Forged in Darkness - Chapter 11 - andoyuuri (2024)

Chapter Text

As the Gerudo lady led her protégée away from the chaotic scene, the tension began to dissipate. They walked through the labyrinthine corridors of the Gerudo Fortress, the desert woman’s presence provided a sense of safety and comfort to the poor captive bride. The flickering torches on the walls casted warm, dancing glow that seemed to soften the fortress's austere atmosphere.

"Thank you, Lady Riju," the princess said quietly, her voice filled with gratitude. "I don't know what I would have done without you."

Her Gerudo companion smiled, her green eyes sparkling with kindness and affection. "You can call me Riju," she replied warmly. "We're both leaders, after all. We should be on equal terms."

The Hylian royal felt a warm wave of comfort wash over her as their smiles met. There was an unspoken understanding between them, a sense of shared understanding and support that grew stronger with each passing moment. "Alright, Riju. You can just call me Zelda."

As they walked, the Gerudo politician began to share stories of her life in the desert. "You know, Zelda, "she began, “I've always loved the fine golden sands of Gerudo Desert. There's a certain beauty in its vastness, in the way the dunes shift and change with the wind, it signals a beautiful future ahead."

The captive princess listened intently, a sense of warmth, security, and profound happiness enveloping her. She felt as though she had stumbled upon a kindred spirit, someone who shared her own struggles and dreams. It was as if a heavy weight of sorrow and despair had been lifted from her shoulders, and nothing could ever shatter this moment of contentment and familiarity, not even Ganondorf himself. She replied her tone full of wonder: "It sounds beautiful. I haven't had much chance to appreciate the desert, given the circ*mstances. But I can see how it would have a unique charm."

The Gerudo elite's eyes sparkled with excitement: "Oh, it does! And one of my favourite things to do is to ride the sandseals. They glide over the dunes so gracefully. Have you ever ridden one?"

The captive bride shook her head, intrigued, yet her eyes gleamed with fascination: "No, I haven't. But it sounds wonderful!"

Riju grinned. "We'll have to change that. We're heading back to Gerudo Town on my favorite sandseal, Nara. You'll love her!"

As the duo exited the fortress, the vast expanse of the desert stretched out before them, bathed in the soft light of the setting sun. The golden hues of the sand seemed to glow, and a gentle breeze carried the scent of the desert to Zelda's senses, she felt as if she was on a beautiful journey, the world around her seemed colourful and brighter. The Gerudo woman led her to a large, sleek sandseal resting nearby. The creature was adorned with a pink bow on its main and beautifully decorated saddle, and its eyes gleamed with intelligence and friendliness.

"Zelda, meet Nara," the desert woman said, patting the sandseal's head affectionately. The cute animal nuzzled Riju's hand before turning her curious gaze to the soon-to-be Hylian queen.

"Hello, Nara," the crown princess greeted, her voice filled with wonder. She reached out tentatively, and the sandseal leaned into her touch, making a soft, contented noise.

The dark woman laughed softly. "I think she likes you. Here, let me help you up."

With her new companion’s assistance, the vessel of wisdom climbed on top of Nara's back, feeling a rush of happiness, her heart leaped with utter joy and excitement. The Gerudo politician hopped on behind her, her arms wrapping securely around the Hylian royal lady's waist.

"Hold on tight," desert woman instructed, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "Nara, let's go!"

With a joyful cry, the sandseal surged forward, gliding smoothly over the dunes. The wind whipped through Zelda's hair, and she couldn't help but laugh with delight. The desert flew past them in a blur of golden sand and soft, twilight colors. The sensation of riding the sandseal was exhilarating, and for the first time in what felt like forever, the captive soon-to-be bride felt a sense of freedom and joy.

As they rode, the princess’ new friend pointed out various landmarks, sharing stories and bits of Gerudo lore. The soon-to-be queen listened, her fascination growing with each tale. The bond between them grew stronger with every passing moment, For Zelda, it was like finding an oasis in the midst of a harsh and unforgiving landscape; a lifeline to hold onto in the face of loneliness and despair.

Finally, as the lights of Gerudo Town came into view, the Hylian maiden turned to look at her guardian, her eyes shining with gratitude and newfound affection. "Thank you, Riju," she said softly. "For everything."

the sweet Gerudo woman smiled, her eyes reflecting the same warmth and affection. "Anytime, Zelda. I'm glad, I feel like I have found a great friend in you princess, now shall we have some tea together?"

"Absolutely!" Beamed the crown princess, feeling her heart swelling with serenity and pleasure.

As Nara slowed to a stop at the edge of Gerudo Town, the soon-to-be queen felt a sense of hope and renewal.

Riju chuckled softly, her eyes reflecting a warm affection. "You are quite welcome, Zelda," she replied, her voice filled with a mix of joy and reassurance. "I'm glad we had this experience together. Riding on Nara is one of my favourite things to do in the desert. And being able to share that experience with you, well, it's quite special."

As they arrived at the entrance of Gerudo town, the heiress to the Hylian throne felt a wave of hope and renewed spirit. The town lay before them, its vibrant colours and architectural beauty illuminating the golden sky. As the royal duo arrived at the entrance of Gerudo Town, the evil king’s fiancée felt a wave of hope and renewed spirit. The town lay before them, its vibrant colours and architectural beauty illuminating the golden sky. The golden hour had cast its enchanting spell over the desert landscape, bathing everything in a warm, honeyed light. The sandstone walls of the town glowed with a rich, amber hue, and the shadows stretched long and soft across the ground. The air was filled with a gentle warmth, and the light breeze carried the faint scent of desert blooms. The sky above was a canvas of deepening gold and fiery orange, with streaks of pink and purple beginning to emerge. Every detail of the town, from the intricately carved archways to the colourful market stalls, seemed to be enhanced by the magical light of the golden hour, creating a scene of breathtaking beauty. Even when Zelda received glares and mean looks from the townsfolk, she didn't care, she felt secure in the hands of her new friend and no matter what life would throw at her she would confront it.

As they made their way through the bustling streets of Gerudo Town, Riju led her new friend to a secluded, rugged place on the outskirts. The golden light of the setting sun illuminated the area, casting a warm glow on the sparse, withered vegetation. The plants seemed to be struggling against the oppressive heat, their leaves curled and brittle. The garden, which must have once been lush and vibrant, now appeared to be a shadow of its former self.

the Gerudo politician glanced around the desolate garden, a look of sadness and frustration crossing her face. She turned to the crown princess with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry you have to see it like this," she said, her voice tinged with regret. "This was once a beautiful botanical garden, a place where the Gerudo cultivated rare and exotic plants. But now..." She gestured to the dying flora. "Ganondorf's mismanagement has brought it to ruin."

Zelda listened intently, her heart aching for the young leader and her people. She noticed the determination in her new friend’s eyes as she continued. "I would be a better ruler than he will ever be," the sweet dark lady declared, her voice firm. "But because he's a male, he got to be king. In our society, a woman has to prove herself in ways a man never does. No matter how capable she is, she's often seen as a second-class citizen."

The evil king’s soon to be bride nodded thoughtfully, feeling a mix of anger and sorrow for the injustices the kind dark leader and her people faced. The situation seemed paradoxical to her; the Gerudo society was entirely composed of women, yet they still faced such harsh gender biases. She wondered how such a situation could persist, but she chose not to voice her concern, sensing that Riju needed to express her feelings.

the red-haired woman sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. "I love my people and my home. I want to restore the glory of the Gerudo, but it's a constant struggle against these outdated traditions and the tyranny of Ganondorf."

Zelda placed a comforting hand on her new companion’s shoulder. "I believe in you, Riju. You have the strength and wisdom to bring about change. Don't give up. Maybe I can help, tell me more about the Gerudo politics."

The Gerudo girl smiled gratefully at her new friend’s reassurance. She took a moment to compose herself, then began to explain the intricacies of Gerudo politics. "Well, as you already know, our society is matrilineal. Power is passed down from mother to daughter, and for generations that rule has been peaceful and prosperous. But with the arrival of Ganondorf, everything changed." She spat his name, her expression hardening.

"Ganondorf has been manipulating the sacred laws to his own benefit. He claims to be the king because he's male, even though it's traditionally forbidden for a man to lead our tribe."

"What that's horrible!" Zelda exclaimed "But isn't there anyone to balance the power balance here? for example for us we have the council, each council man can go against the King's law or idea and if no one votes for his law or idea, then the king's idea will be rejected until we find a good idea for our people...what about the Gerudo is there some kind of political parties or anything like that? Or does Ganondorf has all power for himself?"

The dark-skinned politician sighed again, her frustration evident. "That's the problem. In theory, there should be a system of checks and balances, but Ganondorf has slowly taken control of every aspect. The elders, once the wise and respected voices of our tribe, are now either swayed by his lies or too afraid to oppose him. As for political parties, they used to exist, but Ganondorf has dismantled them, claiming that they only cause division and slow down decision-making. Now, he rules with an iron fist, and those who dare to speak out against him face severe consequences."

"I never imagined it could be like that...I am so sorry to hear that...I wish I could do something to help you!" lamented the captive princess, she felt powerless against Ganondorf's machination and evil plans.

the green-eyed desert lady smiled and caressed the soon-to-be Hylian queen’s hand affectionately: "oh but you can I just need you to say a few words to the council maybe you can help me restore glory to my people and help me repair everything!"

Zelda smiled happy to be able to help her new friend and overthrow her evil captor "I would love to!"

"Wonderful I am so happy to hear this! with the both of us we can bring both of our kingdoms to greatness!" she smiled and then asked, "would you like some tea, Zelda?"

"I would love to!" she replied utterly happy from the entire situation.

To her utter surprise her Gerudo companion poured milk and added some tea on top, the princess looked at the latter’s preparation sceptically; now, she liked tea with a bit of milk to make it pleasant, but she hated milk, she didn't like its taste. She took a sip anyway, and grimaced; the concoction prepared by the Gerudo politician made Ganondorf milk-free tea taste like heaven. "Is there something wrong with the tea, Zelda?" her new friend asked anxiously.

"Oh, no, not at all! it has a unique taste! Lovely!" the Hylian soon-to-be queen lied; her voice strained.

"I am glad! it was Link who taught me how to make it!" The desert lady beamed, blissfully unaware of the princess' struggle.

Zelda remembered Link, of course he would, he loved milk. She felt daggers piercing her heart at the mention of her deceased lover, she remembered his smiles, his contagious laughter, the way he supported her during her hardest times, the way he saved her and let her lean on him whenever she needed, he was her rock, her comfort, her hero, the love of her life. The princess felt tears burning in her eyes, making her vision blurry as she asked her voice breaking: "How do you know Link?"

Riju's expression softened, and a wistful look came over her face. "Link and I met when I was fourteen," she began, her voice gentle and nostalgic. "He was assisting me with political meetings, teaching me the ways of diplomacy and governance. He was so kind, so patient." She covered her face with her hands, and though she sobbed, there were no tears. "I... I admired him so much."

As they sat among the dead plants within the rugged garden, the golden hour casting long shadows and illuminating the landscape with a warm glow, Zelda's senses were heightened. She could feel the dry, hot air against her skin, smell the faint, dusty scent of the parched earth, and hear the gentle rustling of the dead leaves in the slight breeze. The sight of the withered plants around them was a stark reminder of the desolation brought by Ganondorf. She tasted the bitterness in her mouth, a reflection of the sorrow and unease that had settled in her heart.

The dark-skinned lady continued, her tone bordering on obsession. "Link was more than just a teacher. He was... he was everything to me. We shared so much." She looked at the blond maiden with a strange intensity, her voice almost a whisper. "He called me his desert red jewel, the only one in his life."

The vessel of wisdom felt a strange gut feeling, a mix of disbelief and jealousy. How could this be possible? Link was her lover, her fiancé. The confusion and shock made her heart race. She tried to steady her voice as she asked, "He said that to you?"

the Gerudo nodded, placing a hand on Zelda's arm and speaking very seriously, with an affectionate tone. "I understand how hard it must be to lose a childhood friend."

The Hylian princess breath caught in her throat. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. The world around her seemed to tilt, the golden light turning harsh and glaring. She felt the rough texture of the red-haired girl’s hand against hers, the heat of the sun on her skin, the bitter taste of the tea lingering on her tongue. The sound of Riju’s words echoed in her mind, each one a dagger to her heart.

“Riju, you’re mistaken,” Zelda said, her voice shaking. “Link loved me. He was going to marry me.”

The Gerudo chieftain's expression hardened. “He loved me too, Zelda. Maybe more than you know...more than you think.”

The blond-haired royal pulled her hand away, feeling a wave of nausea wash over her. The scent of the withered plants seemed overwhelming, and the golden hour, once beautiful, now felt oppressive. She couldn’t believe the situation she found herself in, caught between the past love she shared with Link and the possessive obsession of Riju. The silence between them was deafening, filled with unspoken tension and a brewing storm of emotions.

Zelda's mind reeled, the world around her blurring as she tried to process The other woman’s words. She felt a knot tighten in her stomach; her senses overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment. The sounds of the rustling withered flora faded to the background, replaced by the pounding of her own heartbeat. She took a deep breath, trying to find some semblance of clarity amidst the chaos of her emotions.

"Riju, I don't know what to say," She finally managed, her voice trembling. "This is all so confusing."

The Gerudo woman looked at her, a mix of desperation and sadness in her eyes. "I just wanted to share my story with you, Zelda. Maybe we can still find a way to make things right for both our people."

The crown princess nodded, though her mind was still in turmoil. She knew that she had to focus on the bigger picture, on helping Riju and the Gerudo people. But the revelation about Link had shaken her to her core, leaving her with more questions than answers.

Time seemed to stand still as a voice, all too familiar, echoed through the air, sending a shiver down her spine and filling her with a sense of fear, dread and despair...

“Riju,” Ganondorf says, from a few meters away. He's grinning, but his eyes were serious almost threatening, his tone seemed playful, but there was a sharp note lurking beneath. “I hope you're in a good mood today. It would be a shame if you've been lowering my fiancée's spirits with your usual pessimism, our wedding is drawing near, I wouldn't want to have anything spoiling it.”

Forged in Darkness - Chapter 11 - andoyuuri (2024)
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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.