The Republic from Meyersdale, Pennsylvania (2024)

MEYERSDALE REPUBLICAN Page Two Thursday, December 1, 1921. SALISBURY SIFTINGS. OOOOOOCXXIOOOOC neighboring Boroughs In Honor of House Guest. Miss Esther Render entertained with "500" on Saturday night at her home at the National Hotel, in honor of her house guest, Miss Virginia Bower of Cleveland, 0. The guests included Misses Esther Prickett, Helen and Harriet Stanton, Eva Miller, Marie Connor, Edna Render, Mabel Custer, Ethel and Viola Broadwater, Phyllis Morgan, Angela and Wilua Getty, Mr.

and Mrs. Allen Bender, Byron Maust, C. O. Keller, C. O.

Bender, T. O. Broadwater, D. W. Hershberger, W.

T. Kaufman and John Livengood Farewell Banquet. GOOD WILL This bank regards the -good will of its customers, built up through 32 years of successful service to Salisbury and vicinity, as among the most important of its assets. By conservative management and ready co-operation with customers it endeavors to deserve this esteem, and to develop it. It offers every banking service and, along with it, the security which Federal Reserve Membership brings.

First National Bank Of Salisbury, Elk Lick, Pa JOOOOOOOOOOOCCOOOOOOOC Greenville Township, Somerset County, Pennsyl vnnia, deceased, will expose to public sale on the premises, situate in Greenville Township, about three miles South of Sand Patch, Somerset County Pennsylvania, on Till RSn.VV, lOIiJ, At o'Cloek 1. the following- described real estate: lieiinniny at a stake, corner of lands of the said S. K. Hochstetler Estate J. i.

Arnold, and Noah Estate, thence by lands of the said Noah Lint Estate North (i ft y-three decrees thirty-three (33) minutes Hast two thousand one hundred fifty-five a ml ten un-d red lis feet to middle of a public road; thein'e through said public road leading- towards Wand Patch. North twenty-seven 'ZD decrees East six hundred twenty-three and eigiity-nine-hundredths (li23.SU) feet to point in said thence by lands of E. K. Hochstetler, North thirty-six (3i) degrees forty-two (Hi) West, crossing- creek three hundred eighty-eig lit and eighty-1 wo hundredths (3S.S2) feet to post; thence. South seventy-five eg roes fi teen minutes west one hundred seventeen and eighty eight hundredths (117.

Sis) feet to a post thence South seventy-t wo (72 deg rees three (3 minutes West two hundred seventy -five and sixty-three (275. Gil) hundredths feet to a post at corner of private cemetery thence along said eemeterv find lands of Mrs. S. Hochstetler. North thirty-two (32) degrees thirty-five minutes West four hundred sixty-nine and five hundredths (409.05) feet to a locust; thence North six (6) degrees fifty-nine (i9) minutes west west by lands of Mrs.

J. S. Hochstetler, eight hundred eighty-eight and thirty-seven hundredths (88S.37) feet lo stump; thence North sixty-five (65) degrees forty-nine (49) minutes east seventy-two and fifty-six hundredths (72.56) feet to a post at public road; thence through said public road and by lands of Mrs. J. S.

Hochstetler North ten (10) degrees four (4) minutes West six hundred thirty-six and thirty hundredths (636.30) feet to a white oak at side of said public road; thence South forty-four (44) degrees fifty-three (53) minutes West two hundred sixty-nine and forty-nine (269.49) hundredths feet to a white oak; thence North seventy (70) degrees ten (10) minutes West three hundred thirty-five and sixty-six hundredths (335.66) feet to post at stones by lands of Mrs. U. S. Hochstetler, thence bv lands of the same South eighteen (18) degrees thirty-six (36) minutes west eig-ht hundred seventy-three and three-corner, thence bv same North seventy-six (76) degrees eight (8) minutes West, three hundred sixty-six and sixty-one hundredths (366.61) feet to a stone corner of Wilson A. Miller; thence by land of the said Wilson A.

Miller and J. D. Arnold, South twelve (12) decrees fifty-four (54) minutes West two thousand six hundred seventy-one and ten -hundredths (2671.10) feet to a beech; thence Soith hundredths (S73.03) feet to stone twenty-three (23) degrees, eleven (11) minutes East two hundred forty-three and fiftv-three hundredths (243.53) feet TERMS OF SALE: 10 per cent of purchase money to -be paid in cash on day of sale: One-half of the balance of the purchase money on confirmation of sale and delivery of deed: Remainder of the purchase money to be paid within one year, secured by mortgage, with accompanying bond, to a maple; thence still by lands of Hochstetler, October, 192 Toeing a tract of real estate of which said J. D. Arnold, South sixty-five (65) degrees nineteen (19) minutes East nine hundred seventy-two and thirty-six-hundredths (972.36) feet to the place of beginning, containing 153.906 acres, as surveyed by Eugene C.

said S. K. Hochstetler died seized, and being part of the same tract of land conveyed to the said S. K. Hochstetler, in his lifetime, bv E.

K. Hochstetler, Executor of L-ydia Hochstetler, deceased. PERSONAL pitoprcirrvt There will he exposed to sale, at the I same time and place, by the undersign- ed Executors, the following personal I property: 1 I lay Mare, 10 years old, 1 black mare. 10 years old. 1 roan colt, 2 years old.

5 milk cows, (4 that will he fresh ca 2 spring calves, 3 shnnts. 1 set work harness, 2 sets spring wag-on harness. 1 saddle. 1 set housing. 1 two-horse wagon.

1 low farm wagon with ladders. 1 3 -seat spring wagon, 1 buggy. 1 Deering pony binder, 1 Peering "mower, 1 hay rake, 1 Crown drill, 1 2-way riding plow, 2 walking1 plows. 1 hill-side plow, 1 single shovel plow, 1 hay tedder. 1 bob sled.

1 lot log chains, tie chains, 1 grain cradle, 1 lot shovels, forks, bars. 1 lilue Hell cream separator. 2 iron kettles. 1 copper kettle. 1 meat tub, 1 fanning mill, 1 harrow.

1 corn planter, 1 corn shelter, 1 larue tub. 1 sot wire fence stretchers. 1 sleigh. 1 lot wagon wheels. 1 buggy pole.

1 lot iron, 4 hog scaffolds. 1 sausage grinder, hay by the ton. straw by the ton. oats by the bushel, whea by the bushel, corn by the barrel. 1 cupboard, 1.

coal box. 1 heating stove. 1 cook stove, 2 churns. 1 bedstead. 1 pair springs.

1 sewing machine. Together with other articles of personal properly too numerous to mention. TERMS OP SALE FOR PERSONALTY: All purchases amounting to GLENCOE ECHOES. School Eiitertulnment. GLENCOE, Nov.

29. A successful entertainment and box 'social was held in the new school house near Glencoe last Saturday evening in spite of the inclement weather. The entertainment, given by the pupils, was a success and the boxes donated by the ladies brought fair prices, the proceeds amounting over $11. A part of the time was spent' in spelling, Wm. Broadwater and Mrs.

Allen Bittner being the -champion spellers. School ThankNglvIng- Trent, The pupils of the Southampton school enjoyed a special treat on Thanksgiving day when the children brought hue baskets of 'goodies with them and a big Thanksgiving dinner was spread for all present. The teacher. Hazel conducted a marsh-mallow toast, to the delight of the children. ie Roddy school, taught by Thelma Mi Her, was invited to attend, and enjoyed the occasion also.

Communion Services. The Holy Communion was observed at the While Oak Reformed church last Sunday. Bad weather and bad roads interfered with the attendance. The offering for benevolence was $19.66. Communio the Glencoe Sunday pre day and Fri, tory serviecv ceding.

All services will be held in Reformed church next i i ce -iy evenings, and prepara-on Saturday evening pre-nembers are urged to be present. (liialined to Teach. Mildred spent Saturday al Somerset wli- re she successfully passed the teachers examination to qualify her for teaeliing school. Minor Mention. rs.

be i Rail pa oh and Cumberland were visitors family of at John ulso 11. J- Leydig's ov Leydig of II Rev. Mill! the weekend; ud man. spent several days last his week about White Oak, among parishioners Margaret the guest ot nag-py of Meyersdale was Ida 1 1 ossel roae over Sun day. Mrs.

P. W. Shipley of Councils villi is spending some time with her patents, Mr. aand Mrs. Win.

Hosselrode and Mrs. H. D. Altfather. The heavy rainfall over Sunday caused the streams to be much swollen and washed the roads con siderably.

Alfred Brnudwator and Wm. Broad water made business trips to Meyers dale on Monday. Grandfather DeLozier was a guest of G. DeLozier over Sunday Norman Poorbaugh of Hyndman spent Thanksgiving at Frank Miller's and helned to slaughter three of Frank's big hogs, but the "chicken eater" escaped. Mrs.

Cora Leydig spent Saturday in Cumberland. Mabel Poorbaugh, who is teaching near S'toyestown spent Thanksgiving at the home of her parents. Mrs. Arthur Bittner of Cumberland was a visitor at John Leydig's during the past week. Mr.

and Mrs. T. D. Leydig spent Thanksgiving in Cumberland with their daughters. Fred Delozier, Mrs.

Harry Beachy and Miss Davis were Cumberland visitors last week. Rev. W. H. Miller will preach at Mt.

Lebanon on Sunday at 2 P. The Brushcreek school will have a Christmas entertainment, Saturday evening, Dec. 24. SIPPLEVILLE SWIPES, School Hiitertiilnment. SIPPLEVILLE, Nov.

28. Prof Wm A. Hay, teacher of the Sand Spring school, had a Thanksgiving entertainment Thursday afternoon and evening A number of the patrons turned out to show their appreciation of the good work he is doing. Ivi I led ii (imy Fox. Evans Pugh, Conway Buzzard, John Burgess and a friend from Johnstown, who were 'old neighbors of Mr.

and Mrs. Wm. Keer. while they lived in Johnstown, were here as their guests for a few days during the hunting season, and had a good time, and bagged some game, but r. Keer pulled one over on them by killing a nice gray fox which he is quite proud of.

Minor Mention. Mrs. Samuel Hoffmeyer and daughter, Mrs. Chafr. L.

Yutzy, visited Mrs. Frank Hoffmeyer and Lloyd Engle's last Saturday. Mrs. Chas. L.

Yutzy of Cumberland and her three youngest daughters, visited her mother. rs. Samuel Hoffmeyer, and other friends, over Thanksgiving. Mrs. Lester Sipple of Johnstown and John Di vely of Berlin are guests of Henry Sipple's.

George and Harold Sipple's spent Thanksgiving day with H. L. Fike's. Mr. and Mrs.

Harry Yog man of Cumberland spent Thanksgiving whit Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Yogtman. Thomas Klink moved from the Meyers farm to town.

Wm. liaer and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Albright toik Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs.

Wm. Keer. Sheldon loehstet ler. who had been making his home with Perry P.urk-holder fr some time. has secured work at lierlin.

Perry Maust and il spent Sun day wit brut her, Howard, at St Paul. AVhy Mr. Joe Arnislnnig, CVIehrated Hog Trainer, Uses Hat-Snap. "Noticed rats around my kennels, having hundreds of prize dogs, couldn't take chances. Tried RAT-SNAP; in three weeks every rat disappeared.

that the dogs never went near RAT-SXAP. I tell my friends about RAT-SNAP." Use this sure rodent exterminator, it's safe. Comes in cake form. Three sizes, 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by Collins Drug Store, Meyersdale and Berlin, Pa.

Adv. NOTICE. We have good quality, rough coal for sale for domestic use, at our mines on the Sullivan Farm near Elk Lick, Pa. Price 10 cents per hushel at the mine. Your patronage will be appreciated.

SULLIVAN COAL COMPANY. Read Tho Republican. DID PAIN DISTURB YOUR SLEEP? THE pain and torture of rheumatism can be quickly relieved by an application of Sloan's Liniment. It brings warmth, ease and comfort and lets you sleep soundly. Always have a bottle handy and apply when you feel the first twinge.

penetrates without rubbing. It's splendid to take the pain out of tired, aching muscles, sprains and 6trains, stiff joints, and lame backs. For forty years pain's enemy. Ask your neighbor. At all druggists 35c, 70c, $1.40.

Liniment fPamsl enemv Miscellaneous Shower. ELK LICK, Nov. 30. On Wednesday evening before Thanksgiving, a miscellaneous shower was given to Mr. and Mrs.

W. Showalter by members of W. C. T. U.

and others. Many useful household articles were received and the party was a pleasant one. Those present were: Mesdames Henry Patton, Fred Harris, V. E. Baum-gardner, Herbert Hya'tt, S.

O. Newman, Arohie Cochrane, Sam Diehl, T. E. Paul, L. L.

Beachy, Jack Beachy, Lawrence Folk, Earl Cochran, James, Herbert Smalley, William Darr, Michael Harding, Lottie Fate, Ellen Patton, Sarah Howell, John Rodamer, William Cochrane, William Alexander, William Showalter, William Garlitz, G. W. Showalter; Misses Ellen Bath, Lulu Baumgardner, Ellen Showalter, Frances Showalter, Gertrude Showalter, Gar- Evallne Fate R'uby Fate, Maciaine Harding, Helen Harding, (one on Deer Hunt. A party of men left Tuesday morning' fur Center County, where they will encamp for two weeks of deer hunting. Those from Salisbury who help to make up the party are: Joseph L-eitii, Bert Statler, Krnest Bloeher, Herbert Wagner, Karl Ringler, Calvin lihigle and David Glotfelty.

Sig'tiH tf Christmas. The Christmas spirit is being felt and manifested in the town and community. Already the stores are s'howing Christ-mas goods and the churches of 'the town are working on their Christmas programs. Arranging for Ita.anr. The Ladies of the Reformed are arranging tor a bazaar and supper to be held Friday and Saturday, December and 3.

The bazaar will be open during the afternoon and evening of both days and will display for sale fancy work, aprons, notions, candy, eLc. This will be a good chance to do your Christmas shopping. On Saturday evening a Dutch supper will be served. yee uiu Course. A Lyceum course is being arranged for the town.

Tickets are now on sale, and the nrst number will be given on Thursday evening, December 1, a lecture by Mr. Frank Dixon. The latter is a well known speaker, and an entertaining and beneficial message is anticipated. Minor Mention, Mrs. J.

L. 'Parch us and Miss Km ma McClure are spending several weeks in Pittsburg and MeKeesport. Clewell Statler of made a Saturday and Sunday visit with his parents. Mr. and Mrs.

Emanuel Statler. Harry Ringler came home from Pittsburg to spend Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ringler. Roy Folk and Myron Maust motored to S'cottdale on Thanksgiving Day.

Ernest Maust returned from Carnegie "Tech" at Pittsburg on "Wednesday 'to spend Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Maust.

Miss Elizabeth Johnston, who is attending school at West Virginia University, Morgantown, came home to spend the Thanksgiving vacation with her parents, and Mrs. R. H. Johnston. Mr.

aand Mrs. Robert Deist and Mr. and Mrs. Shrader took dinner on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Deist of near Springs. Miss Elma Wagner of Pittsburg spent Thanksgiving with relatives in town. SPRINGS ABLINGS. Itinen Shower. SPRINGS, Nov.

30. A linen shower was given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shoemaker who had come here from Scottdaie to spend Thanksgiving and visit a few days. It was at the W.

Bender home. A large lot of most valuable presents were received and refreshments consisting of chicken sandwiches, coffee, cake and icecream were served. There were church serv ices which Mr. and Mrs. Shoemaker attended.

On returning to the 'house after the services they found 'these guests present: Mesdames Susan Lorena Reitz, Mary Davis. Hannah Miller, Elva Kolb, Lura Folk, Luemma Otto, Lizzie Stevanus, Sarah Yoder, Orace Miller, Ada Livengood, Annie Miller, liertha Bittinger, Minnie Lohr; Mr. and Mrs. Will Gnagey, Misses Annie L. Miller.

Emma, Annie and Marie TSender. Edith Lichliter, Delia Maust. Florence and Blanche Hay, Mary Hay, Florence and Mabel Bittinger, Savanna and Ruth Miller, Cora Otto, Anna Coughenour, Christena Beachy and Twila Gelnet. Minor Mention. Christian Peachy Samuel Cleaver, Henry Hartman, Russell Mumavv and Ralph Bender spent Thanksgiving with friends here, some remaining to visit till Monday.

EU Hershberger from 1 la rr on vale was visiting his brother-in-law and sister. r. and rs. C. H.

King, and other relatives here for several days. NomIi E. Miller left on Monday morning to lie engaged about two weeks in Bible conference work. His first stop will lie at 'the Slat Hill church in Eastern Pennsyl van la. Born, to Mr.

and Mrs. Olen Bender, a son, Nov. 23. 1 1 is I rand pa, Simon S. Miller, said they talked of giving him a bible name, but Lot sounded too salty, so a name lias not been decided on.

Miss Ruth Miller and X. Maust attended the teachers' conference at Grantsville on Monday. Kd Maust, who has been on the sick list for about two weeks, is still unable to work. This, Wednesday morning, 'they took him to the 'hospital. Jonas D.

Voder has put up a shoe re-pah shop in Springs and is kept quite busy and Orville is preparing to open a barber shop in t-he near future. POCAHONTAS NEWS. Married at SaliNhury. POCAHONTAS. Nov.

2S. Mary Baer. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.

W. Baer. and Robert Hochstetler, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hochstetler of this place, were united in marriaqe at the Lutheran parsonage in Sal isbury, by Rev.

J. M. Rearick, on Wednesday evening, Nov. 9. Chili Organized.

The young people of this place have organized a club, known as the Knights of Paradise, to improve their idle time this winter. Tt is prospering nicely and has a fine membership already. 31 i nor Mention. Marshall and Tra Miller were working at Somerfield and returned home on account of no work. Henry and Ray Shockey were to Accident and Addison last week and purchased a fine bunch of feeder cattle.

Hunting rabbits and squirrels is the order of the day. Mrs. John Arklie and Mrs. Irvin Shockey spent the weekend in Boswell, visiting relatives. Irvin Shockey, Henry Shockey and Wilson Miller were at Somerset on Friday, attending the supervisors' con vention.

W. Miller. "William Baer and Owen Baer each purchased a Savage rifle to hunt deer. The Grange of this place Is prospering nicely with a few new (members. Church services at Greenville, Sunday.

Dec. 4. at 10:30 a. m. Sunday school, 9:30.

SUNSHINE. I will have another carload of apples next week in hush el baskets, mostly Baldwins, at $2.75 per bn. C. A. PHILLIPS.

GRANTSVILLE GRIST. Stanton-nender 'Weddlnir. GBANTSVILLE, Nov. 29. A very Impressive wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. W. E. Stanton on Thanksgiving Day at 4 o'clock, the contracting parties being their eldest daughter, Miss Mary Virginia, and Byron H. Bender, son of County Commissioner J.

H. Bender of Springs, Pa. ceremony was performed in the Stanton parlor under a beautiful marriage bell, the corner of the room being beautifully decorated with flowers and ferns. Rev. S.

E. Lobaeh, the bride's pastor, performed the ceremony. The bride was very beautiful In a traveling suit of dark brown maussyne and carried bride's roses. Miss Esther Prickett of Gettysburg, a school girl friend of the bride was the britle'smaid and looked very charming in blue charmeuse. She also carried roses.

The groom was attended by Allen A. Miller of lleyersdale. Miss Raehael Holmes presided at the pi.ino, rendering the L.ohengrin wedding march with exquisite effect. Mrs. Allen Render, a younger sister of the bride, sang in hor rich, clear soprano, just before the ceremony.

Her gown was of black velvet. A younger sister. Miss Helen, was gowned in blue canton crepe, embroidered. After the ceremony a buffet luncheon wns served. The sruests included onlv the immediate relatives of the happy couple and 11 few person-I al friends, namely: J.

H. Render and son Herman, father and brother of the groom: Rev. Loliach and mot'iur. Mrs Allen Bender, Miss rentier, Harriet Stanton. Mrs.

Harriet Stanton. grandmother of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. J. R.

Cnagey. Mrs. Ressie Durst. Miss Christine Winterberg. Miss Gertie Hone, Miss Rachael Holmes.

Miss Carolyn Wallace, Mrs. S. R. Getty, and I the bridal party. The happy couple spent several days at the bride's parental home, after which they began house-keeping on North street, Meyersdale, -where Mr.

Bender holds a responsible position with the Economy Telephone Co. He is a young man of ability, character and pleasing personality. The bride was for several years assistant cashier at the First National Hank of Grnts-ville. She had been a student at Hood College, Frederick. and is beloved by all who know her, being decidedly attractive and possessed ot a sweet winsomeness that has won imany friends.

The happy couple received some very beautiful and practical gifts. Informal Reception. Dr. and Mrs. R.

C. Bowen entertain ed about forty-five of their friends at an informal reception on Thursday night, at their home. Games ana con servatlon made the evening pass pleasantly. Refreshments of a delicious nature were served. Entertained Little Friends.

Misses Jane and Ella Bowen entertained some of their little girl friends on Friday afternoon at their home. The guests included Misses Ethel and Elnior Miller, Evelyn Swauger, Mabel and Evelyn Younkin, Ruby Dahlgren, Mary Martha Miller, Iva Klotz, Dorothy Edwards, Helen Swauger and Klara Kinsinger. Refreshments were served. DR. FAHRNEY Hagerstown, Maryland DIAGNOSTICIAN The Dr.

Fahmeys have been practicing medicine and hare made a specialty of chronic diseases for over 100 years. I am working only with chronic diseases -bad kinds difficult cases and I diagnose your case before I treat you. If you have a trouble or weakuess or deformity, write to me and 111 study your cass and give satisfaction. i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 null lit -Classified and Business Directory Willi 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 I Justice of the Peace D. A.

FIjOTO, Justice of the Peace and Real Estate. Economy Phone. 143 Centre St. MEYERSDAliE, PA. Veterinarians DR.

J. H. COLtFLESH, Veterinarian, Bank Block CONFLUENCE, PA. Attomeys-at-Law P. G.

CODER Attorney-at-Liaw, SOMERSET, PA. Office Opposite Court House First Floor. Real Estate and Insurance wir. B. COOK SON, Fire, Steam Boiler and Plate Glass INSURANCE Agents Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.

Center St. Meyersdale, Pa. F. A. BITTNER, Agent for New York Life Insurance Co.

210 North Street 77-tf. MEYERSDALE, PA. Funeral Directors WILLIAM C. PRICE FUNERAL DIRECTOR Successor to W. A.

Clarke Business conducted at the same place. Prompt attention given to all calls at all times. Both phones. E. LAMAR HOKE, Piano Technician regulating, repairing of all kinds of planoo, or organs, efficiently done.

Leave orders at Baldwin's Musio Store or office of Dr. Hoke. Economy Phone. Graduate Auctioneer J. L.

KENDALL At your service for crying sales. Address: R. D. 2, Sand Patch, Pa-Somerset Phone: Meyersdale 21S i 1 This will fix my cold I ALWAYS keep Dr. King's New Discovery handy.

It breaks up hard, stubborn colds and stops the paroxysms of coughing. No harmful drugs, but just good medicine. All druggists, 60c. New Discovery For Colds and Couphs jniiriiMnfiiiiTBaroMW'wiwiuiiirfjMi Stubborn Howeis Leaving the bowels unmoved results in health destruction. Let the gently stimulating Dr.

King's Pills bring to you a regular, normal bowel functioning. 25 cents. All druggists. PROMPT! WONT GS.TPE r. Kings Pills MOUNTAIN VALLEY.

SIT. VALLKY, Southampton. Sov. 2S. Butchering; and plowing are thf order of the day.

Mrs. J. R. Rinker was called to Cum-iM'i'land on account of the death of her mother, who has heen an invalid for several years. Harry Hosselrode cautrht a Hiav fox one day last week.

I II. I. Troutnian made a business Irip to Somerset, Friday. Airs. Jonas Tressler and children loft Mt.


All cases must call for personal and physical examination on day above mentioned, and under no circ*mstances are Incurables (people who cannot be helped or benefited) accepted or placed under treatment. Positively the most successful TREATMENTS known are given. All chronic diseases of men, women and children are treated. If sick, ailing or anything Is suspected wrong; no man or woman should fail to consult this famous SPECIALIST. Do not listen to operations and have your life endangered by lance, knife or needle before consulting this Specialist.

It matters not what the ill may be; it matters not what discouraging reports may have been made from any source; it matters not If other specialists have failed and you have been told you are incurable. You owe it to yourself and your family to see this successful specialist, who has been doing such wonderful good throughout the State (and his offices is crowded with sick whenever he visits) and if there is the finest thread upon which to hang hope, you will find hope with the HOME TREATMENT (if the doctor decides he can accept your case) that will lead to health, contentment and happiness. Minors must bring parents, and ladies a companion when calling. Ask the clerk at the hotel for doctor when calling. HOURS 9 A.

M. TO 5 P. M. ONLY AT COLONIAL HOTEL, MEYERSDALE THURSDAY, EACH WEEK. mtaszssse, Mm mm Bay "fKrrnj Xmas1 untlt a pijntngraplj 1SJ1 your Christmas list quickly with photographs and you will be sure of giving just the right thing.

Photographs are gifts you can easily afford and family and friends will always treasure them. Conrad Studio MEYEUSDAI.E, PA. pi3a Massago chest and throat- ff innate vapors-coia venisnes. At all druggists I LIFE INSURANCE Insure in the Equitable of Iowa. None better.

F. F. PETRY, District Agent, 8-tf ELK LICK, PA. LKGAIj ADYBBlsem*nTg PUBLIC SALE! OP VALIA1ILK ltl.AL ESTATE ASD PERSONAL PROPERTY. By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the Orphans' Court of Somerset County, Pennsylvania, on the 31st day of November, 1921, the undersigned executors of the last will and testament of S.

K. Hochstetler, late of The Ladies Sewing Club entertained with a charmingly arranged turkey dinner at the home of Miss Christine Winterberg on Saturday afternoon. Miss Winterberg kindly volunteering to prepare the dinner, assisted bv several of the other club members. The party was in the nature of a farewell banquet to Mrs. R.

C. Rowen who will leave shortly for Baltimore. Tl.e ladies present were: Mrs. R. C.

Bowen, Mrs. J. W. McCiillough, Ms. Llewellyn lllocher, Mrs.

McGlumphy. Mrs. G. Keller, Mrs. O.

Getty. Mrs. J. H. Horsey.

Mrs. Win. Morgart. Mrs. W.

Stanton. Mrs. J. J. Bender.

Mrs. R. R. Oet'ty, Misses Christine Winterberg, Gerj'ie Hone. T.ulu Shaw.

Mollie Horsey Mary and Sabina Bloeher. After the dinner the party assembled in the large sitting-room to spend the A beautiful bouquet of chry- sanmemums was given ..11. the other club members. Met In llie Country. Ti'e Knights of the Cross Sunday school class and tneir tencner.

.1. J. Render, met at the home of Miss Hester Beachy, a few miles from Grantsville. for 'their regular monthl" mPetinfr of business and pleas. ire.

wlicll was greatly enjoyed. Tiier were twenty-eight present. the trip in cars. Refreshments wre served by the hostess. Entertained S.

S. Class. Miss Grace Hershberger entertained her Sunday school class and a few of their little friends her home Friday nipfht. The young people included Kthe! Miller, Anna Lohr, Jane and Ella Bowen, Christine Keller. Ruby Dahlgren, Edna I.orh.

Pearle Tlenohy, Klara Kinsinger. Mabel Younkin. Wilbur and Merle Hershberger, Wm. and Harold Younkin, Vernon Beachy, Wm. Ourst, Guerney Miller and Charles Stanton.

Miss Hershberger was assisted in entertaining by Miss Mabel Custer and Messrs. Wm. Getty and C. O. Bender.

Games were the diversion, followed by refreshments. IjUtliernti Tliaiikofreri njr Service. A very entertaining Thank Offering service was 'held at the Lutheran church on Thursday night. A clever pagaent was rendered by several ladies and some younger children. A splendid address was given by Rev.

Robinson of -the M. E. church. The music was by the Grantsville choral club, with Miss Holmes as pianist, and Miss Wallace ias choir director. An offering of nearly forty dollars was given in boxes and in loose offering.

Services were held on Thanksgiving morning in this church, with sermon by the pastor. Rev. Rearick. Reformed Thnnkotrerliiu; The Reformed Missionary Society held their annual Thankoffering service on Monday night of this week. Mrs.

Joseph Levy of Somerset -was the speaker and presented the Thanksgiving 'theme most admirably. Mrs. Levy has much personal charm, an exquisitely modulated voice, and a gift of expression that is a delight to her hearers. Four pretty little girls told a story of the Thankoffering box. Mrs.

J. U. Stanton gave a reading. and Christine Keller a clever recitation. Mrs.

C. A. Bender, the president acted as chairman at the meeting. Rev. S.

A. Lobach was also present. There was a liberal offering. Teachers' Institute. A teachers' Institute was held at this place on Monday, with a good attendance.

County Superintendent Rathbun was present, also Miss Marshall, the grade supervisor, and a great many teachers as well. State Supervisor Halloway from Baltimore was also present. The meeting unanimously endorsed the State Equalization Fund, also by a standing vote the following resolution: "RESOLVED. That the public school teachers of Garrett County, in conference assembled at Grantsville, on November 28, 1921, endorse and recommend the passage of a Bond Bill without referendum for school buildings, repairs, equipment, by the General Assembly of Maryland of 1U22. and that individual of both branches of the Legislature be notified in writing of this endorsem*nt and that members of the General Assembly from Garrett County be strongly urged to see that the above Jiond Hill is duly incorporated into law for the purpose hereinbefore mentioned." There were several prominent citizens of the neighborhood in attendance who enthusiastically supported this resolution, rrominent among these was II.

S. Yoder. a heavy tax payer, living near Grantsville. llltior Mention. Miss Gertie Tlone is visiting her sister.

Mrs. John Mathews, of Young-wood. Pa. Rev. S.

E. Lobach was a Sunday dinner guest of Mrs. Catherine Opel. Mr. and Mrs.

John Folk and children have returned from a trip to the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Mi'. Folk being much improved in health. Miss Esther Prickett of Gettysburg, has been the guest of Mrs. W.

E. Stanton the past week. Among the teachers home for the holiday week-end were Miss Hazel Younkin. from Luke. Miss Marie Connor, from Cumberland; Miss Angela Getty, from Kitzmiller.

Md. Mayor and Mrs. C. H. Hill spent Thanksgiving with their brother and sister.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bill, at Lonaconing. Md. Miss Esther Bender and her schoolmate.

Miss Virginia Bonner, from Penn Hall College, spent their holidays here with Miss Bender's parents. Miss Cora Opel is recovering from an attack of quinsy. Mrs. Harry McGlumphy of Elm Grove, W. spent part of last week with her friend.

Mrs. V. L. Bloeher. Hugo Devalle of Kitzmiller.

was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Getty on Sunday.


Butler is enjoying his grapho phone these fine evenings. Bill Frye is working at Salco. Rill Hay is verv busv plowing. The Thanksgiving program at Hay's Mil was very successful. Edison Hay has recovered his car, which was stolen some weeks ago.

The people around here are very busy butchering. Harry Frye is employed at Bill Butler's. He is very busy plowing. Royden Glessner is working at Gold Brick. The hunters seem to be getting a lot of game One day last week Wild Bill saw a turkey going across a field.

By the time be got bis muzzle-loader it was going across into another field, and it walked a little faster, and poor Bill missed a shot. WILDBILL. Carload of apples coming the early part of next week at C. A. PHILLIPS'.

$10.00. or less, cash when property Is knocked down to purchaser; purchases exceeding $10.00, judgment note, with approved security, payable in sixty da vs. ANNA R. HOCHSTETLER. Sand Patch, M.

1-1, HOCHSTETLER. Ohio Pyle, Executors of the last will and Testament of S. K. Hochstetler, deceased. C.

L. SHAVER. Attorney, Somerset. Pa. R.

J. ENGLH. Auctioneer. S-3t. ltHftlKTKR'S NOTICE.

Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned as legatees, creditors or that the following accounts have passed Register, and will bo presented for conformation and allowance, at an Orphans' Court to be held at Somerset, in and for said County, on Wednesday, the 7th day of December, 11)21. Acct. of Annie John W. and Edgar W.

Gnagey, Adinrs. of William II. Gnagey, dee'd. Acct. of Peter S.

Gower Admr. of Sullivan Gower, dee'd. Acct. of The County Trust Co. Admr.

of Herman Burow, dee'd. Acct. of Samuel W. Gray Extr. of Henry Gray, dee'd.

Acct. of John F. Henry, Admr. of Marion Henry, dee'd. Acct.

of The County Trust Co. Guardian of minor heira of John Joe, dee'd. Acct. of William E. Rodger, Extr.

of Mary A. Rodger, decd. Acct. of Allen Queer, Admr. of Samuel Queer, dee'd.

Acct. of Chas. Bowman William Graves, Admra. of Annie Bowman, dee'd. Acct.

of Sadie A. Miller A. O. Lorentz, Admrs. of Harvey L.

Miller, dee'd. Acct of Mary Werner, Jubal Werner Irene Werner, Admrs. of Conrad C. Werner, dee'd. Acct.

of J. J. Hoblitzell, J. H. Price, J.

J. Hoblitzell, Executor of W. T. Hoblitzell, and J. H.

Price, Admr. of Frank W. Hoblitzell, dee'd. Acct. of David, John and Sarah Yoder, Extrs.

of Isaac L. Yoder, dee'd. Acct. of W. H.

Benson, Admr. of Theodore Benson, dee'd. Acct. of Rudolph Ohristner, Admr. of John C.

Christner, dee'd. Acct. of Harry H. Dwlre, Admr. of John P.

Dwlre, dee'd. Acct. of John A. Miner, Admr. of Ephraim Miner, dee'd.

Acct. of Henry Hartuns Charlotte H. Weiland, Extrs. of John Hartung, dee'd. Acct.

of Allen F. Hauger W. I. Hauger, Guardian of Homer A. Hauger Erma L.

Hauger, minor children of Reuben P. Hauger, dee'd. Acct. of Lorenzo Kaufman, Extr. of Stephen Thomas, dee'd.

Acct. of W. L. Shaulis, Extr. of Jacob Heck, dee'd.

Acct. of Irwin Lyons, Extr. of Silas Lyons, dee'd. Acct. of P.

T. J. B. Glndles-perger, Admrs. of Stephen Gindles-perger, dee'd.

Acct. of George S. Berkey, Admr. of Martha Griffith, dee'd. 4th Acct.

of Lydia D. Shaw Martin, Admrx. of Henry Columbus Shaw, dee'd. Acct. of Ell Martz, Extr.

of Jonathan Martz, dee'd. Acct. of P. J. O'Connor, Admr.

of James O'Connor, dee'd. Acct. of C. P. Meyers, Extr.

of Dr. W. H. Meyers, dee'd. Widow's ApiiralNenientii: Clara B.

Glotfelty, widow of Milton J. Glotfelty. Personal Property, $500.00. Mary Hay, widow of Rufus Hay, Personal Property, $500.00. Marv J.

St ull, widow of E. Wesley Stull, Personal Property, $31.75. Amanda Barnett, widow of David! Barnett. Personal Property, $500.00. Barbara Ellen Cober.

widow of Aaron Cober, Personal Property, $500.00. Minerva Keefer, widow of Herman Keefer, Personal Property, $500.00. Susie Sch rock, widow of John B. Schrock, Personal Property, $253.92. Martha Lepley, widow of Walter Lepley, Personal Property, $500.00.

Delila Walter, widow of Adam Walter, Personal Property, J40.07. Mary A. Deal, widow of William H. Deal, Personal Property, $500.00. Catharine Huston, widow of Alexander H.

Huston, Personal Property, $500.00. Sarah Wooley, widow of Andrew Wooley, Personal Property, 1 i a Miller, widow of Peter C. Miller. Personal Property, $500.00. Irene Gardner, widow of Ira Gardner, from Real Estate.

$500.00. CHAS. I SHAVER, 6-4t. Register. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.

Instate of J. II. Augustine, deceased, late of AddiNon Township, Somerset Comity, Pen ii n. Letters of administration on the a-bove estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the estate to make the same known, without delay to WILLIS AUGUSTINE, Administrator, 722S Mt. Vernon Street.

Pittsburg, Pa. ROSS R. SCOTT, Attorney. 7-6t. BERLOY Pro Ju ts are available in iteel or Toncan Metal I Metal Roofing and Siding A i Protects Against Lightning and Fire No building covered with sheet metal was ever known to be injured by lightning.

Protect your building with sheet metal that lasts and gives longer service. We recommend, Berloy sheet metal because it is good all the way throug Let us figure on yourjoi. J.S. WENGERD, Elk Lick, Pa..

The Republic from Meyersdale, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

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Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.