud of, contact us now, we can offer you ob satisfaction, excellent wages and conditions and many fringe benefits. Close to public transport.

Phone: J. Murphy now or coll in person, Saturday 8-1 1 and Monday to Friday 8-4. MACSON ENGINEERING INDUSTRIES 392 Macaulay Rood, Kensington. Phone: 33 0281 CHRYSLER AUSTRALIA LTD. FORK LIFT DRIVERS Immediate employment is available for two experienced fork lift drivers for permanent day shift.

Drivers licence '5 Good overaward payments. 10 minutes from the City. Superannuation available. Discount on company products. For further information call or write.

The Employment Officer, CHRYSLER AUSTRALIA LIMITED Salmon Street, Port Melbourne, 3207. Telephone 64 0441. LINOTYPE MECHANIC Required by "The ige" 250 Spencer Street, Melbourne, 3000 Day Rale $78.90 per week Five weeks annual Pension Fund. Air Conditioned building. Telephone 60 0421, Extension 2237 for appointment for interview with Personnel Officer.

Kodak TESTING 5 ASSISTANTS FEMALE i Young women 20 to 35. years are required for interesting positions in the Densitometry Section of i our. Testing Department No experience. is required, but a reasonable dard of education is desirable. The positions offer, excellent working conditions, employe benefits.

Apply The Employment Officer, KODAK (Australasia) PTY. LTD. Elizabeth Street, Coburg, 350 1222. i IW0 YdPUJ GET Geigy CHIEF STOREMAN GEIGY, an International chemical company request applications for the appointment oi Storeman for the Dyes, Industrial Chemicals and Agricultural Chemicals Warehouse which is located at Clarke Street, South Melbourne (close to Clarendon Street). The Ideal applicant will be the man who Has had proven supervisory experience of warehouse staff.

Has organisational ability to deal with day to day problems relating to the receipt and despatch of goods. Has a current Forklift -Driver's Licence." Seeks permanent and rewarding em- Salary range Is attractive and we will negotiate with the right man. APPLICATIONS: For further details and appointment for personal interview please telephone Mr. A. OToole 69 2246.

GEIGY AUSTRALIA PTY. LIMITED Clarke Street, -South Melbourne, Vic. Free Uniform, including shirts and Overcoat, Free Travel, 1 Si-Weeks' Long Service Leave every 1 5 years, Liberal Cash Payments on Retirement, Death etc. Generous Fully Cumulative Sick Leave, Four Weeks' Annual Leave. VACANCIES SUBURBAN DEPOTS CONDUCTORS (18-50 years) CONDUCTRESSES (20-40 years) $3.10 increase offer 3 months' with further increases of $1.50 i after 1st and 2nd years' of service.

Rapid promotiort can give higher pay. Ability to read, write and speak English essential. Apply Employment Officer, Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board 616 Little Collins Street, Melbourne Of telephone 62 0291, extension 563.

The Age from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2024)
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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.