Aliens Vs. Predator: Absolute Annihilation | Murder Drones x Aliens Vs. Predator - Chapter 13 - Freshly_baked_cinnamon_rollz (2024)

Chapter Text

Ironclaw navigated the labyrinthine sewers with an ease born of experience. The air was thick with the stench of decay and stagnant water, the sounds of dripping echoing ominously through the tunnels. His bio-mask’s display scanned the surroundings, picking up heat signatures and detecting even the faintest movements. Every sense was on high alert.

“Ghost, where are you?” Ironclaw muttered, his deep, guttural voice barely audible over the ambient noise. He moved with stealthy precision, his eyes scanning for any sign of his missing comrade.

As he delved deeper into the sewer system, he came across a large chamber, its walls lined with the organic, black resin characteristic of a Xenomorph hive. The temperature dropped noticeably, and Ironclaw’s mandibles twitched in anticipation. His eyes fell on Ghost’s bio-mask, lying discarded on the floor.

Ironclaw’s gaze hardened, and he quickened his pace, drawn by the distant sound of roars and hissing. Turning a corner, he beheld a brutal scene: Ghost, surrounded by four Xenomorph Warriors, fighting for his life. Ghost’s mandibles clicked in a silent snarl, his blades flashing in the dim light as he moved with a deadly grace.

The Xenomorphs attacked in a coordinated frenzy, their sleek, black forms a blur of claws and teeth. Ghost parried and struck back with equal ferocity, his movements a testament to his skill and training. He ducked under a swiping claw, driving his spear into the chest of one Xenomorph. Acidic blood sprayed out, but Ghost twisted away just in time to avoid it.

Another Xenomorph lunged at Ghost from behind, its inner jaws snapping dangerously close to his neck. Ghost pivoted, his wrist blades slicing through the creature’s head in one swift motion. The Xenomorph collapsed in a heap, but the remaining two pressed the attack, their relentless assault showing no sign of slowing.

Ironclaw watched for a moment, assessing the situation before springing into action. He moved with lethal precision, his plasma caster firing at one of the Xenomorphs. The creature screeched in pain as the plasma bolt burned through its exoskeleton, but it didn’t go down easily. It turned its attention to Ironclaw, its hiss echoing through the chamber.

Ghost took advantage of the distraction, his blades carving through the second Xenomorph. He glanced at Ironclaw, their eyes meeting in a brief moment of mutual respect before returning to the battle. Ironclaw engaged the Xenomorph, their combat a blur of motion. He slashed with his wrist blades, his movements fluid and deadly. The Xenomorph retaliated, its claws raking across Ironclaw’s chest, but his armor absorbed the blow.

The last Xenomorph lunged at Ironclaw, its jaws wide open. Ghost, now free of his own opponents, noticed the creature and hurled his spear with deadly accuracy. The spear impaled the Xenomorph through the skull, its body twitching violently before going limp.

Ironclaw and Ghost stood amidst the carnage, their breaths heavy but steady. The chamber was silent except for the dripping of acid blood and the distant sounds of the sewers. Ironclaw approached Ghost, his eyes scanning for any injuries. “You fought well, brother.”

Ghost nodded, his mandibles clicking in acknowledgment. “We’re not done yet.”

Before Ironclaw could respond, a faint skittering sound reached his ears. He turned just in time to see a facehugger launching itself at him. Ghost reacted instantly, drawing a throwing blade and hurling it at the creature. The blade sliced through the facehugger mid-air, its body falling to the ground in two pieces.

Ironclaw nodded in gratitude, but their respite was short-lived. A deep, guttural roar echoed through the chamber, and a massive figure emerged from the shadows. A Praetorian, its towering form bristling with deadly intent, stalked towards them. Its exoskeleton was thicker and more heavily armored than the Warriors, and its claws gleamed with a lethal sharpness.

The Praetorian charged, its powerful legs propelling it forward with frightening speed. Ironclaw and Ghost sprang into action, their movements synchronized. The Praetorian swung its massive claws, narrowly missing Ironclaw as he rolled to the side. Ghost darted in, slashing at the creature’s legs with his wrist blades, but the Praetorian’s armor proved resilient.

The chamber echoed with the sounds of battle as the two Yautja fought the Praetorian. Ironclaw leapt onto the creature’s back, driving his blades into its thick hide. The Praetorian roared in fury, thrashing violently in an attempt to dislodge him. Ghost took the opportunity to attack from the front, his strikes aimed at the creature’s more vulnerable underbelly.

The Praetorian’s tail lashed out, catching Ghost across the chest and sending him sprawling. Ironclaw tightened his grip, his claws digging deeper into the creature’s flesh. He activated his plasma caster, firing a point-blank shot into the Praetorian’s back. The creature screamed in agony, its movements becoming more erratic.

Ghost recovered quickly, his eyes blazing with determination. He charged at the Praetorian, his blades flashing. Together, he and Ironclaw delivered a relentless assault, their strikes coordinated and precise. The Praetorian, despite its formidable strength and armor, began to falter under their combined onslaught.

With a final, powerful strike, Ironclaw drove his blade through the Praetorian’s skull, the creature’s roars abruptly silenced. The massive body crumpled to the ground, its blood sizzling as it pooled around them. Ironclaw and Ghost stood victorious, their breaths heavy and their bodies covered in acid burns and battle scars.

But their moment of triumph was fleeting. The sounds of more Xenomorphs approaching echoed through the chamber, their hisses and roars growing louder. Ironclaw and Ghost exchanged a grim look, their weapons at the ready.

“We need to move,” Ironclaw said, his voice a low growl.

Ghost nodded. “Agreed. Let’s find the others and regroup.”

They moved swiftly, their senses on high alert. The battle was far from over, but they were ready. Together, they would face whatever horrors awaited them in the depths of the sewers.

Uzi, Shadow, and Palms navigated the dimly lit corridors of the administration building, the air thick with tension. The ruined city above had been eerily silent, but down here, every creak and distant sound was amplified, setting their nerves on edge. Palms, despite the dire situation, couldn’t help but steal glances at Shadow, the imposing Yautja huntress who led the way with lethal grace.

“So, Shadow,” Palms said, his tone casual despite the circ*mstances, “do you come here often? Or is this just a special occasion?”

Shadow glanced back at him, her mandibles clicking in what might have been amusem*nt or annoyance. It was hard to tell with Yautja. “Focus on the mission, human,” she growled, her eyes narrowing. But the hint of a smirk lingered on her face.

Uzi rolled her optics, her attention sharp as they approached a set of double doors. “We’re getting close. I can feel it.”

They entered a large office area, the remnants of cubicles and overturned desks scattered across the floor. The sound of hushed voices reached their ears, and they quickly moved towards the source. Peeking around a corner, Uzi’s optics brightened as she saw V and Razor huddled in a nearby office.

“Dad!” V exclaimed, her optics voiding as she spotted Palms. She rushed forward, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug. “I thought I’d lost you.”

Palms returned the embrace, his expression softening. “I’m here, kiddo. We’re gonna get through this.”

Uzi watched the reunion with a mix of surprise and relief. V calling Palms ‘Dad’ caught her off guard, but the glare V shot her way made it clear that now was not the time for questions.

“Reunion’s over,” Shadow said, her voice low and urgent. “We need to move before—”

Her words were cut off by a sudden, piercing shriek. A Xenomorph lunged from the shadows, its claws outstretched, aiming straight for Uzi. She barely had time to react, her small frame giving her just enough agility to twist away from the creature’s grasp. The Xenomorph’s claws scraped her arm, but she managed to avoid being pinned.

Uzi’s eyes narrowed, and she tightened her grip on her Combi Stick. With a swift, fluid motion, she spun around, driving the weapon into the Xenomorph’s side. The creature screeched in pain, its acidic blood spraying across the floor. Uzi pressed her advantage, her movements a blur of deadly precision. She yanked the Combi Stick free and struck again, this time aiming for the creature’s head. The Xenomorph’s skull split open with a sickening crunch, its body collapsing to the ground.

Shadow watched, her eyes reflecting a mix of admiration and approval. “Well done, Uzi,” she said, stepping forward. She crouched beside the fallen Xenomorph, cutting off one of its fingers with a deft slice. Using the severed finger, she marked Uzi’s visor with the creature’s acidic blood. The acid sizzled and burned, but Uzi didn’t flinch. The mark, resembling a lightning bolt, stood out starkly against her glass visor.

“What’s that for?” Uzi asked, her voice tinged with curiosity and a hint of pride.

Shadow’s mandibles clicked in what might have been a smile. “A mark of honor. You have earned your place among us, Little Spear.”

Uzi’s optics brightened, but the name made her bristle. “Little Spear? Seriously?”

V burst into laughter, her optics twinkling with amusem*nt. “Even alien space hunters think you’re short, Uzi!”

Uzi shot her a withering glare but couldn’t suppress a small smile. “Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. I still killed it, didn’t I?”

Shadow nodded, her expression serious. “You did. And you should be proud.”

The moment of levity was brief. The sounds of more Xenomorphs approaching echoed through the corridors, a stark reminder of the danger they still faced.

“We need to move,” Razor said, his voice urgent. “The bugs are getting restless.”

Palms nodded, his grip tightening on his weapon. “Let’s stick together and regroup with the others. We’ll have a better chance if we fight as a team.”

Shadow led the way, her presence a reassuring force as they moved through the building. Uzi, her new mark a burning reminder of her achievement, felt a surge of determination. They had faced incredible odds and survived. Now, they just had to make it out alive.

Nori’s group huddled together in a dimly lit room, the atmosphere tense and heavy with despair. They had heard the distant sounds of battle, the screeches of Xenomorphs, and the occasional burst of gunfire. The realization that their situation was dire had settled in, and the group was grappling with the idea that they might be the last survivors.

Bear sat against a wall, cleaning his weapon with methodical precision. He looked up, his eyes hard and determined. “I don’t think Lucky is dead,” he said, his voice steady. “Hell, I’m not even sure he can die. The guy’s got a track record. We call him ‘Lucky’ for a reason.”

Jax leaned back, his arms crossed, a skeptical look on his face. “Yeah? And why’s that?”

Bear chuckled grimly. “Palms has been the sole survivor of more squads than I care to count. Every time, he’s the one who walks away. The rest of us get slaughtered, and he just…lucks out.”

Elara, pacing near the doorway, suddenly stopped and turned to the group. “Look, we’re sitting ducks here. I’ve got a plan. We say f*ck it and leave. I’ve got a ship not too far from here. We can make a run for it.”

Ryoko, who had been quietly brooding in the corner, shot up and glared at Elara. “You have a ship? And you didn’t mention this before? We’ve been sitting here, thinking we’re all going to die, and you had a way out this whole time?”

Elara raised her hands defensively. “Hey, it slipped my mind, okay? When face-f*cking parasites and seven-foot-tall, acid-bleeding aliens show up, you tend to forget things!”

Nori stepped forward, her optics blazing with determination. “I’m not leaving until I find my daughter. Nobody is going to that ship. If anyone tries to leave, I’ll blow their f*cking head off.”

Jax snorted, shaking his head. “Thanks for giving her a gun, Bear. You’re making us all feel real safe.”

Bear sighed, rubbing his temples. “Okay, everyone calm down. We need a plan that keeps us all alive, and we’re not leaving anyone behind if we can help it.” He looked around the room, meeting each person’s gaze. “Here’s the deal: We all take a gun and walk through this big-ass administration building. If we don’t find the others by the time we reach the door, we assume they’re dead, and we get the f*ck outta here. Agreed?”

There were murmurs of agreement, though the group’s mood remained somber.

Nori loaded her weapon, her robotic jaw set in determination. “I’m going to find my daughter,” she announced, her voice resolute.

Ryoko rolled her eyes, a hint of sarcasm in her tone. “Good luck with that.”

Bear stood up, readying his rifle. “Alright, let’s move out. Stay close, keep your eyes open, and for the love of all that’s holy, don’t split up.”

With that, the group prepared to venture into the unknown, the weight of their predicament hanging heavily over them. They knew the odds were against them, but they had no other choice but to fight their way through and hope that somehow, against all odds, they would find their missing comrades and make it out alive.

Aliens Vs. Predator: Absolute Annihilation | Murder Drones x Aliens Vs. Predator - Chapter 13 - Freshly_baked_cinnamon_rollz (2024)
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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.