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1 FISCAL-MILITARY SYSTEM PROJECT BIBLIOGRAPHY Introduction and User Guide This Bibliography has been compiled as part of the European Fiscal Military System c.1530-1870 project (FMSystem) funded by the European Research Council (ERC-2017-ADG 787504). It has grown organically through several revisions as a tool to assist the project team and we are making it publicly available in the hope that it will assist others who are interested in similar topics. The Bibliography’s structure reflects that of the project in that it is built around Concepts (Section A), covering key areas of debate, approaches, and definitions, as well as our primary research topics. These are: Agents and Actors (Section B), covering those who were involved in transactions; Fiscal Military Assets (Section C), subdivided into entries for each of our six asset categories; and our Case Studies (Section F). The latter includes works relevant to the role of each city’s role as a fiscal military ‘hub’. More theoretical or general works on hubs are separated as Subsection F1. We have added some additional subsections to cover places which are beyond our six primary case studies of Amsterdam (F2), the Baltic region (F3), Geneva (F4), Genoa (F6), London (F8), and Vienna (F10). We have also created thematic sections to cover broader Economic Aspects (Section D); the Dismantling of the FMSy during the nineteenth century (Section E); and Global Comparisons (Section G). The latter section is not intended to be comprehensive, but nonetheless hopes to capture the most relevant material and approaches to extend an understanding of what was happening in Europe and how that might have differed or mirrored the situation elsewhere in the world. Inevitably, none of the sections are entirely watertight and, depending on the guiding question, relevant material can often be found throughout the Bibliography. We have included some material in multiple sections, but we also recommend using the overview list at the start of the Bibliography to seek other material. For example, Subsections A1.2 Taxation in Individual States and C4 Finance and Credit contain many references not also included in Section E on Economic Aspects. Likewise, there are many items covering the gradual dismantling of the system in several of the subsections on Personnel (Subsection C1). The Bibliography currently contains material in Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Spanish, Swedish. We hope to expand this in a revised version. (see also “Fiscal-Military State”, “Warfare and Military Organizations”, and “War and Trade”)

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Introduction and User Guide

This Bibliography has been compiled as part of the European Fiscal Military System c.1530-1870 project (FMSystem) funded by the European Research Council (ERC-2017-ADG 787504). It has grown organically through several revisions as a tool to assist the project team and we are making it publicly available in the hope that it will assist others who are interested in similar topics.

The Bibliography’s structure reflects that of the project in that it is built around Concepts (Section A), covering key areas of debate, approaches, and definitions, as well as our primary research topics. These are: Agents and Actors (Section B), covering those who were involved in transactions; Fiscal Military Assets (Section C), subdivided into entries for each of our six asset categories; and our Case Studies (Section F). The latter includes works relevant to the role of each city’s role as a fiscal military ‘hub’. More theoretical or general works on hubs are separated as Subsection F1. We have added some additional subsections to cover places which are beyond our six primary case studies of Amsterdam (F2), the Baltic region (F3), Geneva (F4), Genoa (F6), London (F8), and Vienna (F10).

We have also created thematic sections to cover broader Economic Aspects (Section D); the Dismantling of the FMSy during the nineteenth century (Section E); and Global Comparisons (Section G). The latter section is not intended to be comprehensive, but nonetheless hopes to capture the most relevant material and approaches to extend an understanding of what was happening in Europe and how that might have differed or mirrored the situation elsewhere in the world.

Inevitably, none of the sections are entirely watertight and, depending on the guiding question, relevant material can often be found throughout the Bibliography. We have included some material in multiple sections, but we also recommend using the overview list at the start of the Bibliography to seek other material. For example, Subsections A1.2 Taxation in Individual States and C4 Finance and Credit contain many references not also included in Section E on Economic Aspects. Likewise, there are many items covering the gradual dismantling of the system in several of the subsections on Personnel (Subsection C1).

The Bibliography currently contains material in Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Spanish, Swedish. We hope to expand this in a revised version.

(see also “Fiscal-Military State”, “Warfare and Military Organizations”, and “War and Trade”)



Section A: Concepts A1 Fiscal-Military State

A1.1 FMS Studies A1.2 Taxation in individual states

A2 Contractor State A3 Sovereignty A4 International Order A5 War and the State

Section B: Agents and Actors B1 Contractors, Enterprisers and Entrepreneurs B2 Patronage B3 Corruption B4 Networks B5 Trust

Section C: Fiscal-Military Assets C1 Personnel

C1.1 Mercenaries – definition C1.2 Mercenaries as migration C1.3 Foreign soldiers C1.4 PMSCs C1.5 Recruitment C1.6 Privateering C1.7 Prisoners C1.8 Hospitals

C2. Expertise C3. Information and Intelligence C4. Finance

C4.1 General C4.2 War finance C4.3 Subsidies and pensions C4.4 Credit and Debt

C5. War Materials C5.1 General C5.2 Liege Arms Production C5.3 Naval Stores C5.4 Horses C5.5 Logistics

C6. Services C6.1 Ports C6.2 Transit

Section D: Economic Aspects D1 General D2 Mercantilism D3 War and Economics D4 Contracts and Treaties



D5 Trade

Section E: Dismantling the FMSy E1 General E2 Foreign Fighters E3 Neutrality

Section F: Case Studies F1. Cities and Hubs F2. Amsterdam F3. Danzig/Baltic F4. Geneva and the Swiss Confederacy F5. Savoy-Piedmont F6. Genoa F7. Hamburg F8. London F9. Riga F10. Vienna F11. Venice F12. Italian States

Section G: Global Comparisons




A1. Fiscal-Military State Blockmans, Wim (ed.), Fiscal Systems in the European Economy from the 13th to the 18th Centuries(Firenze, 2008)

Bonney, R., The Rise of the Fiscal State in Europe, c.1200-1815 (Oxford, 1999).

Bonney, R., ‘Towards the comparative fiscal history of Britain and France during the “long” eighteenth century’, in L. Prados de la Escosura (ed.), Exceptionalism and Industrialisation: Britain and its European Rivals, 1688-1815 (New York, 2004).

Bowen, Huw V., and A. Gonzáles Encisco (eds.), Mobilising resources for war: Britain and Spain at work during the early modern period (Pamplona: EUNSA, 2006). ‘Examines the domestic impact of the company in terms of the state, its finances, and military power as well as trade.’

Brewer, J., The sinews of power. War, money and the English state 1688-1783 (New York, 1989). ‘Influential and readable case for the transformations, costs, and tensions involved in Britain’s war effort. Shows the success and flexibility of the British model.’

Brewer, J., and E. Hellmuth (eds.), Rethinking Leviathan. The eighteenth-century state in Britain and Europe (New York, 1999). ‘A useful comparative study of two states that appeared to earlier historians to offer different state-building models, with Prussia epitomizing the strong, absolutist, bureaucratic state, contrasted with Britain’s weaker, consensual, and self-governing one. The essays challenge some of these assumptions.’

Conca Messina, Silvia A. A History of States and Economic Policies in Early Modern Europe. Perspectives in economic and social history 57. New York: Routledge, 2019.

Contamine, Philippe, and Wim Blockmans, eds. War and Competition Between States. The origins of the modern state in Europe 13th to 18th centuries / general ed. Wim Blockmans … European Science Foundation; Theme A. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2000.

Daunton, M., ‘The Fiscal Military State and the Napoleonic Wars: Britain and France compared’, in David Cannadine (ed.), Trafalgar in history. A battle and its afterlife (Basingstoke, 2006), pp. 18-43.

Dickson, P.G.M., The Financial Revolution in England. A Study in the Development of Public Credit 1688-1736 (London, 1967). ‘Pioneering study of the fiscal mechanisms that developed after the Glorious Revolution, and how British governments adapted and reacted to both the opportunities and obstacles presented by the new financial environment.’

Dørum, Knut, Mats Hallenberg, and Kimmo Katajala (eds.), Bringing the People Back in: State Building from Below in the Nordic Countries Ca. 1500-1800 (New York: Routledge, 2021).

Dunning, C. and N.S. Smith, ‘Moving beyond absolutism. Was early modern Russia a “Fiscal-Military State”?’, Russian History, 33 (2006), pp. 19-43.



Özvar, Erol., ‘Transformation of the Ottoman Empire into a Military-Fiscal State: Reconsidering the Financing of War from a Global Perspective’, in Pál Fodor (ed.), The Battle for Central Europe (Leiden: Brill, 2019), pp.21–63.

Glete, Jan., War and the State in Early Modern Europe: Spain, the Dutch Republic, and Sweden as Fiscal-military States, 1500–1660 (London, 2002). ‘Examines the economic underpinning of standing forces. Glete pays particular attention to the interplay of special-interest groups within early fiscal-military states (particularly Spain, the Dutch Republic, and Sweden) and how such influences affected the direction of state policy and military development.’

Godsey, William D., The sinews of Habsburg power: Lower Austria as a Fiscal-Military State (Oxford, 2018)

Graham, Aaron, and P. Walsh (eds.), The British fiscal military states 1660-c.1783 (Farnham, 2016).

Hadügyi forradalom - fiskális állam - fiskális-katonai állam Európában a 16-18. században. [Military Revolution – Fiscal state – Fiscal-military State in Europe in the 16-18th centuries] Századok 152. évf. 5. sz. (2018.) Thematic issue of the journal of the Hungarian Historical Society. A good overview of the Hungarian reception and criticism of the concept of the fiscal-military state. Abstracts in English. Content: B. Szabó János: A félreértett „hadügyi forradalom”. Egy hadtörténeti eredetű globális világmagyarázat terjedésének dinamikája [Military Revolution Misunderstood. The Dynamics of Expansion of a Global Paradigm of Military Historical Origins] 939-960 Ágoston Gábor: Oszmán hadügyi változások a 16–18. században [Changes in the Ottoman Military Organisation in the Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries] 961-980 Korpás Zoltán: A fiskális-katonai állam és a katolikus monarchia a 16–17. században [The Fiscal-Military State and the Catholic Monarchy in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries] 981-1012 Sashalmi Endre: A 17–18. századi Oroszország mint fiskális-katonai állam [Russia in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries as a Fiscal-Military State] 1013-1032 Kenyeres István–Pálffy Géza: A Habsburg Monarchia és a Magyar Királyság had- és pénzügyigazgatásának fejlődése a 16–17. században. Modellek és értelmezési lehetőségeik [The Fiscal and Military Transformation of the Habsburg Monarchy and the Kingdom of Hungary in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries] 1033-1076 Oross András: A magyarországi végvidéki katonaság járandóságai a 17. század közepén [Paying the Garrisons of the Hungarian Border Forts in the Middle of the Seventeenth Century] 1077-1094 Szántay Antal: A Habsburg Monarchia és pénzügyei a 18. században [The Habsburg Monarchy and its Finances in the Eighteenth Century] 1095-1126 Schramek László Péter: A magyar vármegyék szerepe a Habsburg Monarchia haderejének finanszírozásában. Egy 1730. évi felmérés tapasztalatai [The Role of the Hungarian Counties in Financing the Military Forces of the Habsburg Monarchy. The Experiences of a 1730 Survey] 1127-1150

Harling, Philip/Peter Mandler, ‘From “Fiscal-Military” to “Laissex-Faire” state, 1760-1815’, Journal of British Studies, 32 (1993), 44-70

Hattendorf, John B, ‘English Governmental Machinery and the Conduct of War, 1702-1713,’ War and

Society 3 (1985).

Hattendorf, John B., England in the War of the Spanish Succession: A Study of the English View and

Conduct of Grand Strategy, 1702-12 (1987).



Hoffman, P.T., and K. Norberg (eds.), Fiscal Crises, Liberty and Representative Government (Stanford, 1994).

Howard, Michael, War in European History (Oxford: Oxford UP, updated edition 2009) Classic study on war and the European state system with a sequence of forms of war from the war of the knights, mercenaries, merchants, professionals to the wars of the Revolution, the nations, and the technologists.

Hutchinson, John, Nationalism and War (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2017) This volume examines the changing relationship between warfare, its changing forms, and the rise of the nation as a political category

Jacob, Frank; Visoni-Alonzo, Gilmar, The Military Revolution in Early Modern Europe. A Revision (London: Palgrave, 2016)

Kaspersen, Lars Bo, and Jeppe Strandsbjerg, Does War Make States?: Investigations of Charles Tilly’s Historical Sociology (Cambridge University Press, 2017).

Mann, Michael, ‘Putting the Weberian state in its social, geopolitical and militaristic context: A response to Patrick O’Brien’, Journal of Historical Sociology, 19 (2006), 364-73

Monson, Andrew/Walter Scheidel (eds.), Fiscal Regimes and the Political Economy of Premodern States(Cambridge, 2015) [mostly ancient empires, but has chapters on theory and on debt]

Nexon, Daniel H., The Struggle for Power in Early Modern Europe. Religious Conflict, Dynastic Empires, and International Change (Princeton: Princeton UP, 2009)

O’Brien, Patrick K., and Philip A. Hunt. ‘The Rise of a Fiscal State in England, 1485–1815’, Historical Research, 66 (1993), pp. 129–176. ‘Frequently cited article by economic historians charting the emergence of a “fiscal state” over a long early modern period, emphasizing 17th- as much as 18th-century developments.’

Parker, Geoffrey, The Military Revolution: Military Innovation and the Rise of the West, 1500-1800. Reprint (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990) Classic study

Pincus, Steven/James Robinson, ‘Faire la guerre et faire l’Etat: Nouvelles perspectives sur l’essor de l’Etat dévelopmentaliste’, Annales HSS, 71 no.1 (2016), 7-35

Rauscher, P., A. Serles, and T. Winkelbauer (eds.), Das ‘Blut des Staatskörpers’: Forschungen zur Finanzgeschichte der Frühen Neuzeit (HZ Beiheft 56) (Munich, 2012).

Rodger, N.A.M., ‘From the “Military Revolution” to the “Fiscal-Naval State’, Journal of Maritime Research, 13 (2011), pp. 119-28.

Rogers, Clifford J. The Military Revolution Debate: Readings on the Military Transformation of Early Modern Europe. History and Warfare (Boulder: Routledge, 2018)

Stone, Laurence (ed.), An Imperial State at War: Britain from 1689 to 1815 (London: Routledge, 1994).



‘Important collection of essays engaging with Brewer 1989. The variety of approaches utilized by this collection’s contributors shows the range and scope of the questions raised by Brewer.’

Storrs, C., (ed.), The fiscal-military state in eighteenth-century Europe (Farnham, 2009). ‘As well as an introductory overview, and the context of international rivalry (by Hamish Scott), also included are essays on Austria, Prussia, Russia, France, and Savoy/Sardinia.’

Strayer, Joseph R., On the Medieval Origins of the Modern State (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2016). With forewords by Charles Tilly and William Chester Jordan.

Torres Sánchez, Rafael, Constructing a Fiscal-Military State in eighteenth-century Spain (Farnham, 2015).

Torres Sánchez, R., (ed.), War, state and development. Fiscal-Military States in the eighteenth century (Pamplona, 2007).

Tilly, C., Coercion, capital and European states AD990-1992 (Oxford, 1992).

Tilly, C., The Formation of National States in Western Europe (Princeton: Princeton UP, 1975)

Ullmann, Hans Peter, Der deutsche Steuerstaat: Geschichte der öffentlichen Finanzen vom 18. Jahrhundert bis heute (Munich: C.H. Beck, 2005)

Wheeler, J.S., The making of a world power. War and the military revolution in seventeenth-century England (Stroud, 1999). ‘Focusing on the period of 1639–1674, shows how military pressures forced the British state to professionalize its army and (especially) navy, and to construct a fiscal-administrative apparatus to pay for it. The creation of the standing army and navy both built the state and made Britain one of the great European powers.’

Yun-Casalilla, B., and P.K. O'Brien (eds.), The rise of fiscal states. A global history, 1500-1914 (Cambridge, 2012).

A1.2 Taxation in individual states Alfani, Guido, and Matteo Di Tullio. The Lion's Share: Inequality and the Rise of the Fiscal State in Preindustrial Europe. Cambridge studies in economic history. (Cambridge 2019)

Balla, E, and N.D. Johnson, Fiscal crises and institutional change in the Ottoman Empire and France’, Journal of Economic History, 69 (2009), 809-45

Beckett, J.V., ‘The land tax or excise: the levying of taxation in seventeenth and eighteenth-century England’, English Historical Review, 100 (1985), 285-308

Blockmans, Wim (ed.), Fiscal systems in the European economy from the 13th to the 18th centuries(Florence, 2008: Firenze UP)

Bonney, Richard, ‘Towards the comparative fiscal history of Britain and France during the “long” eighteenth century’, in L. Prados de la Escosura (ed.), Exceptionalism and industrialisation: Britain and its European rivals, 1688-1815 (New York, 2004: CUP)



Cardoso, José Luís, and Pedro Lains (eds.), Paying for the Liberal State: The Rise of Public Finance in Nineteenth-Century Europe (Cambridge: CUP, 2010)

Darling, Linda T., Revenue-raising and Legitimacy: Tax Collection and Finance Administration in the Ottoman Empire, 1560-1660 (Leiden, 1996: Brill)

Dinecco, Mark, ‘Fiscal centralization, limited government and public revenues in Europe 1650-1913’, Journal of Economic History, 69 (009), 48-108

Edelmayer, Friedrich/Maximilian Lanzinner/Peter Rauscher(eds.), Finanzen und Herrschaft. Materiellen Grundlagen fürstlicher Politik in den habsburgischen Ländern und im Heiligen Römischen Reich des 16. Jahrhunderts (Vienna/Munich, 2003): Oldenbourg)

Fodor, Pál, The Business of State. Ottoman Finance Administration and Ruling Elites in Transition (1580s–1615) (Berlin, 2018).

Fritschy, Wantje, ‘Taxation in Britain, France and the Netherlands in the Eighteenth Century’, Economicand Social History in the Netherlands, 2 (1990), 57-79.

Fritschy, Wantje, Public Finance of the Dutch Republic in Comparative Perspective (Leiden: Brill, 2017)

Hope-Jones, A, Income Tax in the Napoleonic Wars (Cambridge UP, 1939)

Karaman, K.K., and S. Pamuk, ‘Ottoman state finances in European perspective, 1500-1914’, Journal of Economic History, 70 (2010), 593-629

Kenyeres, István, ‘A királyi Magyarország bevételei és kiadásai a 16. században’ [The Income and Expenditure of Royal Hungary in the 16th century.] Levéltári Közlemények 74. (2003) 59-103.

Kenyeres, István, ‚Die Finanzen des Königreichs Ungarn in der zweiten Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts‘, in Friedrich Edelmayer/Maximilian Lanzinner/Peter Rauscher (eds.), Finanzen und Herrschaft. Materielle Grundlagen fürstlicher Politik in den habsburgischen Ländern und im Heiligen Römischen Reich im 16. Jahrhundert (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung Band 38.) (Vienna: Oldenbourg, 2003), pp.84-122.

Kenyeres, István, ‘Die Einkünfte und Reformen der Finanzverwaltung Ferdinands I.‘, in Martina Fuchs/Teréz Oborni/Gábor Ujváry (eds.), Ungarn, in Kaiser Ferdinand I. Ein mitteleuropäischer Herrscher (Münster: Aschendorff, 2005), pp.111-46.

Kenyeres, István, ‘Die Kriegsausgaben der Habsburgermonarchie von der Mitte des 16. Jahrhunderts bis zum ersten Drittel des 17. Jahrhunderts‘, in Peter Rauscher (ed.), Kriegführung und Staatsfinanzen. Die Habsburgermonarchie und das Heilige Römische Reich vom Dreißigjährigen Krieg bis zum Ende des habsburgischen Kaisertums 1740 (Münster, Aschendorff, 2010), pp.41-80.

Kenyeres, István, ‚Die Kosten der Türkenabwehr und des langen Türkenkrieges (1593–1606) im Kontext der ungarischen Finanzen des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts‘, in Peter Rauscher/Andrea Serles/Thomas



Winkelbauer (eds.), Das „Blut des Staatskörpers” (Historische Zeitschrift Beiheft 56) (München, 2012), pp.19-41.

Kenyeres, István, ‘Grundherrschaften und Grenzfestungen. Die Kammerherrschaften und die Türkenabwehr im Königreich Ungarn des 16. Jahrhunderts‘, in István Fazekas–Krisztián Csaplár-Degovics (eds.), Geteilt - Vereinigt: Beiträge zur Geschichte des Königreichs Ungarn in der Frühneuzeit (16. - 18. Jahrhundert) (Berlin, 2011), pp.98-129.

Kloosterhuis, Jürgen/Wolfgang Neugebauer (eds.), Krise, Reformen und Finanzen: Preussen vor und nach der Katastrophe von 1806 (Berlin, 2008)

Morriss, Roger, The Foundations of British Maritime Ascendency: Resources, Logistics and the State, 1755-1815 (Cambridge, 2011)

North, Michael, ‘Finances and power in the German state system’, in B. Yun-Casalila/P.K. O’Brien (eds.), The Rise of Fiscal States (Cambridge, 2012), 145-63

O’Brien, Patrick Karl, ‘The nature and historical evolution of an exceptional fiscal state and its possible significance for the precocious commercialization and industrialization of the British economy from Cromwell to Nelson’, Economic History Review, 64 (2011), 408-46

Ormrod, W/ Richard Bonney/M. Bonney (eds.), Crises, Revolutions and Self-Sustained Growth: Essays in European Fiscal History, 1130-1830 (Stanford, 1999)

Otruba, G./M. Weiss (eds.), Beiträge zur Finazgeschichte Österreichs: Staatshaushalt und Steuern 1740-1840 (Linz, 1986: Trauner)

Rauscher, Peter, ‘Camerale, Contributionale, Creditors and Crisis: The Finances of the Habsburg Empire from the Battle of Mohács to the Thirty Year’s War’, in Pál Fodor (ed.),The Battle for Central Europe(Leiden: Brill, 2019), pp.193-212.

t’Hart, Marjolein/Pepijn Brandon/Rafael Torres Sánchez, ‘Maximising revenues, minimising political costs – challenges in the history of public finance of the early modern period’, Financial History Review, 25 (2018), 1-18

Tondeur, Maxime, ‘Les “Observations regardantes l’état militaire et son oeconomie aux Païs-Bas autrichiens, 1752’’ : Une étude sur la composition et le financement de l’appareil militaire dans les Pays-Bas au milieu du 18e siècle’, Bulletin de la Commission royale d’histoire, 179 (2013), 51-156.

Ullmann, Hans Peter, Die deutsche Steuerstaat: Geschichte der öffentlichen Finanzen vom 18. Jahrhundert bis heute (Munich, 2005: CH Beck)

Webber, C., and A. Wildavsky, A History of Taxation and Expenditure in the Western World (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1986).

A2. Contractor State



NB special issue of Business History, 60 no.1 (2018), on the ‘Business of War’

Bannerman, G., Merchants and the Military in Eighteenth-Century Britain. British Army Contracts and Domestic Supply, 1739-1763 (London, 2008). Focus on the demand side/the state and its efficiency of the state versus private contractors. aims to discuss all contributing ‘sectors’, suppliers of military resources to the parties in the Civil War. London merchants as military contractors. Ch. 6 case study of John Willam, research obstacle due to loss of business papers.

Bowen, H.V., and Agustín Gonzáles Encisco (eds.), Mobilising resources for war: Britain and Spain at work during the early modern period (Pamplona, 2006).

Bowen, H. V., ‘Forum: the Contractor State, c. 1650–1815’, International Journal of Maritime History, 25.1 (2013), pp. 239–274. ‘A recent survey of specialists on contractor states who compare their views on the Dutch, British, Spanish, French, and Portuguese cases, with the findings of Knight and Wilcox 2010. Includes a response of these two authors to the perspectives offered by the forum’s participants.’

Conway S. and R. Torres Sánchez (eds.), The Spending of States: Military Expenditure during the Long Eighteenth Century. Patterns, Organization and Consequences, 1650-1815 (Saarbrücken, 2011). [Contractor State;]

Fynn-Paul, Jeff, War, Entrepreneurs, and the State in Europe and the Mediterranean, 1300-1800 (Leiden, 2014).

Harding, Richard and Sergio Solbes Ferri (eds.), The Contractor States and its Implications (1659-1815) (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2012). ‘The proceedings of the forth conference of the Contractor State Group in 2011. Although participants cover Asia and supplies to continental army, the bulk of the volume concerns European navies.’

Knight, Roger, and Martin Wilcox, Sustaining the Fleet, 1793-1815: War, the British Navy and the Contractor State (Woodbridge, 2010). ‘A reference work on the contactor state. Presents the private supply of victualing, resources, and ships to the British Navy during the French Wars.’

Parrott, D. The business of war. Military enterprise and the military revolution in early modern Europe(Cambridge, 2012). Rejects the supposed inevitability of state-controlled armies and rather shows the effectiveness of new private-public partnerships and the continuously essential role of private enterprise in warfare also after 1650. Focus on military commanders.

Redlich, F., The German Military Enterpriser and his Work Force, 14th to 18th Centuries. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte 47/48 (2 vols., Wiesbaden, 1964). Military enterprise as an economic system; state building and inherent decay of private military enterprise after 1650. ‘An economic historian’s perspective on the German mercenary soldiers of the period and the entrepreneur officers who recruited, paid, managed, and led them as a form of business enterprise from 1350 to 1650 (mainly 1600–1650). Addresses the relationships among pay, credit, and discipline; logistics and the exaction of “contributions” for the support of the troops; opportunities for profit and increases in social status; and the living conditions of soldiers and officers.’



Rafael Torres Sánchez (ed.), War, State and Development. Fiscal-Military States in the Eighteenth Century (Pamplona, 2007).

Rafael Torres Sánchez, Military entrepreneurs and the Spanish contractor state in the eighteenth century (Oxford, 2016).

A3. Sovereignty Abrams, P., ‘Notes on the difficulty of defining the state’, Journal of Historical Sociology, 1 (1988), 59-89

Bartelson, Jens, The Genealogy of Sovereignty (Cambridge, 1995)

Benton, Lauren, A search for sovereignty: law and geography in European empires, 1400-1900(Cambridge, 2010)

Bom, Erik de, Randall C. Lesaffer, and Werner Thomas (eds.), Early Modern Sovereignties: Theory and Practice of a Burgeoning Concept in the Netherlands (Leiden, 2021)

Branch, Jordan, The Cartographic State: Maps, Territory, and the Origins of Sovereignty (Cambridge, 2014)

Crawford, James, The Creation of States in International Law (2nd ed., Oxford, 2007)

Elden, Stuart, The Birth of Territory (Chicago, 2013) [ancient to 17th century]

Elliott, John H., 'A Europe of composite monarchies', Past and Present, 137 (1992), 48-71.

Fabry, M., Recognizing States: International Society and the Establishment of New States since 1776(Oxford, 2010)

Finkelstein, Claire O., and Michael Skerter (eds.), Sovereignty and the New Executive Authority: Ethics, National Security and the Rule of Law (Oxford, 2019)

Fowler, Michael Ross/Julie Marie Bunck, Law, Power and the Sovereign State: The Evolution and Application of the Concept of Sovereignty (University Park, PA, 1995)

Glanville, Luke, Sovereignty and the Responsibility to Protect (Chicago UP, 2013)

Glanville, Luke, ‘The myth of “traditional” sovereignty’, International Studies Quarterly, 57 (2013), 79-90

Grimm, Dieter, Sovereignty: the origins and future of a political and legal concept (Columbia UP, 2015)

Jackson, Robert, Sovereignty: the evolution of an idea (Cambridge, 2007)

Kalmo, Hent, and Quentin Skinner (eds), Sovereignty in fragments: the past, present and future of a contested concept (Cambridge, 2010)



Krasner, Stephen D., Sovereignty: Organised Hypocrisy (Princeton, 1999)

Krasner, Stephen D., ‘Rethinking the sovereign state model’, Review of International Studies, 27 no.5 (2001), 17-42

Krischer, André, ‘Souveränität als sozialer Status. Zur Funktion des diplomatischen Zeremoniells in der Frühen Neuzeit, in Jan-Paul Niederkorn/Ralf Kauz/Giorgio Rota (eds.), Diplomatisches Zeremoniell in Europa und dem Mittleren Osten in der Frühen Neuzeit (Archiv für Österreichische Geschichte, 141), (Vienna, 2009), pp.1-32

Krischer, André/Hillard von Thiessen, ‘Diplomacy in a Global Early Modernity: The Ambiguity of Sovereignty’, The International History Review, 32 (2018), 1-8

Maogoto, J.N., State Sovereignty and International Criminal Law: Versailles to Rome (New York: Transnational Publishers Inc., 2003)

Simpson, Gerry, Great Powers and Outlaw States: Unequal Sovereigns in the International Legal Order(Cambridge, 2004)

Spruyt, Hendrik, The Sovereign State and its Competitors. An Analysis of Systems Change (Princeton: Princeton UP, 1994)

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A5 War and the State

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B2 Patronage (see also “Nobility” ‘Patronage Studies’

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Haddad, Élie, ‘Noble Clientèles in France in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: A Historiographical Approach’, French History 20 (2006), pp. 75–109. ‘Elucidates the terminological problems in the patronage debate, and sketches different methodological approaches in current historiography. Best introduction to older or classic studies by Mousnier, Ranum, Kettering, Greengrasss, etc.’

Kettering, Sharon, Patrons, Brokers, and Clients in Seventeenth-Century France (New York, 1986). ‘The late Sharon Kettering has been heralded as the “queen of patronage studies.” This volume makes a strong case for studying patronage as characteristic of an incomplete (and not even modern) bureaucracy, focusing on the importance of brokers and of personal relations between elites.’

Kettering, Sharon, Patronage in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century France (Aldershot, UK, 2002). Groups earlier articles by the author, with an important updated bibliographical essay.

Mączak, Antoni, (ed.), Klientelsysteme im Europa der Frühen Neuzeit (Munich, 1988). ‘Authoritative volume on the resemblances and differences between clientelism in early modern Europe, including the Holy Roman Empire and eastern, central, and southern Europe (but omitting Scandinavia and Hungary).’

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Reinhard, Wolfgang, Freunde und Kreaturen, “Verflechtung” als Konzept zur Erforschung historischer Führungsgruppen, Römische Oligarchie um 1600 (Munich, 1979). ‘Seminal study of the clienteles of the pope and the magnate families of Rome. More a theoretical argument for using mathematical data and network analysis to study clientelism than an actual description of the Roman


B3 Corruption Engels, Jens Ivo, Die Geschichte der Korruption von der Frühen Neuzeit bis ins 20. Jahrhundert(Frankfurt/M.: Fischer, 2014)



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B4 Networks (see also “Merchants’ Networks)

Antunes, Catia/Amelia Polónia (eds.), Beyond Empires: Global, Self-Organizing Cross-Imperial Networks, 1500-1800 (Leiden, 2016)

Crailsheim, Eberhard, The Spanish Connection: French and Flemish Merchant Networks in Seville (1570-1650) (Cologne, 2016)



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B5 Trust Frevert, Ute (eds.), Vertrauen: Historische Annäherungen (Göttingen, 2003)

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Gaier, Claude, Belgian Gunmaking and American history (Liege, 1976).

Gelinas, Kevin, ‘Liege firearms in New France’, Man at Arms, 38, no. 5 (October 2016), 23-6, 31-2.

Kist, J.B., Musket, roer en pistolet. 17de-eeuws wapenhandwerk in de Lage Landen (The Hague, 1974)

Pasleau, Jean-F, Les armuriers Liegeois du XVe au XIXe siècle (?, 1973)

Polain, Alphonse, Recherches historiques sur l'epreuve des armes a feu au pays de Liege (Liege, 1891)

Wolf, Paul J, ‘Liege all-metal multi-barrelled flintlock pistols,’ Journal of the Arms and Armour Society, 6, no. 7 (September 1969), 197-200, 205-8

Ziesing, Dirk, ‘Deux revolvers de la manufacture de Liege,’ Gazette des Armes, 361 (January 2005), 28-32

C5.3 Naval Stores Albion, Robert G. Forests and Sea Power: The Timber Problem of the Royal Navy, 1652–1862(Cambridge, MA, 1926: Harvard University Press) Devotes one important chapter to English policy in the Baltic and to the rivalry with the Dutch in the northern timber trade. Emphasizes the growing influence of victualing the British navy with Baltic naval stores as key for Great Britain’s power.

Christensen, Aksel E. Dutch Trade to the Baltic about 1600: Studies in the Sound Toll Registers and Dutch Shipping Records (Copenhagen, 1941: Munksgaard) Important study using the Sound toll registers and other Dutch archival materials. Focuses on Amsterdam’s shipping in the Baltic and analyzes the traded commodities, primarily grains, but also timber, hemp, linen, pitch, and tar. One of the original contributions of this book is its assessment of fraud shown by comparing primary sources.

Davey, James, The Transformation of British Naval Strategy: Seapower and Supply in Northern Europe, 1808-1812 (Rochester, NY: Boydell, 2012)

Feldbæk, Ole et al., eds. Dansk søfarts historie. 7 vols. (Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 1997) The first three volumes cover our time period until 1814; general overview over everything naval: ships, routes, trade, naval warfare, navigation, fishing, harbours, etc. Several illustrations of different ship types, maps, weapons, etc., includes tables on naval traffic, developments, owned ships, etc.; esp. the second volume discusses naval warfare, although it also turns up in the other volumes



Johansen, Hans Christian. Shipping and Trade between the Baltic Area and Western Europe, 1784–95(Translated by Davenport Lesley. Odense, 1983: Odense University Press) An essential and extensive study based on important archival material, primarily the Sound toll registers. One of the most methodological contributions of this book is the investigation of shipping and trade in peacetime and in the shifting period to wartime

Kent, Heinz S. K. War and Trade in Northern Seas: Anglo-Scandinavian Economic Relations in the Mid Eighteenth Century (Cambridge, 1973: Cambridge University Press) This detailed study deals with Great Britain’s relations with Denmark and Sweden before and during the Seven Years’ War (1756–1763). After six chapters on commercial exchanges with the Baltic in peacetime, the author analyzes the considerable tea smuggling from Scandinavia to Great Britain, and then focuses on Baltic commerce in wartime.

Layton, Ian G., ‘The timber and naval stores supply regions of Northern Europe during the early modern European world system’, in Hans-Jürgen Nitz (ed.), The Early Modern World System in Geographical Perspective (Stuttgart, 1993), pp.265-95

Wing, John T., Roots of Empire: Forests and State Power in Early Modern Spain, C. 1500-1750, (Leiden: Brill, 2015).

Zysberg, André, Les galériens. Vies et destins de 60,000 forçats sur les galères de France, 1680-1748(Seuil, 1987).

C5.4 Horses Bogros, Denis, ‘Les chevaux de la cavalerie francais a la fin du xviie siecle’, Histoire, economie et societe, 15 (1996), 105-12

Stradling, R.A., ‘Spain’s military failure and the supply of horses 1600-1660’, History, 69 (1984)

C5.5 Logistics

Lynn, John A. (ed.) Feeding Mars. Logistics in Western Warfare from the Middle Ages to the Present (Boulder, Oxford: Westview Press, 1993) Collection of essays on logistics with 3 essays on early modern supply (Spanish naval warfare 16th c., Supply chain and fortresses under Louis XIV, American Revolution), and incl. a comprehensive bibliography on supply, excl. War finance and arms production

Van Creveld, Martin, Supplying War. Logistics from Wallenstein to Patton (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 22004) Standard literature for supply and logistics, originally published in 1977, due to a lack of references (bibliography or each chapter is provided), it’s a bit hard to follow up on

White, Lorraine, 'Strategic geography and the Spanish Habsburg monarchy's failure to recover Portugal, 1640-1668', Journal of Military History, 71 (2007), 373-409



C6. Services

C6.1 Ports and Bases Antunes, Cátia, ‘Early Modern Ports, 1500–1750’, in: European History Online (EGO), published by the Institute of European History (IEG), Mainz 2010-12-03. URL: URN: urn:nbn:de:0159-2010102547 [YYYY-MM-DD].

Collin, Michèle, ed. Ville et port, XVIIIe–XXe siècle. Papers presented at a conference held in Marseille in 1993 (Paris, 1994: L’Harmattan) Offers twenty-four case studies on a dozen French ports examining port management and infrastructures as well as their actors and the spatial networks in which the port is embedded

Jackson, Gordon, ‘Ports 1700 to 1840’, in Peter Clark (ed.), The Cambridge Urban History of Britain, vol. 2: 1540–1840 (Cambridge, 2000: Cambridge University Press), pp.705-32 Useful overview of the development of British ports during this period, especially in relation to the growth of the country’s imperial and international commerce. Aimed at an academic audience; a good introduction to the wider literature.

Jarvis, Adrian, ‘Port History: Some thoughts on where it came from and where it might be going’, in Lewis R. Fischer and Adrian Jarvis (eds.), Harbours and Havens: Essays in Port History in Honour of Gordon Jackson (Research in Maritime History, 16. St John’s, Newfoundland, 1999: International Maritime Economic History Association) Important overview of the development of academic thinking and historiography about ports and their role in the wider fields of economic and social development.

Harkavy, Robert E., Strategic Basing and the Great Powers, 1200-2000 (London: Routledge, 2011)

Palmer, Sarah, ‘Using the Port of London Authority Archive for Commercial History’, in M. V. Roberts (ed.), Archives and the Metropolis (London, 1998: Guildhall Library) Introduction to the Port of London Archive for business historians. Invaluable for students of business and economic history examining the trade of London.

Tazzara, Corey, ‘Managing free trade in early modern Europe: Institutions, information, and the Free Port of Livorno,’ The Journal of Modern History, 86, No. 3 (September 2014), 493-529

Tazzara, Corey, The Free Port of Livorno and the Transformation of the Mediterranean World (Oxford, 2017)

C6.2 Transit Matthee, Rudi, ‘Anti-Ottoman Politics and Transit Rights: The Seventeenth-Century Trade in Silk between Safavid Iran and Muscovy,’ Cahiers du Monde Russe, 35, No. 4 (Oct.-Dec., 1994), 739-61

Scholz, Luca, Borders and Freedom of Movement in the Holy Roman Empire (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2020)




D1 General Adams, Julia, The Familial State: Ruling Families and Merchant Capitalism in Early Modern Europe(Ithaca: Cornell, 2007)

North, Douglas, Structure and Change in Economic History (New York, 1981)

Olson Jr., Mancur/Richard Zeckhauser, ‘An economic theory of alliances’, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 48 (1966), 266-79

Sandler, Todd, ‘The economic theory of alliances’, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 37 (1993), 446-83

van Bavel, Bas J. P. The Invisible Hand? How Market Economies Have Emerged and Declined Since AD 500(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019)

Rauscher, Peter/Andreas Serles (eds.), Wiegen, Zähen, Registrieren. Handelsgeschichtliche Massenquellen und die Erforschung mitteleuropäischer Märkte (13.-18. Jahrhundert) (Innsbruck, 2015)

Zanden, Jan Luiten van, The Long Road to the Industrial Revolution: The European Economy in a Global Perspective (Leiden: Brill, 2009)

D2 Mercantilism Heckscher, E.F, Mercantilism (London, 1935)

McCusker, J. J., Mercantilism and the Economic History of the Early Modern Atlantic World (Cambridge, 2001)

O’Brien, Patrick Karl, ‘The costs and benefits of mercantilist warfare’, Financial History Review, 25 (2018), 97-112

Ormrod, David, The Rise of Commercial Empires: England and the Netherlands in the Age of Mercantilism, 1650–1770 (Cambridge, 2003)

Vaggi, Gianni; Groenewegen, Peter, A Concise History of Economic Thought: From Mercantilism to Monetarism (New York, 2003)

D3 War and Economics



Attman, Artur, The Struggle for Baltic Markets: Powers in Conflict 1558-1618 (Acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum et Litterarum Gothoburgensis. Humaniora 14. Gothenburg: Kungl. Vetenskaps- och Vitterhets-Samhället, 1979).

Crouzet, François, La guerre économique franco-anglaise au XVIIIe siècle (Paris: Fayard, 2008)

Daunton, Martin, State and Markets in Victorian Britain: War, Welfare and Capitalism (Woodbridge, 2008)

Domik, Wolfram, Johannes Gießauf and Walter Iber (eds.), Krieg und Wirtschaft von der Antike bis ins 21. Jahrhunderts (Innsbruck: Studienverlag, 2010)

Groebner, Valentin et al (eds.), Kriegswirtschaft/Wirtschaftskrieg (Zürich, 2008)

Jones, D.W., War and Economy in the Age of William III and Marlborough (New York: Basil Blackwell, 1988)

O’Brien, Patrick Karl, ‘The impact of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, 1793-1815, on the long0run growth of the British economy’, Review of the Fernard Braudel Center, 12 (1989), 335-95

Riley, James C., The Seven Years War and the Old Regime in France. The Economic and Financial Toll(Princeton: Princeton UP, 1987).

Rodger, N.A.M., ‘War as an economic activity in the “long” eighteenth century’, International Journal of Maritime History, 22 (2010), 1-18

D4 Contracts and Treaties Alimento, Antonella, and Koen Stapelbroek (eds.), The Politics of Commercial Treaties in the Eighteenth Century: Balance of Power, Balance of Trade (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2017)

Conway, Stephen, ‘Moral economy, contract and negotiated authority in America. British and German militaries ca.1740-1783’, Journal of Modern History, 88 (2016), 34-59

Durst, Benjamin. Archive des Völkerrechts. Gedruckte Sammlungen europäischer Mächteverträge in der Frühen Neuzeit (Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2016)

Frey, Linda, and Marsha Frey (eds.), The Treaties of the War of the Spanish Succession. An Historical and Critical Dictionary (Westpoint, London: Greenwood Press, 1995)

Keene, Edward. “The Treaty-Making Revolution of the Nineteenth Century.” The International History Review 34, no. 3 (2012): 475–500.

Mokyr, Joel (ed.), Accounting and Bookkeeping - Contract Labor and the Indenture System. The Oxford encyclopedia of economic history 1 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003)



Wilson, Peter H., ‘Mercenary contracts as fiscal-military instruments’, in Svante Norrhem/Erik Thomson (eds.), Subsidies, Diplomacy and State Formation in Europe, 1494-1789: Economies of Allegiance (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2020), pp.68-92

D5 Trade Blockmans, Wim, Mikhail Krom, and Justyna Wubs-Mrozewicz. The Routledge Handbook of Maritime Trade Around Europe 1300-1600: Commercial Networks and Urban Autonomy. Routledge History Handbooks. Florence: Taylor and Francis, 2017.

Cook, Harold, Matters of Exchange (New Haven, 2008)

Grafe, Regine, Der spanische Seehandel mit Nordwesteuropa von der Mitte des sechszehnten bis zur Mitte des siebzehnten Jahrhunderts (Saarbrucken: Verlag fur Entwicklungspolitik, 1998)

Johanek, P., and H. Stoob (eds.), Europäische Messen und Märktesysteme in Mittelalter und Neuzeit (Cologne: Böhlau, 1996).

Lamikiz, Xabier, Trade and Trust in the eighteenth-century Atlantic World: Spanish Merchants and their Overseas Networks (Woodbridge: Boydell, 2010)

Macalister-Smith, Peter, and Joachim Schwietzke, eds. Treaties and Other Acts in Multilateral Conference Diplomacy 1641 to 1924. Düns: Wolfgang Neugebauer Verlag, 2019.

Tracy, James D. (ed.), The Rise of Merchant Empires: Long-Distance Trade in the Early Modern World 1350-1750 (Cambridge, 1990)


E1 General Chappell, Jonathan, ‘Maritime raiding, international law and the suppression of piracy in the South China Coast, 1842-1869’, International History Review, 40 (2018), 473-92

Doyle, Don H., The cause of all nations: An international history of the American Civil War (New York, 2014)

Hanlon, Gregory. European Military Rivalry, 1500-1750: Fierce Pageant. Abingdon Oxon: Routledge, 2020.

Harling, Philip/Peter Mandler, ‘From “Fiscal-Military” to “Laissex-Faire” state, 1760-1815’, Journal of British Studies, 32 (1993), 44-70



Leander, Anna, ‘Drafting community: Understanding the fate of conscription’, Armed Forces and Society, 30 no.4 (2004),

Posen, B. ‘Nationalism, the mass army, and military power’, International Security, 18 no.2 (1993), 80-124

Rapport, Michael, Nationality and Citizenship in Revolutionary France. The Treatment of Foreigners 1789-1799 (Oxford, 2000)

Schama, Simon, Patriots and liberators: revolution in the Netherlands, 1780-1813 (London, 1977).

Vick, Brian, ‘Power, humanitarianism and the global liberal order: Abolition of the Barbary Corsairs in the Vienna Congress system’, International History Review, 50 (2018), 939-60

Würgler, Andreas, ‘“The league of discordant members” or how the old Swiss confederation operated and how it managed to survive for so long’, in André Holenstein/Thomas Maissen/Marten Prak (eds.), The Republican Alternative: The Netherlands and Switzerland Compared (Amsterdam, 2008), pp.29-50

E2 Foreign Fighters Acciai, Enrico, ‘Traditions of armed volunteering and radical politics in Southern Europe: A biographical approach to Garibaldinism’, European History Quarterly, 49 (2019), 50-72

Acciai, Enrico, ‘Albanian transnational fighters: From the Spanish Civil War to the European resistance movements (1936-1945)’, War in History, 27 (2020), 346-67

Arielli, Nir, From Byron to Bin Laden: A History of Foreign War Volunteers (Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2018)

Arielli, Nir, Gabriela A. Frei, and Inge van Hulle, ‘The Foreign Enlistment Act, international law, and British politics, 1819-2014’, The International History Review, 38 (2016), 636-56.

Avant, Deborah D., ‘From mercenary to citizen armies: explaining change in the practice of war’, International Organization, 54 no.1 (2000), 41-72

Böhler, Jochen/Robert Gerwarth (eds.), The Waffen-SS: A European History (Oxford: OUP, 2017)

Bonvini, Alessandro, and Stephen Jacobson, ‘democratic imperialism and Risorgimento colonialism: European legionnaires on the Argentine Pampa in the 1850s’, Journal of Global History, (2021),

Bourne, Richard, Garibaldi in South America: An Exploration (London: Hurst, 2020)

Boyer, E., ‘Les volontaires français avec Garibaldi en 1860’, Revue d’histoire modern et contemporaine, 7 (1960), 123-49

Brebner, J.B., ‘Joseph Howe and the Crimean War enlistment controversy between Great Britain and the United States’, Canadian Historical Review, (1938), 300-27

Brett, E.M., The British Auxiliary Legion in the First Carlist War 1835-1838 (Dublin: Four Courts, 2005)



Bron, Grégoire, ‘The exiles of the Risorgimento: Italian volunteers in the Portuguese Civil War (1832-34)’, Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 14 (2009), 427-44

Brownlie, Ian, ‘Volunteers and the laws of war and neutrality’, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 5 no.4 (1956),

Carrard, Philippe, The French who fought for Hitler: Memoirs from the Outcasts (Cambridge, 2010)

Carteny, Andrea, La Legione Ungherese contro il Brigantaccio (Rome: Nuova Cultura, 2013)

Coulombe, Charles A., The pope’s legion: The multinational fighting force that defended the Vatican(Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2008);

Demet, Paul, ‘We are accustomed to do our duty’: German auxiliaries with the British army, 1793-95 (Warwick: Helion, 2018).

Dempsey, Guy, Napoleon’s Mercenaries (London: Greenhill Books, 2002)

duch*esne, Albert, L'expédition des volontaires belges au Mexique, 1864-1867 (Brussels: Musée royal de l'Armée et d'histoire militaire, 1967)

Estes, Kenneth W., A European Anabasis: Western European Volunteers in the German Army and SS, 1940-1945 (New York, 2008)

Forbes, Robert, For Europe: The French Volunteers of the Waffen SS (Mechanicsburg, PA, 2006)

Glozier, Matthew/David Onnekink (eds.), War, Religion and Service. Huguenot Soldiering, 1685-1713(Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007) Mostly about Huguenots in the British and Brandenburg-Prussian armies, a bit about them in the Dutch army, in Brunswick-Lüneburg, in Russia, and in Savoy-Piedmont

Göhde, Ferdinand Nicola, ‘A new military history of the Italian Risorgimento and Anti-Risorgimento: The case of transnational soldiers’, Modern Italy, 19 (2014), 21-39

Göhde, Ferdinand Nicolas, ‘German volunteers in the armed conflicts of the Italian Risorgimento 1834-70’, Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 14 (2009), 461-75

Gould, Robert W., Mercenaries of the Napoleonic Wars (Brighton: Tom Donovan, 1995)

Grasmeder, Elizabeth M.F., ‘Leaning on legionnaires: Why modern states recruit foreign soldiers’, International Security, 46 (2021), 147-95 [primarily about Nazi Germany]

Gregory, J.S., Great Britain and the Taipings (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1969)

Gutmann, Martin, ‘Debunking the myth of the volunteers: transnational volunteering in the Nazi Waffen SS officer corps during the Second World War’, Contemporary European History, 22 (2013)



Heyries, Hubert, ‘The Garibaldian volunteers in France during the Fist World War’, Journal of Modern European History, 14 (2016), 359-73

Hippler, Thomas, ‘Heroism and the nation during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars and the age of military reform’, in Sibylle Scheipers (ed.), Heroism and the Changing Character of War(Basingstoke, 2016)

Hughes, Ben, Conquer or die! Wellington’s veterans and the liberation of the New World (Oxford: Osprey, 2010)

Ignace, Anne-Claire, ‘French volunteers in Italy, 1848-49: A collective incarnation of the fraternity of the peoples and of the tradition of French military engagement in Italy and Europe’, Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 14 (2009), 445-60

Kessel, Ineke van, ‘West African soldiers in the Dutch East Indies: From Donkos to Black Dutchmen’, Transactions of the Historical Society of Ghana, NS, 9 (2005), 41-60.

Koller, Christian, Die Fremdenlegion. Kolonialismus, Söldnertum, Gewalt (Paderborn: Schöningh, 2013)

Küttel, Stefan, Auf dem fäschen Zug: Im Dienste der Französischen Fremdenlegion während des Freiheitskampfes in Algerien (2002)

Krüger, Christine G./Sonja Levsen (eds.), War Volunteering in Modern Times from the French Revolution to the Second World War (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2011)

Malet, David, Foreign Fighters: Transnational Identity in Civil Conflict (Oxford, 2013)

May, Robert E., Manifest Destiny’s Underworld: Filibusting in Antebellum America (Chapel Hill: UNC, 2003)

McLean, David, ‘Garibaldi in Uruguay: A reputation reconsidered’, English Historical Review, 113 (1998), 351-66

McLellan, Josie, ‘“I wanted to be a little Lenin”: Ideology and the German International Brigade volunteers’, Journal of Contemporary History, 41 (2006),

Miller, Robert Ryal, Shamrock and Sword: The Saint-Patrick’s Battalion in the US-Mexican War (U. of Oklahoma Press, 1989)

Miller, Rory, Britain and Latin America in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (New York: Routledge, 2013) [covers recruitment in the Wars of Independence]

Mugnai, Bruno, Garibaldi in Sudamerica: Gli anni dell’esilio e della lotta 1835-1848 (Zanica: Soldiershop, 2014)

Murphy, David, Ireland and the Crimean War (Dublin, 2002: Four Courts Press)



Paquette, G., ‘The intellectual context of British diplomatic recognition of the South American republics, c.1800-1830’, Journal of Transatlantic Studies, 2 (2004), 75-95

Pécout, Gilles, ‘The international armed volunteers: Pilgrims of a transnational Risorgimento’, Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 14 no.4 (2009), 413-26

Rink, Martin, ‘The partisan’s metamorphosis from freelance military enterpriser to German freedom fighter, 1740-1815’, War in History, 17 (2010), 6-36

Roberts, E., ‘Freedom, Faction, Fame and Blood’. British Soldiers of Conscience in Greece, Spain and Finland (Brighton, 2010)

Sandes, Flora, The Autobiography of a Woman Soldier: A Brief Record of Adventure with the Serbian Army 1916-1919 (New York, 1927)

Sandes, Flora, An English Woman-Sergeant in the Serbian Army (London, 1916)

Sarlin, Simon, ‘Fighting the Risorgimento: Foreign volunteers in Southern Italy (1860-1863)’, Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 14 no.4 (2009), 476-90

Scott, Sam, ‘The French Revolution and the Irish regiments in France’, in Hugh Gough/David Dickson (eds.), Ireland and the French Revolution (Dublin, 1990), pp.14-27

Smith, Richard J., Mercenaries and mandarins: The Ever-Victorious Army of nineteenth-century China(Millwood, NY: KTO, 1978)

St. Clair, William, That Greece might still be Free: The Philhellenes in the War of Independence (London, 1972)

Steiger, Rudolf von, Die Schweizer Regimenter in Königlich-Neapolitanischen Diensten in den Jahren 1848 und 1849 (2011 reprint)

Terzuolo, Eric R., ‘The Garibaldini in the Balkans, 1875-1876’, International History Review, 4 (1982), 111-26

Thomson, Janice E., Mercenaries, Pirates and Sovereigns: State-Building and Extra-Territorial Violence in Early Modern Europe (Princeton: Princeton UP, 1994)

Tozzi, Christopher J., Nationalizing France’s Army: Foreign, Black and Jewish Troops in the French Military, 1715-1831 (Charlottesville, VA, 2016: University of Virginia)

Tyler, W.R., ‘The British German Legion – 1854-1862’, JSHAR, 54 (1976), 14-29

Van Hulle, Inge, ‘Britain’s recognition of the Spanish American Republics: The gap between theory and practice in international law (1810-1900)’, The Legal History Review, 82 (2014),

Vick, Brian, ‘Power, humanitarianism and the global liberal order: Abolition of the Barbary Corsairs in the Vienna Congress system’, International History Review, 50 (2018), 939-60



Viotti, Andrea, Garibaldi: The revolutionary and his men (Poole: Blandford, 1979)

Waddell, D.A.G., ‘British neutrality and Spanish-American independence: The problem of foreign enlistment’, Journal of Latin American Studies, 19 (1987), 1-18

Wheeler, Gerald John, Foreign Enlistment Act, 1870, 33 + 34 Vict.c.90. With Notes of the Leading Cases on this and the American Act (London, 1896)

Wilson, Andrew, The Ever-Victorious Army (1866, reprint London: Greenhill Books, 1991)

Wilson, P.H., ‘Foreign military labour in Europe’s transition to modernity’, European Review of History, 27 (2020), 12-32

E3 Neutrality Abbenhuis, Maartje, An Age of Neutrals: Great Power Politics 1815-1914 (Cambridge, 2015)

Abbenhuis, Maartje Maria, ‘A most useful for diplomacy and statecraft: Neutrality and Europe in the “long” nineteenth century, 1815-1914’, International History Review, 35 (2013), 1-22

Alimento, Antonella (ed.), War, Trade and Neutrality: Europe and the Mediterranean in the Seventeenth

Century (Milan, 2011).

Hague Convention XIII Concerning the Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers in Naval War, 18 October 1907 (Eng.-Fr.), in Adam Roberts and Richard Guelff (eds.), Documents on the Laws of War (3d ed., Oxford, 2000: Oxford University Press), pp.127-37 Less comprehensive coverage of neutral rights and duties during maritime warfare than is provided by Hague Convention V for neutrality during land warfare; protects neutral ports and waters; deemed largely declaratory of customary international law; remains in force. Originally reprinted in American Journal of International Law 2 (Suppl. 1908): 202–216.

Bustamente, A. de, ‘The Hague Convention concerning the rights and duties of neutral powers and persons in land warfare’, American Journal of International Law, 2 (1908)

Chevallaz, Georges André, The Challenge of Neutrality: Diplomacy and the Defense of Switzerland (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2001)

Feldbaek, Ole, ‘Eighteenth-century Danish neutraility: Its diplomacy, economics and law’, Scandianvian Journal of History, 8 (1983), 3-21

Gotthard, Axel, Der liebe und werthe Fried. Kriegskonzepte und Neutralitätsvorstellungen in der Frühen Neuzeit (Cologne: Böhlau, 2014)

Jessup, P.C., F. Deák, W. Alison Phillips, A.H. Reade and E.W. Turlington, Neutrality: Its History, Economics and Law (New York: Columbia UP, 1935)



Lemnitzer, Jan, Power, law and the end of privateering (Basingstoke, 2014)

Madariaga, Isabel de, Britain, Russia and the Armed Neutrality of 1780. Sir James Harris's Mission to St Petersburg during the American Revolution (London, 1962)

Maissen, Thomas, ‘L’invention de la tradition de neutralité helvétique : une adaptation au droit des gens naissant du XVIIe siècle’, in Jean-François Chanet and Christian Windler (eds.), Les ressources des faibles. Neutralités, sauvegardes, accommodements en temps de guerre (XVIe-XVIIIe siècle) (Rennes: PUR, 2010), pp.17-46.

Mootham, O. H., ‘The Doctrine of Continuous Voyage, 1756–1815’, British Yearbook of International Law, 8 (1927), 62–80. Considers the “Rule of the War of 1756”; at p. 64 situates the ‘doctrine of continuous voyage’ as a breach of neutrality and explains the doctrine of ‘continuous transport’ utilized during the US Civil War, whereby merchants avoided the Southern blockade by transshipping contraband overland to its ultimate belligerent destination, after its initial disembarkation in neutral ports.

Muller, Leos, ‘Swedish merchant shipping in troubled times: The French Revolutionary Wars and Sweden’s neutrality 1793–1801’, The International Journal of Maritime History, 28:1 (2016), 147-64.

Neff, Stephen C., War and the Law of Nations: A General History (Cambridge, 2005)

Neff, Stephen C., The Rights and Duties of Neutrals: A General History (Manchester, 1990)

Rodogno, D., Against Massacre. Humanitarian Intervention in the Ottoman Empire 1815-1914(Princeton, 2012)

Schnakenbourg, Éric, Entre la guerre et la paix. Neutralité et relations internationales, XVIIe–XVIIIe siècles (Rennes, 2013)

Schweizer, Paul, Geschichte der schweizerischen Neutralität (Frauenfeld, 1896: J, Hubers Verlag)

Simms, Brendan/D.J.B. Trim (eds.), Humanitarian Intervention: A History (Cambridge, 2011)

Stapelbroek, Koen, (ed.), Trade and War: The Neutrality of Commerce in the Inter-State System. Collegium: Studies Across Disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences 10 (2011). The ten contributors cover neutrality issues in the eighteenth century and in the Napoleonic Wars. They include analysis of neutrality in politics, international relations and legislation. Useful to understand how contemporaries viewed the possibility of neutrality and the limits belligerents set to neutral shipping and trade.

Storrs, Christopher, “War, Neutrality and Commercial Treaties: The Savoyard State 1660–1789”. In A.

Alimento, & K. Stapelbroek (Eds.), The Politics of Commercial Treaties in the Eighteenth Century: Balance

of Power, Balance of Trade, pp. 321-347.

Waddell, D.A.G., ‘British neutrality and Spanish-American independence: The problem of foreign enlistment’, Journal of Latin American Studies, 19 (1987), 1-18




F1. Cities and Hubs Aerts, Erik et al. (eds.): Metropolitan Cities and their Hinterlands in Early Modern Europe: Session B-6: Proceedings tenth International Economic History Congress, Leuven 1990.

Caracausi, A., and Jeggle, Christian (eds.), Commercial Networks and European Cities, 1400-1800(London, 2014)

D’Amico, Stefano, Spanish Milan: A city within the Empire, 1535-1706 (New York: Palgrave, 2012)

Diedericks, H., and H. Reeder (eds.), Cities of Finance (Amsterdam, 1996)

Dincecco, Mark, and Massimiliano Gaetano Onorato, From Warfare to Wealth: The Military Origins of Urban Prosperity in Europe (Cambridge, 2017).

Gelderblom, Oscar, Cities of Commerce (Princeton, 2013)

Ginn, Geoffrey/Peter Spearritt, ‘Cities, imperial’, in J.M. MacKenzie (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Empire(London, 2016) DOI: 10.1002/978111455074.wbeoe306

Hohenberg, Paul M., and Lynn Hollen Lees, The Making of Urban Europe 1000-1994 (2nd ed, Cambridge MA: Harvard UP, 1995)

Holtfrerich, C-L., Frankfurt as a Financial Centre from Medieval Trade Fair to European Banking Centre(Munich, 1999)

Kenny, Nicholas/Rebecca Madgin (eds.), Cities beyond Borders: Comparative and Transnational Approaches to Urban History (Farnham, 2015: Ashgate)

Lees, Andrew/Lynn Hollen Lees, Cities and the Making of Modern Europe, 1750-1914 (Cambridge, 1997)

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Vogel, H., ‘Arms Production and Exports in the Dutch Republic, 1600-1650,’ in M. van der Hoeven (ed.), Exercise of Arms: Warfare in the Netherlands (1568-1648) (Brill, 1998), pp.197-210.

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van Waveren, A.I ‘Engels gietijzeren geschut: een Nederlandse handel 1609-1640’, in Puype, P. and M. van der Hoeven (eds.), Het arsenaal van de wereld: De Nederlandse waoenhandel in de Gouden Eeuw (Amsterdam, 1993), pp.28-37.Elias Trip as key person.

Van der Wee, Herman, ‘Les innovations de la technique financière à Bruges, Anvers et Amsterdam (XIIIe-XVIIIe siècle)’, Revue belge de philologie et d’histoire, 89:2 (2011) 861-72.

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middeleeuwen en vroegmoderne tijd (Amsterdam, 1999), pp.575-602

Westera, Bert, 'Mennonites and war in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries: The Brants family between pacifism and trade in guns’ in: A. Hamilton and S. Voolstra eds., From Martyr to Muppy (Mennunite Urban Professionals): a historical introdcution to cultural assimiliation processes of a religious minority in the Netherlands: the Mennonites (Amsterdam, 1994).

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Zwitzer, H.L., ‘De militie van den staat’. Het leger van de Republiek der Verenigde Nederlanden (Amsterdam, 1991).

F3. Gdansk (Danzig)/Baltic

F3.1 Sources

Bang, Nina Ellinger (ed.), Tabeller over Skibsfart Og Varetransport Gennem Øresund, 1497-1660: Første Del (Copenhagen, Leipzig: Gyldendalske boghandel; Nordisk Forlag; Harrassowitz, 1906). These are the old tables for the sound toll books which have been used throughout the 20th century. They are not as exact as the Sound Toll Register Online (STRO) since they have a much higher level of abstraction. Neither they nor the STRO include the documents from the archives not in the account books (e.g. letters, regulations, disputes).



Bes, Lennart, Edda Frankot, and Hanno Brand, Baltic Connections: Archival Guide to the Maritime Relations of the Countries around the Baltic Sea (Including the Netherlands) 1450–1800, 3 vols. (Leiden, 2007). ‘This very valuable guide brings together archival references from eight Baltic countries and the Netherlands. It provides information on sources preserved in numerous archival centers. This impressive work is an essential research tool for any scholar working on trade, shipping, migration, diplomacy, and all kinds of exchange in the Baltic world from the end of the Middle Ages to the Early Modern era.’

Cieślak, Edmund, and Jozef Rumiński (eds.), Les rapports des résidents français à Gdansk au XVIIIème siècle (2 vols., Gdansk, 1964-8: Gdańskie Towarzystwo Naukowe) These two volumes cover the years 1715–1721 and contain the reports of the French residents in Gdansk (Danzig at that time). Useful for firsthand information on commerce and politics in the Baltic theatre at the end of the Great Northern War

Brunius, Jan, Vasatidens samhälle: En vägledning till arkiven 1520-1620 i Riksarkivet. Skrifter utgivna av Riksarkivet 32. (Stockholm: Riksarkivet, 2010). Overview which sources are in which archives, how the archives are structured, and how the Vasa institutions were structured

Romefors, Örjan, Utrikesförvaltningens källor 1520-2000. Skrifter utgivna av Riksarkivet 39. (Stockholm: Riksarkivet, 2017).

Sundberg, Ulf, Svenska freder och stillestånd 1249 - 1814 (Hargshamn: Arete, 1997) Collection of peace treaties and armistices in which Sweden was involved

F3.2 General Andersen, R. C., Naval Wars in the Baltic, 1522-1850 (London: Francis Edwards Ltd., Reprinted 1969).

Artéus, Gunnar, and Thomas Roth, A Brief History of the Swedish Armed Forces (Stockholm: Swedish National Defence College [Försvarshögskolan], 2003).

Attman, Artur, The Struggle for Baltic Markets: Powers in Conflict 1558-1618 (Acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum et Litterarum Gothoburgensis. Humaniora 14. Gothenburg: Kungl. Vetenskaps- och Vitterhets-Samhället, 1979).

Auge, Oliver, Handlungsspielräume fürstlicher Politik im Mittelalter: Der südliche Ostseeraum von der Mitte des 12. Jahrhunderts bis in die frühe Reformationszeit (Mittelalter-Forschungen Bd. 28. Ostfildern: J. Thorbecke, 2009).

Ayre, Michael, The Scottish Community in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, 1630-1750 (Vilna: Humanitas, 2019).

Backlund, Janne, Rusthållarna i Fellingsbro 1684-1748: Indelningsverket och den sociala differentieringen av det Svenska agrarsamhället (Studia historica Upsaliensia 173, 1993).

Bandara, Pesala. ‘Mary, Queen of Scots' Aquatic Entertainments for the Wedding of John Fleming, Fifth Lord Fleming to Elizabeth Ross, May 1562’. In Margaret Shewring and Linda Briggs (eds.), Waterborne



Pageants and Festivities in the Renaissance: Essays in Honour of J.R. Mulryne (Farnham, Surrey, Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2013), pp.199-209. Includes an argument how Mary staged this event for the Swedish ambassador to convince him of the naval power of Scotland.

Boggis-Rolfe, Caroline, The Baltic Story. A thousand-year history of its lands, sea and peoples (Stroud: Amberley, 2019)

Bogucka, Maria, ‘Merchants’ Profits in Gdańsk Foreign Trade in the First Half of the 17th Century’, Acta Poloniae Historica, 22 (1971), 73-90.

Bogucka, Maria, ‘Amsterdam and the Baltic in the First Half of the XVII Century’, The Economic History Review, Second Series, 26 No 3 (1973), 433-47.

Bogucka, Maria, ‘Les bourgeois et les investissem*nts culturels: L’exemple de Gdańsk au XVIe et XVIIe siècles’, Revue Historique, 259 (1978), 429–40. ‘Key article by one of the leading historians of early modern Poland. Considers cultural investments by leading Gdansk citizens.’

Bogucka, Maria, ‘Saltpeter Production and Saltpeter Trade between Gdansk and Amsterdam in the First Half of the Seventeenth Century,’ in W.G. Heeres (ed.), From Dunkirk to Danzig. Shipping and Trade in the North Sea and the Baltic (Amsterdam, 1988), pp.167-170.

Bogucka, Maria, ‘Dutch Merchants’ Activities in Gdansk in the First Half of the XVIIth Century’, in J.Ph. S. Lemmink and J.S.A.M. van Koningsbrugge, Baltic Affairs. Relations Between the Netherlands and North-Eastern Europe 1500-1800 (Nijmegen: INOS, 1990), pp.19-32.

Bogucka, Maria, ‘Trade between Gdańsk and Turku (Åbo) in the 16th and First Half of the 17th Century’, Acta Poloniae Historica, 67 (1993), pp.141–7. ‘Highlights the replacement of Gdansk as the major trading link between Finland and the West during the early modern period by merchants from Lübeck and the Netherlands.’

Christensen, A.E., Dutch Trade to the Baltic about 1600 (Copenhagen/The Hague, 1941)

Cieślak, Edmund, ‘Amsterdam als Bankier von Gdansk im 18. Jahrhundert’, in The Interactions of Amsterdam and Antwerp with the Baltic Region, 1400-1800 (Leiden: Nijhoff, 1983), pp.123-31.

Cieślak, Edmund, and Jozef Rumiński, Les rapports des résidents français à Gdansk au XVIIIème siècle 2 vols. (Gdansk, 1964–8). ‘These two volumes cover the years 1715–1721 and contain the reports of the French residents in Gdansk (Danzig at that time). Useful for first-hand information on commerce and politics in the Baltic theater at the end of the Great Northern War.’

Danaher, K. (ed.), The Danish Force in Ireland, 1690-1691 (Dublin, 1962). A study of the Danish troops in Ireland, the first example of foreign troops being hired by the British state for service in Britain itself, and their contribution to the defeat of Jacobite forces.

Degn, Ole (ed.) The Sound Toll at Elsinore. Politics, Shipping and the Collection of Duties 1429-1857(Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2017)



Revised and translated edition of 2010 Danish book; includes standard articles to the Sound Toll and everything surrounding it as well as an impressive bibliography

Englund, Peter, The Battle That Shook Europe: Poltava and the Birth of the Russian Empire (London: I.B. Tauris, 2003) Mostly a detailed description of the battle but has also analysis of more general matters.

Evans, Chris and Göran Rydén, Baltic Iron in the Atlantic World in the Eighteenth Century (Leiden: Brill, 2007) Standard work on the Baltic iron trade

Feldbaek, Ole, ‘Eighteenth-century Danish neutraility: Its diplomacy, economics and law’, Scandianvian Journal of History, 8 (1983), 3-21

Fedorowicz, J. K., England's Baltic Trade in the Early Seventeenth Century: A Study in Anglo-Polish Commercial Diplomacy. Cambridge studies in economic history. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980).

Fiedler, Beate-Christine, and Christine van den Heuvel (eds.), Friedensordnung und machtpolitische Rivalitäten: Die schwedischen Besitzungen in Niedersachsen im europäischen Kontext zwischen 1648 und 1721 (Veröffentlichungen des Niedersächsichen Landesarchivs 3. Göttingen: Wallstein, 2019).

Florén, Anders, Disciplinering och konflikt: Den sociala organiseringen av arbetet Jäders bruk 1640-1750(Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis 147. Uppsala, Stockholm, Uppsala universitet: Academia Ubsaliensis; Distributor Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1987).

Forssberg, Anna Maria, The Story of War: Church and Propaganda in France and Sweden 1610-1710(Lund: Nordic Academic Press, 2016).

Frantzen, Ole Louis, and Knud J. V. Jespersen, eds. Danmarks Krigshistorie 1, 700-1814 (With the assistance of Kurt V. Jensen and Gunner Lind. Copenhagen: Gads Forlag, 2008). Textbook, richly illustrated. Great introduction to Danish military history.

Frost, Robert I., The Northern Wars 1558-1721: War, State and Society in Northeastern Europe, 1558-1721 (Harlow, Essex: Longman, 2000).

Glete, Jan, Swedish Naval Administration, 1521-1721: Resource Flows and Organisational Capabilities. The Northern World 46 (Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2010) In general, everything by Jan Glete is of interest for the Baltic case study, but especially this book really combines his decades of work on the Swedish military system, including much more than “just” the navy but also Swedish military organisation, weapon production, international systems, other navies, and so on.

Häpke, Rudolf, Die Regierung Karl V. und der europäische Norden (Hildesheim: Olms, 1976)

Hamilton, V. et al., Namnlistor över officerskårerna vid svenska s.k. männingsregementen till häst och ståndsdragoner under stora nordiska kriget (Stockholm: Kungliga Boktryckeriet, 1915) List of names of officers of the Swedish regiments in the Great Northern War, separated after regiments, incl. rank and basic information on aristocratic rank, employment, imprisonment, home coming etc. for threeman, fivemen,



and dragoon regiments from Uppland, Västgöta, Skåne, Åbo, Gotland, Österbotten, Finland, Livonia, Estonia, Ösel, and Ingermanland

Harrison Lindbergh, Katarina, Nordiska sjuårskriget 1563 till 1570 (Lund: Historiska Media, 2020)

Helland-Hansen, Kjeld, Bergens sjøfart under den spanske arvefølgekrig (1702-1710) (Bergen: Beyer, 1940) Analysis of Bergen’s port during the Spanish War of Succession, and as a connection to France, Spain, Portugal, Holland, and the Baltic area. Includes also North Atlantic (Greenland) seafare, and finally a list of ships in Bergen.

Hildebrand, Karl-Gustaf, Swedish Iron in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: Export Industry Before the Industrialization (Jernkontorets bergshistoriska skriftserie 29., 1992).

Höglund, Lars-Eric, and Åke Sallnäs, The Great Northern War 1700-1721: Colours and Uniforms (Karlstad: Acedia Press, 2000)

Jensen, Frede P., Danmarks konflikt med Sverige 1563-1570 (Skrifter udgivet af Det Historiske Institut ved Københavns Universitet 12. Copenhagen, 1982).

Jörgensen, Christer, The Anglo-Swedish Alliance Against Napoleonic France (Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004)

Kirchner, W. ‘Deutsch-russische Wirtschaftsbeziehungen im 17. Jahrhundert’, VSWG, 76 (1989), 153-84.

Knauer, Martin, and Sven Tode, (eds). Der Krieg vor den Toren: Hamburg im Dreißigjährigen Krieg, 1618-1648 (Hamburg: Verein für Hamburgische Geschichte, 2000)

Kouri, E.I.; Olesen, Jens E., The Cambridge History of Scandinavia, 1520-1870 (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2016) Extensive standard work on Scandinavia, incl. discussions of the military, economic, and political developments

Kreem, Juhan, ‘The business of war: Mercenary market and organisation in Reval in the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries’, Scandianvian Economic History Review, 49 (2001), 26-42

Lavery, Jason Edward, Germany's Northern Challenge: The Holy Roman Empire and the Scandinavian Struggle for the Baltic, 1563-1576. Studies in Central European histories (Boston, Mass., Leiden: Brill, 2002)

Lind, Gunner, Haeren og magten i Danmark, 1614-1662 (Odense: Odense Universitetsforlag, 1994) Lind’s doctoral thesis on the organisation of the Danish army, the interdependences between army and government, and esp. the Danish military political culture. Incl. a comprehensive list on the Danish officers.

Lind, Gunner, Early Military Industry in Denmark-Norway, 1500-1814, Scandinavian Journal of History38, 4 (2013), 405-421 Overview over the production of war materials (excluding textiles), and the context of this industry within the Danish-Norwegian rule.

Erik Lindberg, ’Club Goods and Inefficient Institutions: Why Danzig and Lübeck Failed in the Early Modern Period’, Economic History Review, Second Series, LXII, 3 (2009), 604-628



Lindegren, Jan, Utskrivning och utsugning: Produktion och reproduktion i Bygdeå 1620-1640 (Studia historica Upsaliensia 117. Uppsala, Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1980).

Lindegren, Jan, The Swedish ‘military state’, 1560-1720, Scandinavian Journal of History 10, 4 (1985), 305-336.

Linnarsson, Magnus, ‘The development of the Swedish post office, c.1600-1718’, in Heiko Droste (ed.), Connecting the Baltic Area. The Swedish Postal System in the Seventeenth Century (Huddinge: Södertörns högskola, 2011), pp.25-47

Lockhart, Paul Douglas, Frederik II and the Protestant Cause: Denmark's Role in the Wars of Religion, 1559-1596. The Northern World 10 (Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2004)

Loew, Peter Oliver, ‘Danzig und Venedig, in Trauer vereint: Ein Städtevergleich als Beitrag zur lokalen Mentalitätsgeschichte (16. bis 20. Jahrhundert)’, Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropaforschung, 51 (2002), 159–187. ‘Examines the use of Venice as a model for 16th-century Danzig. Chronicles local regret for the latter’s decline in modern times.’

Marklund, A., ‘The manly sacrifice: Martial manliness and patriotic martyrdom in Nordic propaganda during the Great Northern War’, Gender and History, 25 (2013), 150-69

Müller, Leos, The Merchant Houses of Stockholm, c.1640-1800: A Comparative Study of Early-Modern Entrepreneurial Behaviour (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Studia historica Upsaliensia, Uppsala: S. Academiae Ubsaliensis, 1998).

Neuding Skoog, Martin, I rikets tjänst: Krig, stat och samhälle i Sverige 1450-1550 (Stockholm: Bokförlaget Augusti, 2018).

Noldus, Badeloch, ‘Dealings in politics and art: Agent between Amsterdam, Stockholm and Copenhagen’, Scandinavian Journal of History, 28 (2003), 215-25

North, Michael, The Baltic. A History (Cambridge, Mass., London: Harvard UP, 2015) Updated version of German edition “Geschichte der Ostsee” (Munich: Beck, 2011), general history of the Baltic as a region

Oakley, Stewart P. “War in the Baltic, 1550-1790.” In The Origins of War in Early Modern Europe. Edited by Jeremy Black, 52–71 (Edingburgh: Donald, 1987) General overview on the role of the Baltic and the Baltic powers in (European) international relations, trade, and military warfare. Oakley argues that the Baltic rarely influenced (Western) European affairs and vice versa, except for the extensive trade with grain and naval stores.

Oakley, Stewart P. War and Peace in the Baltic, 1560-1790. War in Context (London, New York: Routledge, 1992)

Odén, Birgitta, Kopparhandel och statsmonopol: Studier i Svensk handelshistoria under senare 1500-Talet. Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademiens Handlingar. Historiska Serien 5. (Lund: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1960).



Oldach, Robert, Stadt und Festung Stralsund: Die schwedische Militärpräsenz in Schwedisch-Pommern 1721-1807. Quellen und Studien aus den Landesarchiven Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns 20 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2018)

Olden-Jørgensen, Sebastian, Svenskekrigene. 100 danmarkshistorier (Aarhus: Universitetsforlaget, 2018)

Perlestam, Magnus, Det lilla kriget. Skärmytslingar och kommenderingar under stora nordiska kriget åren 1702-1709 (Lund: Nordic Academic Press, 2018)

Persson, Roland, Rustningar i Sverige under det stora nordiska kriget. Studier rörande makten över krigsfinansieringen i det karolinska samhället 1700-1709 (Lund: Wallin & Dalholm, 1975) Analysis of the financial politics and decision making regarding armor and further equipment of the Swedish armies between 1700 and 1709

Querengässer, Alexander, Das kursächsische Militär im Großen Nordischen Krieg 1700–1717. Krieg in der Geschichte 107 (Paderborn: Schöningh, 2018)

Roberts, Michael, The Swedish Imperial Experience, 1560-1718 (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1979)

Roberts, Michael, The Early Vasas: A History of Sweden, 1523-1611 (New York: Cambridge UP, 1968) Still the go-to-study for 16th century Sweden

Roberts, Michael, Sweden’s Age of Greatness, 1632-1718 (London: Macmillan, 1973)

Roberts, Michael, British diplomacy and Swedish politics, 1758-1773 (London: Macmillan, 1980)

Roberts, Michael, Gustavus Adolphus: A History of Sweden, 1611-1632. 2 vols. (New York: Longmans, 1953)

Rydén, Göran (ed.), Sweden in the Eighteenth-Century World: Provincial Cosmopolitans (Farnham, Surrey, England, Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2013).

Rystad, Göran; Böhme, Klaus-R; Carlgren, Wilhelm M., The Baltic in Power Politics 1500-1990 (Lund, 1994)

Saarinen, Hannes, Bürgerstadt und absoluter Kriegsherr: Danzig und Karl XII. im Nordischen Krieg. Studia historica 55 (Helsinki: Suomen Historiallinen Seura, 1996)

Samsonowicz, H., Untersuchungen über das Danziger Bürgerkapital in der zweiten Hälfte des 15. Jahrhunderts (Weimar, 1969)

Sandström, Åke. Mellan Torneå och Amsterdam: En undersökning av Stockholms roll som förmedlare av varor i regional- och utrikeshandel 1600-1650. Stockholmsmonografier 102. Stockholm: Stockholms stad, 1990.

Schildhauer, J., ‘Zur Verlagerung des See- und Handelsverkehrs im nordeuropäischen Raum während des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts’, JbWG, (1968), Heft 4, 192-206



Schildhauer, J., ‘Der Seehandel Danzig im 16. Jahrhundert und die Verlagerung des Warenverkehrs im nord- und mitteleuropäischen Raum’, JbWG, (1970), Heft 3, 155-78

Talvitie, Petri and Juha-Matti Granqvist (eds.), Civilians and Militaty Supply in Early Modern Finland (Helsinki 2021)

Tandrup, Leo, Mod triumf eller tragedie: En politisk-diplomatisk studie over forløbet af den Dansk-Svenske magtkamp fra Kalmarkrigen til Kejserkrigen med særligt henblik på formuleringen af den Svenske og især den Danske politik i tiden fra 1617 og især fra 1621 til 1625. 2 vols. (Aarhus: Universitetsforlaget, 1979)

Thum, W., Die Rekrutierung der Sächsischen Armee unter August dem Starken (1694-1733) (Leipzig, 1912).

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Tielhof, Milja van, The ‘Mother of All Trades’: The Baltic Grain Trade in Amsterdam from the late 16th to the early 19th Century (Leiden: Brill, 2002)

Tuchtenhagen, Ralph: Zentralstaat und Provinz im frühneuzeitlichen Nordosteuropa (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2008) Study of the integration within Sweden and Russia resp. of the Baltic provinces, focus on Eastern Baltic Sea

Ullgren, Peter, Det Stora Nordiska Kriget 1700-1721: En Berättelse Om Stormakten Sveriges Fall(Stockholm: Prisma, 2008).

van Nieuwenhuize, Hielke, Niederländische Seefahrer in schwedischen Diensten: Seeschifffahrt und Technologietransfer im 17. Jahrhundert. Wirtschafts- und Sozialhistorische Studien 21 (Cologne: Böhlau, 2021)

Veluwenkamp, Jan Willem, and W. Scheltjens (eds.), The Baltic in European Maritime History (Leiden, 2018)

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Wade, Mara Renée. “Waterfront Entertainments in Saxony and Denmark from 1548-1709.” In Waterborne Pageants and Festivities in the Renaissance: Essays in Honour of J.R. Mulryne. Edited by Margaret Shewring and Linda Briggs, 329–58. European Festival Studies: 1450-1700 (Farnham, Surrey, Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2013) Includes a discussion of fireworks and expertise knowledge about the use of weaponry.



Winton, Patrik, ‘The political economy of Swedish absolutism 1789-1809’, European Review of Economic History, 16 (2012), 430-48

Winton, Patrik, ‘Politics of debt, war and peace: Scandinavia 1800-1830’, Scandinavian Journal of History, 38 (2013), 458-79

Zernack, Klaus, Nordosteuropa. Skizzen und Beiträge zu einer Geschichte der Ostseeländer (Lüneburg, 1993) One of the influential books discussing the Baltic region as region, and in the context of Europe

Zins, Henryk, England and the Baltic in the Elizabethan Era (Manchester: Manchester UP, 1972)

Zirr, Alexander, Axel Oxenstierna - Schwedens Reichskanzler während des Dreißigjährigen Krieges: Studien zu seiner Innen- und Außenpolitik. Historische Studien 3. Politische, Verfassungs- und Verwaltungsgeschichte. (Leipzig: Meine, 2008).

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Zoellner, K.-P., ‘Seehandel und Handelspolitik der Hanse in der Zeit ihres Niedergangs (1550-1600)’, JbWG, (1970), Heft 3, 221-38.

F4. Geneva and the Swiss Confederacy

F4.1 Archival Sources


Archives d’Etat de Genève (AEG)

3e Section: Politique Extérieure

Cote France, includes correspondence of ambassadors 1687-8, 1726-98

Cote Affaires étrangères (AE), includes extracts from the Conseils register 1535-1772, treaties

1186-1725 (AE9-19 NB not in chronological order)

5e Section: Administration Publique

Registres du conseil – minutes digitised and available online

Banques: covers individual banks 1798-1982 – mostly later period



Habitation: foreigners living in Geneva

Fond Charles Senebier: A Genevan in French military service 1702-63

NB other private papers


Archives des Affaires étrangères, La Courneuve, Paris (AAE)

Correspondance politique: Genève, Suisse, Grisons, Savoie-Sardaigne

Mémoires et documents: Suisse, Genève, Fonds France

Archives nationales, Paris (AN)

Series G7: correspondence of the contrôleurs-genéral des finances.

Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (BnF)

Extensive range of documents in the Archives et manuscrits department, mostly concerning

French negotiations in the Confederation and Geneva in the years between the 1590s and the


Service historique de la Défense, Château de Vincennes, Paris (SHD)

Series A1: various files contain the correspondence of French recruiters in Switzerland in the

Louisquatorzian era (particularly Stoppa).

Sous-séries XG: Suisses au service de la France, XVIIe-XIXe siècles


Archivio di Stato di Torino

Primarily in the Lettere ministri and Negoziazioni con i Svizzeri series.

United Kingdom

National Archives

State Papers Foreign, Switzerland (SP 96): letters from British envoys in Bern and Geneva, 1582-


Foreign Office, Switzerland (FO 74): letters from above, 1782-present

British Library

Much material in Blenheim Papers concerning Geneva, Switzerland, Savoie, in WoSS.

F4.2 Printed primary sources

The diary (1689–1719) and accounts (1704–1717) of Élie Bouhéreau. Edited by: Marie Léoutre, Jane McKee, Jean-Paul Pittion & Amy Prendergast (Irish Manuscripts Commission, 2019).

Barthélemy, François. Papiers de Barthélemy, ambassadeur de France en Suisse, 1792-1797, publiés sous les auspices de la Commission des archives diplomatiques par Alexandre Tausserat-Radel (1886).



Bishop Burnet’s travels through France, Italy, Germany, and Switzerland, etc.

Correspondance des contrôleurs généraux des finances avec les intendants des Provinces. Tome premier, 1683 à 1699 / publ. par ordre du Ministre des finances, d'après les documents conservés aux Archives nationales, par A. M. de Boislisle, (.... 1874-97).

Colladon, Esaie, Journal d’Esaie Colladon: mémoires sur Genève 1600–1605 (Geneva, 1883).

Correspondance de Roland Dupré: Second Résident de France a Geneve, 1680-1688.

D’Ivernois, François, Tableau historique et politique des révolutions de Genève dans le dix-huitième siècle (Geneva: Vaney, 1850).

Documents sur l’Escalade de Genève tirés des archives de Simancas, Turin, Milan, Rome, Paris et Londres (Geneva: Société d’histoire et d’archéologie de Genève, 1903).

Factums judiciaires genevois (Geneva: Société d’histoire et d’archéologie de Genève, 1988).

Flournoy, Jacques, Journal, 1675-1692 (published in Geneva by Librarie Droz, 1994).

Histoire de la miraculeuse delivrance envoyée de Dieu à la Ville de Geneve (Geneva, 1603)

A perticuler and true narration of that great and gratious deliuerance, that it pleased God of late to vouchsafe vnto the cittie of Geneva: namely vpon the. xij. of December last in the yeere 1602 (London, 1603).

Charles François d’Iberville. Résident de France à Genève. Correspondance 1688-1690. Introduction, édition critique et notes par Laurence Vial-Bergon, tome 1 décembre 1688-décembre 1689, tome II janvier 1690-décembre 1690. Publications de l'association suisse pour l'histoire du Refuge Huguenot.

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Copie d'une lettre escritte à ... Monseigneur le prince de Salm: le 7. novembre 1708 = Copia eines Schreibens an ... den Fürsten von Salm nacher Wien: Sub dato den 7. November 1708 erlassen.

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F4.3 Secondary Sources Geneva: political, social, financial

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Babel, Antony, Histoire économique de Geneva, Switzerland: des origines au début du XVIesiècle (2 vols. Geneva: A. Jullien, 1963). ‘More than a simple economic history, this work is an encyclopedia of a large spectrum of human activities from prehistory to the end of the Middle Ages. Considerable space is given to trade, financial activities, crafts, agriculture, and commercial routes. Especially helpful as a reference work.’

Barat, Raphaël, « Ce qui se passe quand on a l’impression qu’il ne se passe rien : les élections des syndics de la République de Genève à la fin du XVIIe siècle », in Revue historique, 684, 2017 :4, pp.803-18.

Bergier, Jean-François, Genève et l’économie européenne de la Renaissance (Paris: S.E.V.P.E.N., 1963).



‘A classic study of the late medieval international fairs of Geneva. Argues that, during the first half of the 15th century, Geneva was one of the most important financial centers in Europe. Her vitality was strictly linked with the Italian economy and in particular with the presence of Milanese and Tuscan merchant-bankers.’

Brandli, Fabrice, Une résidence en République: le résident de France à Genève et son rôle face aux troubles politiques de 1734 à 1768 (Geneva: Librarie Droz, 2005).

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Schnettger, Matthias, “"Principe sovrano" oder "Civitas imperialis"? : Die Republik Genua und das Alte Reich in der frühen Neuzeit (1556-1797),” (2006).

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Signorotto, Gianvittorio, Milano Spagnola: Guerra, istituzioni, uomini de governo (1635-1660) (2nd ed., Milan, 2001)

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Storrs, Christopher, War, Diplomacy, and the Rise of Savoy, 1690-1720 (Cambridge, 1999).

Storrs, Christopher, ‘Negotiating the Transition from Spanish to Austrian Habsburg Italy: Non-Spanish Italy and the War of the Spanish Succession (c. 1700-1713/14)’, in M. Pohlig, & M. Schaich (eds.), The War of the Spanish Succession: New Perspectives (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017), pp.131-57.



Storrs, Christopher, “Fleets and States in a Composite Catholic Monarchy: Spain c. 1500-1700,” in J. D. Davies, A. James, & G. Rommelse (Eds.), Ideologies of Western Naval Power, c. 1500-1815 (New York: Routledge, 2016), 85-105.

Taviani, Carlo, “An Ancient Scheme: The Mississippi Company, Machiavelli, and the Casa di San Giorgio,” in Chartering Capitalism: Organization Markets, States and Publics,” Political Power and Social Theory,29 (2015), 239-256.

Taviani, Carlo. ‘The Genoese Casa di San Giorgio as a Micro-Economic and Territorial Nodal System’, in Wim Blockmans, Mikhail Krom, and Justyna Wubs-Mrozewicz (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Maritime Trade around Europe 1300–1600 (London/New York: Routledge, 2017), pp.177-91.

Theotokis, Georgios, and Aysel Yildiz (eds.), A Military History of the Mediterranean Sea: Aspects of War,

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Thomas Clutterbuck e Ephraim Skinner.’” Nuovi Studi Livornesi, 11 (2004), 11–34.

_________. “Note su Francesco Terriesi (1635-1715) mercante, diplomatico e funzionario mediceo tra Londra e Livorno, Nuovi Studi Livornesi (2005): 59-80.

Thompson, I.A.A./Bartholomi Yun Casalilla, The Castilian Crisis of the Seventeenth Century (Cambridge, 2009)

Urbani, Rossana and Mimma Figari, Considerazione sull’insediamento ebraico Genovese (1600-1750) (Genova, 1989).

Villani, Stefano. ‘I Consoli Della Nazione Inglese a Livorno Tra Il 1665 e Il 1673: Joseph Kent, Thomas Clutterbuck e Ephraim Skinner.’” Nuovi Studi Livornesi, 11 (2004), 11–34.

Villani, Stefano, ‘Note su Francesco Terriesi (1635-1715) mercante, diplomatico e funzionario mediceo tra Londra e Livorno’, Nuovi Studi Livornesi (2005), 59-80.

Williams, Philip, 'The Strategy of Galley Warfare in the Mediterranean (1590-1620)', in Davide Maffi and Enrique García Hernán (eds.), Guerra y Sociedad. Política, estrategia y cultura en la Europa moderna (1500-1700) (2 vols, Madrid: Laberinto, 2006), pp.891-920.

Williams, Philip, Empire and Holy War in the Mediterranean: The Galley and Maritime Conflict between Habsburgs and Ottomans (Bloomsbury, 2014).

Williams, Philip, ‘Mare Nostrum? Reform, Recruitment and the Business of Crusade in the Fleets of the Seventeenth Century Mediterranean,’ Storia Economia, (2016),

Zanini, Andrea, ‘Contributo alla storia dell’ordinamento militare genovese nel secolo XVIII: reclute, disertori e reclutatori (1700-1740) (Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Genoa, 1999).



__________. ‘Soldati corsi e famegli: la forza pubblica della Repubblica di Genova nel XVIII secolo,’ in Livio Antonielli and Claudio Donati (eds.), Corpi armati e ordine pubblico in Italia (XVI-XIX sec.)(Rubbettino, 2003), pp.141-71.

F7. Hamburg (see also ‘Hanseatic League’)

Ernst Baasch, Quellen zur Geschichte von Hamburgs Handel und Schiffahrt im 17., 18. und 19. Jahrhundert (Hamburg, 1910).

Dirk Brietzke, Norbert Fischer, and Arno Herzig (eds.), Hamburg und sein norddeutsches Umland: Aspekte des Wandels seit der Frühen Neuzeit (Hamburg, 2007).

Blondé, Bruno, Oscar Gelderblom, and Peter Stabel, ‘Foreign Merchant Communities in Bruges, Antwerp, and Amsterdam, c. 1350–1650’, in Donatella Calabi and Stephen Turk Christensen (eds.), Cities and Cultural Exchange in Europe, 1400–1700 (Cambridge, 2007), pp154-74. ‘The behaviour of Hanseatic merchants in Bruges is contrasted with that of other foreign merchant communities in Antwerp and Amsterdam over the course of three hundred years.’

Denzel, Markus A., ‘Die Errichtung der Hamburger Bank 1619. Wegbereitung einer stabilen Währung und Ausdehnung des bargeldlosen Zahlungsverkehrs’, in D. Lindenlaub, C. Burhop and J. Scholtyseck (eds.), Schlüsselereignisse der deutschen Bankengeschichte (Stuttgart, 2013), pp.38-50.

Denzel, Markus A., ‘Hamburg-Swedish connections: Exchange rates and maritime insurance from the late seventeenth to the mid-nineteenth century’, in Markus A. Denzel and Christina Dalhede (eds.), Pre-industrial Commercial History: Flows and Contacts between Cities in Scandinavia and North-Western Europe (Stuttgart, 2014), pp.199-230.

Ehrenberg, R., Hamburg und England im Zeitalter der Königin Elisabeth (Jena, 1896).

Gabrrielsson, P., Struktur und Funktion der Hamburger Rentengeschäfte in der Zeit von 1471 bis 1490 (Hamburg, 1971).

Jochmann, W., and H.-D. Loose (eds.), Hamburg: Geschichte der Stadt und ihre Bewohner (Hamburg, 1982).

Jørgensen, J., ‘Denmark’s relations with Lübeck and Hamburg in the seventeenth century’, Scandinavian Economic History Review, 11 (1963), 73-109

Kellenbenz, Hermann, Unternehmerkräfte im Hamburger Portugal- und Spanienhandel 1590-1625 (Hamburg, 1954).

Kellenbenz Hermann, 'Hamburg und die französisch-schwedische Zusammenarbeit im 30jährigen Krieg’, Zeitschrift der Vereins für Hamburgische Geschichte, 49/50 (1964), 83-107. [also in H. Rudolf (ed.), Der Dreißigjährige Krieg (Darmstadt, 1977), pp.267-97].



Krieger, Martin, Geschichte Hamburgs (München, 2006).

Lehe, E. von, Die Märkte Hamburgs von den Anfängen bis in die Neuzeit (Wiesbaden, 1966).

Lindberg, Erik, ‘The Rise of Hamburg as a Global Marketplace in the Seventeenth Century: A Comparative Political Economy Perspective’, Comparative Studies in Society and History, 50 (2008), 641–662. ‘A comparison of financial organization in 17th-century Lübeck and Hamburg, arguing that new approaches in Hamburg facilitated greater commercial success than that of its more traditional neighbour.’

Lindemann, Mary, The Merchant Republics: Amsterdam, Antwerp and Hamburg, 1648-1790 (New York, 2015: CUP)

Lorenzen-Schmidt, K.-J., ‘Umfang und Dynamik des Hamburger Rentenmarktes zwischen 1471 und 1570’, ZHG, 65 (1979), 21-52.

Heinz Münte, Das Altonaer Handelshaus van der Smissen 1682–1824: Ein Beitrag zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Stadt Altona (Altona, 1932).

North, Michael, ‘Hamburg: The Continent’s most English city’, in M. North (ed.), From the North Sea to the Baltic (Aldershot, 1996), pp.1-13.

Alexander Nikolajczyk, ‘Integriert oder ausgegrenzt? Die Stellung der niederländischen Einwanderer im frühneuzeitlichen Hamburg’, HamburgerWirtschafts-Chronik, NS 6 (2006), 7–4

Pohl, H., Die Beziehungen Hamburgs zu Spanien und dem spanischen Amerika in der Zeit von 1740-1806(Wiesbaden, 1963).

Pohl, H., Hamburger Bankengeschichte (Mainz, 1986).

Rainer Ramcke, Die Beziehungen zwischen Hamburg und Österreich im 18. Jahrhundert: Kaiserlich-reichsstädtisches Verhältnis im Zeichenvon Handels- und Finanzinteressen (Hamburg, 1969)

Reissmann, M., Die hamburgische Kaufmannschaft des 17. Jahrhunderts in sozialhistorischer Sicht(Hamburg, 1975).

Röhlk, F., Schiffahrt und Handel zwischen Hamburg und den Niederlanden in den zweiten Hälfte des 18. und zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts (Wiesbaden, 1973).

Schneider, K., ‘Hamburg während der Kipper- und Wipperzeit’, ZHG, 67 (1981), 47-74.

Schneider, Jürgen, ‘Zur Bedeutung von Börsen: Ein Forschungskonzept, dargestellt am Beispiel der Hamburger Börse (16.-19. Jahrhundert)’. In Michael North (ed.), Nordwesteuropa in der Weltwirtschaft 1750 - 1950: Northwestern Europe in the World Economy 1750 - 1950 Beiträge zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte 54 (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1993), pp.245-56

Knauer, Martin, and Sven Tode, (eds). Der Krieg vor den Toren: Hamburg im Dreißigjährigen Krieg, 1618-1648 (Hamburg: Verein für Hamburgische Geschichte, 2000)



Toshiaki Tamaki, Hamburg as a Gateway: The Economic Connections between the Atlantic and the Baltic in the Long Eighteenth Century with Special Reference to French Colonial Goods, in: Müller / Tamaki / Rössner (eds.), Rise of the Atlantic Economy, pp. 61-80.

Weber, Klaus, Deutsche Kaufleute im Atlantikhandel: Unternehmen und Familien in Hamburg, Cadiz und Bordeaux (Munich: C.H. Beck, 2004)

E. Wiskemann, Hamburg und die Welthandelspolitik von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart (Hamburg 1929)

Joachim Whaley, Religiöse Toleranz und sozialer Wandel in Hamburg, 1529–1819 (Hamburg, 1992).

Zunckel, Julia, Rüstungsgeschäfte im Dreißigjährigen Krieg. Unternehmer, Kräfte, Militärgüter und Marktstrategien im Handel zwischen Genua, Amsterdam und Hamburg (Berlin: Duncker und Humblot, 1997).

F8. London

Ackroyd, M., Advancing with the Army: Medicine, the Professions, and Social Mobility in the British Isles, 1790-1850 (Oxford, 2006). Prosopographical study of military medicine and medical services during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars,

emphasising the social opportunities it offered, as well as enabling medical research into diseases such as yellow fever.

Addis, J.P. ‘Anthony Bacon and Richard Crawshay’, South African Journal of Economic History 8 (1993) pp.168-80.

Anderson, Olive, ‘Economic warfare in the Crimean War’, Economic History Review 14 (1961), 34-47

Anderson, Olive, ‘Loans versus taxes: British financial policy in the Crimean War’, Economic History Review 16 (1963), 314-27

Anderson, Olive, ‘Great Britain and the beginnings of Ottoman public debt, 1854-44’, Historical Journal 7 (1964), 47-63

Anderson, Olive, ‘The Russian Loan of 1855: an example of economic liberalism?’, Economica 27 (1960), 368-71

Ashworth, W. J. ‘"System of Terror": Samuel Bentham, Accountability and Dockyard Reform During the Napoleonic Wars’, Social History 23 (1998), pp. 63-79 Examines the Benthamite or Utilitarian reforms introduced by Jeremy Bentham’s brother as inspector of dockyards after 1800 in an attempt to stamp out corruption and inefficiency.

Ashworth, W. J., Customs and Excise: Trade, Production and Consumption in England 1640-1845 (Oxford, 2003).



Synthesises recent work on indirect taxation in Britain and analyses its impact on the British economy, arguing in particular that the growing need to measure and quantify the production of goods so that they could be taxed facilitated economic development and industrialisation.

Austin, P., Baring Brothers and the birth of modern finance (London, 2015) A study of Baring Brothers as merchant bankers, including their role in floating loans for a wide variety of Latin American and European regimes after 1815, and the financial mechanicsms and networks which allowed them to do so effectively.

Aylmer, G. E., The State's Servants: The Civil Service of the English Republic, 1649-1660 (London, 1973). A study of the bureaucracy of the English Republic and Protectorate during the initial period of state formation, arguing that on the one hand there were continuities in recruitment and practice with royal administration, but also key instances of change.

Aylmer, G. E. ‘From Office-Holding to Civil Service: The Genesis of Modern Bureaucracy’, Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 5th ser. 30 (1980), pp. 91-108. Aligns the history of bureaucracy in Britain with Weberian studies of the shift from charismatic to bureaucratic authority during the modern period, arguing that these shifts began to occur in English in the mid-seventeenth century.

Aylmer, G. E., The Crown's Servants: Government and the Civil Service under Charles II, 1660-1685(Oxford, 2002). A study of the growth of bureaucracy after 1660, arguing that despite rejecting the political legacy of the English Republic and Protectorate, the Restoration regime kept many of the bureaucratic revenue, military and naval structures created in the 1850s.

Bailey, De Witt, British Board of Ordnance Small Arms Contractors 1689-1840 (Rhyl: W.S. Curits, 1999)

Bailey, de Witt, ‘The Board of Ordnance and small arms supply: the Ordnance system, 1714-1783’ (Unpublished PhD thesis, KCL, 1988)

Baer, Friederike, ‘The decision to hire German troops in the War of American Independence: reactions in Britain and North America, 1774-1776’, Early American Studies 13 (2015), 111-50.

Baker, N., Government and Contractors: The British Treasury and War Supplies, 1775-1783 (London, 1971). Examines the supply of provisions to British armies in North America during the American Revolutionary War, arguing that the British state was relatively effective at managing contractors, who were constrained more by economic and financial circ*mstances than by corruption or inefficiency.

Baker, N. ‘The Treasury and Open Contracting, 1778-1782’, Historical Journal 15, no. 3 (1972), 433-454. A study of Treasury contracting procedure, arguing that political pressure due to defeats in America forced the Treasury to shift from ‘closed’ contracting with a small circle of trusted contractors to ‘open’ contracting in order to obtain better terms.

Banner, S., Anglo-American Securities Regulation: Cultural and Political Roots, 1690-1860 (Cambridge, 1998). Examines the growth of legal systems for regulating the trade in stocks and shares, including government debt, during the financial revolution in Britain after 1690, and its evolution as the scope of financial activity expanded during the eighteenth century.



Bannerman, G., Merchants and the Military in Eighteenth-Century Britain: British Army Contracts and Domestic Supply, 1739-1763 (London, 2008). A study of army contracting in the mid-eighteenth century, focussed mainly on the mundane but vital contracts for provisions and forage for horses in Britain. Using a prosopographical study of contractors, agues that the system of ‘closed’ contracting was relatively effective and contracts went to established contractors who had proved their competence, rather than being used for political patronage and corruption.

Bannerman, G. ‘The "Nabob of the North": Sir Lawrence Dundas as Government Contractor’, Historical Research 83, no. 219 (2010), 102-123. A case study of British army provisions contracting during the Jacobite campaigns in Scotland of 1745-6, showing that Dundas made extensive use of his commercial networks in the region to enable Cumberland’s army to remain supplied.

Bartlett, T. ‘From Irish State to British Empire: Reflections on State Building in Ireland, 1690-1830’, Etudes Irlandaises 20 (n.s.) (1995), 15-57. Examines the position of Ireland within the British state during the eighteenth century, and the development of local institutions to manage and support the Irish army in its functions of internal and external defence of the Protestant Ascendancy.

Bartle, G.F., ‘Bowring and the Greek Loans of 1824 and 1825’, Balkan Studies iii (1962) pp. 61-74

Baster, Albert, ‘The origins of British banking expansion in the Near East’, Economic History Review 5 (1934), 76-86

Baugh, D. A., British Naval Administration in the Age of Walpole (Princeton, 1965) An important study of the entire scope of British naval administration between 1720 and 1748, including the dockyards and victualling establishments at home and overseas, arguing that most problems arose and were solved by the funding available.

Baugh, D. A. ‘Great Britain's “Blue-Water” Policy 1689-1815’, International History Review 10 (1988), pp. 33-58. Examines the assumptions behind Britain’s tendency for most of the eighteenth century to build up the navy and fight colonial wars rather than devote resources to military campaigns in Europe, arguing that it reflected political prejudices about the army.

Baugh, D.A., ‘Withdrawing from Europe: Anglo-French maritime geopolitics, 1750-1800’, International History Review 20 (1998), 1-32

Baxter, S. B., The Development of the Treasury, 1660-1702 (London, 1957). Surveys the bureaucratic and administrative development of the British Treasury during the Restoration and the first stages of the ‘Second Hundred Years War’, arguing that it developed largely in response to the financial demands of warfare.

Beckett, J. V. ‘Land Tax Administration at the Local Level 1693-1798’, in M. Turner and D. R. Mills eds., Land and Property: The English Land Tax 1692-1832, (New York, 1986), pp. 161-179. Examines how the land tax, Britain’s main direct tax, was administered during the eighteenth century, arguing that its structure allowed for negotiations between the state and local interests, reducing resistance to collection and increasing its yield.



Beerbühl, Margrit Schulte, The Forgotten Majority: German Merchants in London, Naturalization and Global Trade, 1660-1815 (Oxford, 2015: Berghahn) An extensive economic and social history of German merchants in London and their commercial and cultural connections with Germany, particularly major commercial centres such as Hamburg. Also including their investment in the British national debt.

Behagg, Clive, ‘Mass production without the factory: craft producers, guns and small firm innovation, 1790-1815’, Business History 40 (1998), 1-15

Bent, Mike, ‘British steamer involvement in the Portuguese Civil War, 1828-1834’, International Journal of Maritime History 31 (2019), 634-45

Binney, J. E. D., British Public Finance and Administration 1774-92 (Oxford, 1958) A comprehensive and wide-ranging survey of the British fiscal-military state during the prelude, progress and aftermath of the American Revolutionary War, based mainly on Parliamentary reports. Argues that it was reasonably effective at mobilising resources but constrained by political factors, such as a degree of corruption.

Black, Iain S., ‘Money, information and space: banking in early-nineteenth century England and Wales’, Journal of Historical Geography 21 (1995), 398-412

Bowen, H. V., War and British Society, 1688-1815, New Studies in Economic and Social History(Cambridge, 1998). A short book which surveys the impact of war on British society during the ‘Second Hundred Years War’, arguing that it helped to promote industrialisation and social change.

Bowen, H.V., ‘The East India Company and military recruitment in Britain, 1763-71’, Historical Research59 (1986), 78-90

Bowler, R. A., Logistics and the Failure of the British Army in America, 1775-1783 (Princeton, NJ, 1975). A study of the commissariat and logistical administration of the British army in North America, pointing out the immense practical challenges of supplying provisions to British forces there and the reliance on Irish provisions contractors, and arguing that the Treasury managed this about as effectively as it could have done.

Brezis, Elise S., ‘Foreign capital flows in the century of Britain’s industrial revolution: new estimates, controlled conjectures’, Economic History Review 48 (1995), 46-67

Buckley, R. N., The British Army in the West Indies: Society and the Military in the Revolutionary Age(Gainesville, FL, 1998). Comprehensive social and administrative study of the British army in the West Indies, emphasising in particular the adaptions necessary for the tropical climate and slave society, and efforts to address the high mortality rate through better medical care.

Braddick, Michael, ‘An English Military Revolution?’, Historical Journal, 36 (1993), 965-975. Reviews the evidence for a ‘military revolution’ in England in the seventeenth century.

Braddick, M., The Nerves of State: Taxation and the Financing of the English State, 1558-1714(Manchester, 1996).



Synthesises and summarises the literature on taxation in England from the late Tudors to the late Stuarts, demonstrating the importance of the English Republic and Protectorate in sweeping away mediaeval systems and bringing in more efficient methods.

Braddick, M., State Formation in Early Modern England, C. 1550-1700 (Cambridge, 2000). A comprehensive survey of state formation under Elizabeth and the Stuarts, covering not only taxation and warfare but also social and religious policy. Argues that in many cases, state formation represented not so much the creation of new institutions but the absorption of existing methods into explicitly ‘royal’ rather than private


Brewer, J., The Sinews of Power: War, Money and the English State, 1688-1783 (London, 1989). The landmark study of state formation in Britain during the eighteenth century, which pioneered the concept of the fiscal-military state. Based theoretically on the work of Michael Mann and Max Weber, and empirically on a study of the excise administration, it also argues for the importance of politics and parliament in legitimising the taxation that supported the creation of the national debt, and contests the existing scholarship arguing that Britain possessed a relatively weak state compared with absolutist France or Prussia.

Brinkmann, C. ‘Charles II and the Bishop of Munster in the Anglo-Dutch War of 1665-6’, English Historical Review 21 (1906), 686-98

Brooks, C. ‘Public Finance and Political Stability: The Administration of the Land Tax, 1688-1720’, Historical Journal 17, no. 2 (1974), 281-300. Examines the early years of land tax administration in southern England, and argues that its structure provided opportunities for local interests to negotiate compromises with the central state, facilitating acceptance of it.

Brooks, C. ‘Interest, Patronage and Professionalism: John, 1st Baron Ashburnham, Hastings, and the Revenue Service’, Southern History 9 (1987), 51-70. A study of the excise service in Sussex during the early eighteenth century, arguing that despite its bureaucratic character there were still opportunities for patronage and private interests that potentially undermined its effectiveness and impartiality.

Browning, Reed, ‘The Duke of Newcastle and the financing of the Seven Years’ War’, Journal of Economic History 31 (1971), 344-77

Bruce, A. P. C., The Purchase System in the British Army, 1660-1871, Royal Historical Society Studies in History (London, 1980). Examines the system of venality which allowed British army officers to purchase military rank, showing how it was valued as a system which maintained the political reliability of the officer corps, until the military inefficiencies it introduced became too serious to overlook.

Buchet, C., The British Navy, Economy and Society in the Seven Years War (Woodbridge, 2013). A study translated from the French doctoral thesis of naval victualling and contracting during the Seven Years War, arguing that the British state relied heavily on markets at home and abroad to support its projection of power.

Burton, I. F. ‘The Secretary at War and the Administration of the Army During the War of the Spanish Succession’, University of London, 1960). Examines the administration of the British army during the early eighteenth century, in particular the evolution of the office of Secretary at War from secretary to the Commander in Chief to an independent official in his own right.



Caputo, Sara, ‘Alien seamen in the British navy, British law, and the British state, c. 1793-c. 1815’, Historical Journal 62 (2019), 685-707

Carlos, A.M., and Larry Neal, ‘Amsterdam and London as financial centres in the eighteenth century’, Financial History Review, 18 (2011), 21-46

Carruthers, B.G., City of Capital: Politics and Markets in the English Financial Revolution (Princeton, 1996) Argues that political partisanship influenced patterns of financial investment during the ‘financial revolution’ circa 1690 to 1720, with Whigs favouring the Bank of England and New East India Company and Tories the Land Bank, Old East India Company and the South Sea Company. It has since been argued that he overstates the extent of this difference, and that many investors were guided more by financial returns than political loyalty.

Chandaman, C. D., The English Public Revenue, 1660-1688 (Oxford, 1975). A detailed reconstruction of English taxation under the Restoration, showing how the innovations of the English Republic and Protectorate were preserved and developed by successive officials, contributing to the increased yield and reliability of the Crown’s income.

Chatziioannou, Maria, ‘War, crisis and sovereign loans: the Greek War of Independence and British economic expansion in the 1820s’, The Historical Review/La Revue Historique 10 (2013) pp. 33-56

Chew, Emrys, Arming the periphery: the arms trade in the Indian Ocean during the age of global empire(London, 2012)

Childs, J., The Army of Charles II (London, 1976). Childs, J., The Army, James II, and the Glorious Revolution (Manchester, 1980). Childs, J., The British Army of William Iii, 1689-1702 (Manchester, 1987). Three detailed studies of the evolution of the British army (including its Scottish and Irish components) between 1660 and 1702, including the continuities with the army of the Protectorate and the political and social impact of its transition into a standing force.

Childs, J, ‘The British Brigade in France, 1672-1678’, History 69 (1984) pp. 384-97

Childs, J., The Nine Years' War and the British Army 1688-1697: The Operations in the Low Countries(Manchester, 1991). A detailed study of British army operations overseas during the Nine Years War, with details on logistics and administration.

Clapham, J. H., The Bank of England: A History (Cambridge, 1945). This remains the standard history of the Bank of England, from its formation in 1694 up to 1945. Provides a broad survey of key incidents, including its role in the management of the national debt and British currency, and the development of the British banking system.

Clark, Dorothy, ‘Edward Backwell as a royal agent’, Economic History Review 9 (1938) pp. 45-55

Clark, G.N. ‘War trade and trade war, 1701-1713’ Economic History Review 1 (1928) pp. 262-80

Clark, Geoffrey, ‘Insurance as an instrument of war in the 18th century’, in Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: issues and practice 29 (2004) pp. 247-57



co*ckroft, Wayne, The archaeology of gunpowder and military explosives manufacture (Liverpool, 2000) ch. 2 ‘The royal factories, 1759-1850’ pp. 30-66

Clay, C. G. A., Public Finance and Private Wealth: The Career of Sir Stephen Fox, 1627-1716 (Oxford, 1978). Examines the career of Sir Stephen Fox, Paymaster-General of the army in the 1670s and 1680s, and the importance of informal financial intermediation in supporting military credit.

Coffman, D. M., Excise Taxation and the Origins of Public Debt (London, 2013). An important study tracking the evolution of the excise tax from its introduction by Parliamentary forces in 1643 to support the war against the king, its continuation after 1660 by Charles II, and its developing role in supporting the growth of the national debt.

Cole, Gareth, Arming the Royal Navy, 1793-1815: The Office of Ordnance and the State (London: Pickering and Chatto, 2012) A study of the interaction between the Ordnance Office and the Royal Navy in the supply of the key war materials of gunpowder, cannon and ammunition, focussing mainly on the efforts of the Office to improve their quality through scientific research and better administration.

Coleby, A. M., Central Government and the Localities: Hampshire, 1649-1689, Cambridge Studies in Early Modern British History. (Cambridge, 1987). Examines the impact of the growing British fiscal-military state at a local level, as one of the few regional studies of its impact. Argues that local elites supported the revenue or militia where it aligned with their own interests, but otherwise frequently failed to cooperate.

Conway, S., The British Isles and the War of American Independence (Oxford, 2000). Examines the impact of the American Revolutionary War (1775-83) on British politics, society and economy, and the efforts of the British state to mobilise these resources for use in North America.

Conway, S., War, State, and Society in Mid-Eighteenth-Century Britain and Ireland (Oxford: New York, 2006). A study of British state formation during the Seven Years War (1756-63), showing how British military and naval successes reflected the strength of its economy and political system, which enabled the state to tap into its resources.

Cookson, J. E., The British Armed Nation, 1793-1815 (Oxford, 1997). Examines the militia and other volunteer forces in Britain (including Scotland and Ireland) during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, arguing that the British state was successful in mobilising up to a quarter of British adult men for its defence.

Cope, S. R., Walter Boyd, a Merchant Banker in the Age of Napoleon (Gloucester, 1983). A study of the financial mechanisms behind the British national debt in the 1790s, in particular the banking syndicates with whom the Treasury contracted to raise debts, and the challenges as well as the rewards which they offered.

Corrigan, P. and Sayer, D., The Great Arch: English State Formation as Cultural Revolution (Oxford, 1986). A Marxist reading of state formation in Britain from mediaeval to modern times, arguing that it reflected a growing need among elites to control society, which justified the creation of institutions for this purpose.



Crouzet, F. ‘The Huguenots and the English Financial Revolution’, in P. L. R. Higonnet, D. S. Landes and H. Rosovsky (eds.), Favorites of Fortune: Technology, Growth, and Economic Development since the Industrial Revolution, (London, 1991), pp. 221-266. Examines the role of the Huguenots in the English financial revolution, arguing that they played a minor but important role as investors or channels for investment.

Crimmin, P.K., ‘Searching for British naval stores: sources and strategy c. 1802-1860’, The Great Circle 18 (1996), 113-24

Danaher, K. (ed.), The Danish Force in Ireland, 1690-1691 (Dublin, 1962). A study of the Danish troops in Ireland, the first example of foreign troops being hired by the British state for service in Britain itself, and their contribution to the defeat of Jacobite forces.

Dawson, F. G., The First Latin American Debt Crisis: The City of London and the 1822-25 Loan Bubble(New Haven, 1990). Examines the emergence of the City of London as a financial centre for floating South American debt in the 1820s, the development of financial structures to facilitate this, and the financial crisis that resulted when these structures fialed to regulate speculation.

Desan, C., Making Money: Coin, Currency, and the Coming of Capitalism, First edition. edn, 2014). Examines the intellectual, ideological and practical development of the British financial revolution, emphasising in particular the continued political interventions by the British state in the construction of London’s financial institutions.

Davey, James, The Transformation of British Naval Stategy: Seapower and Supply in northern Europe, 1808-1812 (Rochester, NY: Boydell, 2012) Arises out of the ‘contractor-state’ project of Knight and Wilcox (see below), but offers a detailed case study of its successful operation during the Baltic campaign in the later stages of the Napoleonic war, examining not only the Victualling Board but also its interaction with the Transport Board, and the role of the Admiralty in coordinating their efforts for greater efficiency.

Davies, J. D., Gentlemen and Tarpaulins: The Officers and Men of the Restoration Navy, Oxford Historical Monographs (Oxford, 1991). Examines the tensions within the English navy after 1660, when professional officers or ‘tarpaulins’ clashed with royalist appointees, raising wider issues about the balance of political reliability and professional skill in military forces.

Dickson, P. G. M., The Financial Revolution in England: A Study in the Development of Public Credit, 1688-1756 (London, 1967). The definitive study of England’s ‘financial revolution’ in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth century, offering detailed examinations of the growth of national debt instruments and the markets for trading them, as well as the networks and brokers that emerged around them. Refined in points of detail by later work, but still the primary reference for all studies of English finance before 1756.

Dietz, V. E. ‘The Politics of Whiskey: Scottish Distillers, the Excise and the Pittite State’, Journal of British Studies 36, no. 1 (1997), 35-69. A study of the difficulties of revenue administration even in the late eighteenth century at the height of British fiscal-miltiary power, pointing out how Scottish distillers used their remoteness from British authority to circumvent strict excise taxation.



Donagan, B, War in England, 1642-9 (Oxford, 2008) Detailed study of military culture and thought during the English Civil War, including the role of honour and discipline, and the continued importance of civilian standards of conduct and loyalty in moderating military practices based on European experiences.

Dziennik, Matthew, The fatal land: war, empire and the Highland soldier in british America (Yale University Pres: New Haven, CT, 2015) Examines the recruitment of Highland soldiers for the British army in the mid-eighteenth century, arguing that the army continued to rely on clan chiefs as intermediaries, resulting in the incorporation of clan social structures and cultures into army regiments.

Eagly, R.V. and V.K. Smith, ‘Domestic and international integration of the London money market, 1731-1789’, The Journal of Economic History, 36 (1976), 198-216.

Edwards, Ifor, ‘John Wilkinson and the development of gunfounding in the late eighteenth century’, Welsh Historical Review 15 (1991) pp. 524-44

Edwards, John Richard, ‘Accounting for fair competition between private and public sector armaments manufacturers in Victorian Britain, Abacus 51 (2015)

Ehrman, J., The Navy in the War of William III, 1689-1697: Its State and Direction (Cambridge, 1953). Comprehensive study of naval warfare and administration in the 1690s, arguing that both were stretched by the unprecedented demands of warfare during this period, and that this process led to changes that supported eighteenth century naval power.

Emsley, Clive, British society and the French Wars, 1793-1815 (London, 1979)

Falkner, J., Marlborough’s War Machine 1702-1711 (Barnsley, 2014).

Ferguson, N., The house of Rothschild: money’s prophets, 1789-1849 (London, 1998) Definitive study of the Rothschilds; this volume covers their origins in Germany, the spread of their financial networks across Europe, and their rise to prominence as contractors to the British state during the Napoleonic War and as financial intermediaries for European nations on the British financial markets after 1815.

Ferguson, N., The cash nexus: money and power in the modern world, 1700-2000 (London, 2002) Sweeping study of finance across the world, but based ultimately on a study of bond prices in London (and later in New York) as both a reflection and cause of money’s impact on the wider world, by driving processes such as military intervention.

Flandreau, Marc, ‘Sovereign states, bondholders committees and the London Stock Exchange in the nineteenth century (1827-68): new facts and old fictions’, Oxford Review of Economic Policy 29 (2013), 668-96

Flandreau, Marc, and Flores, Juan H., ‘The peaceful conspiracy: bond markets and international relations during the pax britannica’, International Organization 66 (2012), 211-41

Fleischmann, Richard K. and Parker, Lee D., ‘Managerial accounting early in the British industrial revolution: the Carron Company, a case study’, in Accounting and Business Research 20 (1990), 211-21



Francis, A. D., The First Peninsular War, 1702-1713 (London, 1975). A detailed study of the Spanish and Portuguese theatres of the War of the Spanish Succession, highlighting in particular the nature of coalition warfare.

Fries, Russell, ‘British response to the American system: the case of the small-arms industry after 1850’, Technology and Culture 16 (1975), 377-403

Frykman, Niklas, ‘Seamen on late eighteenth-century European warships’, International Review of Social History 54 (2009), 67-93

Games, Alison, The Web of Empire: English Cosmopolitans in an Age of Expansion, 1560-1660 (Oxford: OUP, 2008) A key text in the historiography of the early British Empire, focussing on the importance of individuals in the construction of imperial power and the networks that facilitated this.

Garnham, N., The Militia in Eighteenth-Century Ireland: In Defence of the Protestant Interest(Woodbridge, 2012). Studies the development of the militia in Ireland during the eighteenth century, showing how it initially served to defend the Protestant Ascendancy against the Catholic Irish, but gradually turned into a political force that pressed for Irish autonomy in the 1780s.

Gauci, Perry, Emporium of the World: The Merchants of London 1660-1800 (London: Bllomsbury, 2007) Studies the economic, social and institutional context in which British merchants operated during the era of mercantilism and the rise of empire, including the operation of key London commercial institutions such as the Royal Exchange and other mercantile markets.

Gauci, Perry, The Politics of Trade: The Overseas Merchant in State and Society (Oxford, 2001) A study of the activities of English merchants as interest groups and lobbyists during the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, and the challenges and opportunities that this offered for the development of colonial trade and the imperial mercantilist system.

Gilbert, A. N. ‘Law and Honour among Eighteenth-Century British Army Officers’, Historical Journal, 19 (1976), 75-87. A study of military culture among army officers in the eighteenth century, arguing that it was fundamental to their professional and personal identity.

Glover, R. G., Peninsular Preparation: The Reform of the British Army, 1795-1809 (Cambridge, 1963). Examines the changes carried out within the British army before Wellington’s campaigns, and how these supported its effectiveness. Argues in particular for the positive impact of the Duke of York as Commander in Chief.

Graham, Aaron, Corruption, Party and Government in Britain, 1702-13 (OUP, 2015) Examines military finance during the War of the Spanish Succession and the political and financial networks which underlay it, arguing that bureaucratic state formation was supplemented by informal networks of political and personal allegiance that coordinated their actions, but which looked from the outside like corruption.

Graham, A. ‘Auditing Leviathan: Corruption and State Formation in Early Eighteenth Century Britain’, English Historical Review 128, no. 533 (2013), 806-38.



A study of corruption, auditing, accounting and military finance during the War of the Spanish Succession, showing how officials were able to circumvent rules to act in ways which looked corrupt, but were sometimes vital for the effectiveness of the army.

Graham, A. ‘Public Service and Private Profit: British Fiscal-Military Entrepreneurship Overseas, 1707-12’, in J. Fynn-Paul ed., War, Entrepreneurs and the State in Europe and the Mediterranean, 1300-1800, (Leiden, 2014), pp. 87-110. Examines a chain of military finance connecting a garrison in Spain with British officials in Portugal and London, arguing that entrepreneurship among agents led them to introduce their own funds into the system in return for a rake-off from payments.

Graham, A. ‘Military Contractors and the Money Markets, 1700-15’, in A. Graham and P. Walsh eds., The British Fiscal-Military States, 1660-C. 1783, (London, 2016), pp. 83-112. Uses legal records to reconstruct the commercial and financial networks in London during the early eighteenth century which enabled contractors to raise funds on British government financial instruments such as clothing warrants, and the limits of this sytem.

Graham, Aaron, ‘The War of the Spanish Succession, the Financial Revolution, and the Imperial Loans of 1706 and 1710’, in M. Pohlig and M. Schaich eds., The War of the Spanish Succession: New Perspectives, (Oxford, 2018). Studies how loans were raised in London for Habsburg forces in 1706 and 1710, through a network of British financiers and diplomats, and the various political and commercial negotiations which took place to uphold the financial reputation of the Imperial regime.

Graham, A. and Walsh, P., eds., The British Fiscal-Military States, 1660-C.1783 (London, 2016). An edited volume of essays on aspects of fiscal-military state formation in the British Isles during the eighteenth century, pointing out local variations and the limits of bureaucratic reform. With a retrospective by John Brewer on The Sinews of Power.

Gruber von Arni, E., Hospital Care and the British Standing Army, 1660-1714, History of Medicine in Context (Aldershot, 2006). Detailed study of the administration and practice of military medicine and hospital care during the wars of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, with a focus not only on domestic medicine but also the challenges of overseas medical care.

Gunn, S., Grummitt, D. and Cools, H., War, State, and Society in England and the Netherlands 1477-1559(Oxford, 2007). Comprehensive and ambitious survey and comparison of warfare and state formation in England and the Netherlands in the sixteenth century.

Guy, A. J. ‘Regimental Agency in the British Standing Army, 1715-1763; a Study in Georgian Military Administration (Part I)’, Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 52 (1979-80), pp. 423-453.

Guy, A. J. ‘Regimental Agency in the British Standing Army, 1715-1763; a Study in Georgian Military Administration (Part Ii)’, Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 53 (1980-1), pp. 31-57.

Detailed studies of regimental agency during the eighteenth century, highlighting the administrative and financial roles of major agents such as John Calcraft, and how their efforts enabled the British state to operate with only minimal formal bureaucracy.



Guy, A. J., Oeconomy and Discipline: Officership and Administration in the British Army 1714-63(Manchester, 1985).

A comprehensive and deeply-informed study of military administration during the mid-eighteenth century and its impact on the military effectiveness of the British army and its officer corps, stressing in particular how the complex nature of the system required officers and officials to adopt work-arounds to meet its demands.

Hall, F. G., The Bank of Ireland, 1783-1946 (Dublin, 1949). Still the standard reference on the Bank of Ireland, founded in 1783, including a study of its role in the management of Ireland’s national debt in the 1780s and 1790s.

Harling, P., The Waning Of "Old Corruption": The Politics of Economical Reform in Britain, 1779-1846(Oxford, 1996). A wide-ranging study of corruption and the campaigns for reform of the British fiscal-military state during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, and its dismantling after 1815 in the light of new political ideas and administrative programmes.

Hart, S., and J. McCusker, ‘The rate of exchange on Amsterdam on London, 1590-1660’, The Journal of European Economic History, 8, no.3 (1979), 689-705.

Hattendorf, J. B., England in the War of the Spanish Succession: A Study of the English View and Conduct of Grand Strategy, 1702-1712 (New York, 1987). Detailed study of English diplomatic and military strategy during the War of the Spanish Succession.

Helleiner, K. F., The Imperial Loans: A Study in Financial and Diplomatic History (Oxford, 1965). A complex but erudite study of the various loans and subsidies advanced by Britain to the Habsburg regime in the 1790s, highlighting the interplay of financial and diplomatic forces in their negotiation.

Hodgkinson, Jeremy S., ‘The decline of the ordnance trade in the Weald: the Seven Years War and its aftermath’, Sussex Archaeological Collections 134 (1996), 155-67

Hoon, E. E., The Organization of the English Customs System, 1696-1786 (Newton Abbot, 1968). Detailed administrative history of the English cutoms system before the reforms of the 1780s, highlighting how parallel administrative arrangements developed in the eighteenth century to circumvent mediaeval structures and meet the demands of war.

Hope-Jones, A., Income Tax in the Napoleonic Wars, Cambridge Studies in Economic History (Cambridge, 1939). Examines the politics and administration of the income tax, introduced by Pitt in the 1790s to support the war effort, and highlighting in particular the continuities with the earlier land tax through the use of unpaid local commissioners to administer assessment, thereby making it more politically acceptable.

Hoppit, Julian, ‘Financial Crises in Eighteenth-Century England’, Economic History Review 39, no. 1 (1986), 39-58. Survey of financial crisis in England in the eighteenth century, arguing that until the late eighteenth century their economic impact has been overstated, since early financial institutions were only monetising a small proportion of the overall national economy.

Hoppit, Julian, ‘Attitudes to credit in Britain, 1680-1790’, Historical Journal, 33 (1990), 305-22



Horsefield, J. K., British Monetary Experiments, 1650-1710 (Cambridge, MA, 1960). Comprehensive survey of the development of financial and monetary structures during the late seventeenth century, emphasising the overwhelming importance of warfare and financial pressure in the creation of schemes such as the Bank of England.

Houlding, J. A., Fit for Service: The Training of the British Army, 1715-1795 (Oxford, 1981). Detailed examination of the training and day-to-day duties of the British army during the eighteenth century, emphasising how its various other commitments, such as revenue policing or riot control, meant that it was invariably broken up into small units. As a result, officers and men lacked experienced in large-scale military manouveres.

Hughes, E., Studies in Administration and Finance, 1558-1825: With Special Reference to the History of Salt Taxation in England (Philadelphia, 1980). A dense but comprehensive examination of the excise system in eighteenth century Britain, through a study of the overlapping salt taxation scheme. Emphasis in particular the political limits on state capacity, when lobbying by interest groups forced the Treasury to overrule the excise system and allow concession.

Hunt, M. R. ‘Women and the Fiscal-Imperial State in Late Seventeenth- and Early Eighteenth-Century London’, in K. Wilson ed., A New Imperial History: Culture, Identity and Modernity in Britain and the Empire, 1660-1840, (Cambridge, 2004), pp. 29-47. Examines the interaction of sailors’ wives with the British fiscal-military system in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth century, as petitioners for relief and holders of wage tickets from their husbands.

Hutchinson, Ranghild, ‘The Norwegian and Baltic timber trade to Britain 1780-1835 and its interconnections’, Scandinavian Journal of History 37 (2012), 578-99

Israel, Jonathan, ‘The Amsterdam Stock Exchange and the Enlgish Revolution of 1688’, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, 103 (1990), 412-18

Jacobsen, G. A., William Blathwayt: A Late Seventeenth Century English Administrator, Yale Historical Publications: Miscellany (Oxford, 1932). Detailed biography of a quintessential bureaucrat in the Restoration and Willimite regime, with responsibility for military and colonial affairs. Emphasises the role of patronage and private networks in his effectiveness, and thus the limits of bureaucracy.

John, A.H., ‘War and the English economy, 1700-63’, Economic History Review 7 (1955) pp. 329-44

Jones, D. W., War and Economy in the Age of William III and Marlborough (Oxford, 1988). Detailed strudy of the economic bases of British warfare in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, arguing that British armies in Europe relied on the ebb and flow of Britian’s balance of payments with Europe, which were negative in the 1690s but positive in the 1700s, affecting the extent of supply.

Jones, George Hilton, ‘The recall of the British from the Dutch service’, Historical Journal 25 (1982), 423-35

Jones, Philip Dwight, ‘The British army in the age of Reform, 1830-1854’ (Unpublished PhD thesis, Duke University, 1968)



Joslin, David, ‘London bankers in wartime 1739-64’, in L.S. Pressnell (ed.), Studies in the Industrial Revolution (London: Athlone, 1960), pp.156-76.

Kaplan, H. H., Nathan Mayer Rothschild and the Creation of a Dynasty: The Critical Years 1806-1816(Stanford, 2006). Examines Rothschild as a contractor for remitting money to Wellington’s armies in the Iberian Peninsular during his campaigns, arguing that Rothschild (in collaboration with Sir Charles Herries and the Treasury) was able to use private networks to find the cash to support British military finance.

Kelly, C., War and the Militarization of British Army Medicine, 1793-1830 (London, 2011).

Examines the development of the military medical profession during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars and argues that the experience of warfare led to the creation of a professional identity that helped break down divisions in the wider medical profession.

Kennedy, Catriona (ed), Narratives of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars: military and civilian experience in Britain and Ireland (London, 2013)

Kiernan, T. J., History of the Financial Administration of Ireland to 1817 (London, 1930). Dense but comprehensive study of financial administration in Ireland, focussing largely on the eighteenth century and detailing the adaptions necessary as spending on Irish regiments increased.

King, W. T. C., History of the London Discount Market (London, 2nd edn, 1972). Complex but important study of the operation of the London financial market from the late eighteenth century, including the role of discounting houses in providing liquidity for private and public borrowing, and the Bank of England as a lender of last resort.

Kleer, R. ‘"Fictitious Cash": English Public Finances and Paper Money, 1689-97’, in C. McGrath and C. Fauske eds., Money, Power and Print: Interdisciplinary Studies on the Financial Revolution in the British Isles, (Newark, DE, 2008), pp. 70-103. Examines the creation of paper money by the Bank of England in the early stages of the financial revolution, as a reponse to the financial pressures generated by warfare during the Nine Years War.

Kleer, R. ‘A New Species of Money': British Exchequer Bills, 1707-1711’, Financial History Review 22, no. 2 (2015), 179-203. A study of the revival of Exchequer Bills in 1707 to meet the financial needs of warfare, and the system of contracting by the Bank of England which encouraged their circulation, with the aim of both funding the war and increasing the money supply.

Kleer, R., Money, Politics and Power: Banking and Public Finance in Wartime England, 1694-1696(London, 2017). A detailed study of public finance during the crucial phases of the early English financial revolution between the formation of the Bank of England in 1694 and the development of the Exchequer Bill system in 1696, due to the failure of the project for a land bank.

Knight, R. J. B., Britain against Napoleon: The Organisation of Victory, 1793-1815, 2013). Synthetic overview of the British war effort during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, emphasising the unprecedented mobilisation of British resources to meet the demand for finance and military power, thanks to the strength of the British state.



Knight, R. J. B. and Wilcox, M., Sustaining the Fleet, 1793-1815: War, the British Navy and the Contractor State (Woodbridge, 2010). Comprehensive study of naval victualling during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, arguing that the Victualling Board relied heavily on British and overseas contractors for resources such as flour, beef and pork, and in colonial and provincial ports employed contractors to meet all of the needs of naval victualling.

Knights, M. ‘Samuel Pepys and Corruption’, Parliamentary History 33, no. 1 (2014), pp. 19-35. A study of Samuel Pepys and naval corruption in the Restoration, arguing that Pepys felt that he was not

corrupted by accepting gifts from contractors because he did not feel that this affected the decisions he made about which tenders should be accepted.

Kofas, J., Financial relations of Greece and the Great Powers, 1832-1862 (London, 1981) Emphasises the importance of British and French loans during the Greek War of Independence, and the political and diplomatic issues which surrounded them, involving negotiations through supporters of Greek independence in London and Paris.

Kynaston, David, The City of London: vol. 1, A world of its own, 1815-90 (London, 1994) Comprehensive survey of the post-1815 development of the City of London as the leading European financial centre, though drawing heavily on secondary literature and focussed more on the end than the beginning of the period.

Kynaston, David, Till time’s last sand: a history of the Bank of England, 1694-2013 (London, 2017) Extensive study of the development of the Bank of England, though largely focussed on the late nineteenth century

onwards, and lacking scholarly apparatus.

Lambert, Andrew, ‘Preparing for the long peace: the reconstruction of the Royal Navy, 1815-1830’, Mariner’s Mirror 82 (1996), 41-54

Langeluddecke, H. ‘“the Chiefest Strength and Glory of This Kingdom”: Arming and Training The "Perfect Militia" In the 1630s’, English Historical Review 118, no. 479 (2003), 1264-1303. Examination of efforts by Charles I to overhaul the militia system during the 1630s in response to changing military tactics and practices, especially the experience of war overseas, and to create a force more reliably under Crown control.

Levandis, John A., Greek foreign debt and the Great Powers, 1821-1898 (New York, 1944) Uses foreign debt and sovereign borrowing to draw out a wider study of politics and diplomacy in nineteenth century Europe, arguing that for the Great Powers such lending often served as an extension of diplomatic policy.

Liedtke, Rainer, ‘Agents for the Rothschilds: a nineteenth-century information network’, European History Yearbook 16 (2016), 33-46

Linch, Kevin, Britain and Wellington’s army: recruitment, society and tradition, 1807-15 (London, 2011)

Lincoln, Margarette, Trading in War: London’s Maritime World in the Age of Cook and Nelson (New Haven: Yale, 2018)

Little, H. M. ‘The Treasury, the Commissariat and the Supply of the Combined Army in Germany During the Seven Years War (1756-1763)’, University of London, 1981).



Comprehensive study of military logistics and contracting in Europe during the Seven Years War, focussing on the administrative and financial problems of supplying provisions to allied armies using local contractors.

Lopez-Morell, Miguel A., The house of Rothschild in Spain, 1812-1941 (Farnham, 2013)

Macdonald, J., The British Navy's Victualling Board, 1793-1815: Management Competence and Incompetence (Woodbridge, 2010). Study of the administrative and bureaucratic management of the Victualling Board during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, arguing that in general the Board was able to cope with crises but had less success solving ‘systemic’ problems of inefficiency.

Malcolmson, A. P. W., Nathaniel Clements: Government and the Governing Elite in Ireland, 1725-75(Dublin, 2005). Uses a biographical study of National Clements, Vice-Treasurer of Ireland in the mid-eighteenth century, to assess the operation of the Irish fiscal-military state during this period, including the operation of military finance and the British state.

Manning, R. B., Swordsmen: The Martial Ethos in the Three Kingdoms (Oxford, 2003). A study of military culture within British armies in the early seventeenth century and the British Civil Wars, stressing the importance of honour, duty, loyalty and discipline in the formation of professional and personal identities.

Manning, R. B., An Apprenticeship in Arms: The Origins of the British Army 1585-1702 (Oxford, 2006). General survey of the development of the British army during the seventeenth century, based mainly on secondary sources but emphasising the importance of the Civil Wars of the mid-century as a spur for the professionalization of the army and its administration.

Mathias, P. and P.K. O'Brien, ‘Taxation in Britain and France, 1715-1810: A Comparison of the Social and Economic Incidence of Taxes Collected for the Central Governments’, Journal of European Economic History, 5 (1976), 601-50. Important study comparing the incidence of taxation in Britain and France as a percentage of national income. Argues that the British state could extract showed greater volatility, ranging from 5 pct in peacetime to 20 pct in wartime, whereas the French state was less flexible and collected more in peacetime but less in wartime.

Mauskopf, Seymour H., ‘The crisis of English gunpowder in the eighteenth century’, in Klein, Ursula and Spary, E.C., Materials and expertise in early modern Europe: between market and laboratory (Chicago, 2010) pp.289-320

McCormack, M. ‘Citizenship, Nationhood, and Masculinity in the Affair of the Hanoverian Soldier, 1756’, Historical Journal 49, no. 4 (2006), 971-93 Examination of military and political culture in the mid-eighteenth century, stressing how the development of a professional standing army forced British society to reassess its views of professional soldiers versus citizen militias.

McDonnell, Ciaran, ‘A ‘fair chance’? The Catholic Irish Brigade in the British service, 1793-1798’, War in History 23 (2016), 150-68

McGrath, C. I., Ireland and Empire, 1692-1770 (London, 2012).



Sweeping survey of the Irish fiscal-military state between the Williamite War and 1770, highlighting the growing amounts spent on the garrison, thanks to increased taxation and a system of public debt, and the investment in

military infrastructure such as barracks, in some cases several decades before comparable investments in Britain.

Melton, F. T., Sir Robert Clayton and the Origins of English Deposit Banking, 1658-1685 (Cambridge, 1986). Study of the scrivener-banker Sir Robert Clayton during the early stages of the English financial revolution, indicating the networks of credit which supported the flotations of public debt.

Michie, R. C., The London Stock Exchange: A History (Oxford, 1999). Comprehensive history of the London Stock Exchange, from the informal trading of stocks and shares from the late seventeenth century in the Royal Exchange and Exchange Alley to the formation of a formal market in the 1770s, and its later growth.

Morriss, R., Naval Power and British Culture, 1760-1850: Public Trust and Government Ideology(Aldershot, 2004). Study of the perceptions of British naval administration within British politics and the wider public, arguing that reforms were driven by growing perceptions of waste, corruption and inefficiency from the 1780s, and drew on new Benthamite ideology.

Morriss, R., The Foundations of British Maritime Ascendancy: Resources, Logistics and the State, 1755-1815 (Cambridge, 2010). Argues that the basis of British naval power from the mid-eighteenth century onwards was the quality of its bureaucratic administration, which enabled the efficient and direct mobilisation of resources rather than a reliance on inefficient contractors.

Muldrew, C., The Economy of Obligation: The Culture of Credit and Social Relations in Early Modern England (Basingstoke, 1998). Important study of credit networks in early modern England, using a series of court records regarding suits for debts. Argues that credit was generated by trust, itself a product of personal factors such as reputation that had no economic basis.

Murphy, A. L. ‘Lotteries in the 1690s: Investment or Gamble?’, Financial History Review 12, no. 2 (2005), p. 227046. Examines the development of lotteries during the early stages of the financial revolution in the 1690s, arguing that they required a period of experimentation as projectors and investors worked out the best way to manage them.

Murphy, A. L. ‘Demanding 'Credible Commitment': Public Reactions to the Failures of the Early Financial Revolution’, Economic History Review 66, no. 1 (2013), 178-197. An assessment of the theory of ‘credible commitment’ by North and Weingast in the 1690s, arguing that investors represented their demands for a credible commitment by the English state to financial prudence through the public sphere.

Murphy, Anne, The Origins of English Financial Markets: Investment and Speculation before the South Sea Bubble (Cambridge, 2012) A study in unprecedented depth of the development of British financial markets during the early stages of the ‘financial revolution’ in the 1690s and 1700s, showing how these initial financial measures were floated, and the mechanisms which underpinned British financial power.



Murray, J. J., George I, the Baltic and the Whig Split of 1717: A Study in Diplomacy and Propaganda(London, 1969). Detailed study of politics, diplomacy and warfare at home and abroad during the Baltic Crisis of 1716 and 1718, showing how these interacted with each other to direct the projection of power by the English state.

Murtagh, H., ‘Schomberg, Ruvigny and the Huguenots in Ireland: William III's Irish War, 1689-91’, in M. Glozier and D. Onnekink eds., War, Religion and Service: Huguenot Soldiering, 1685-1713, (Aldershot, 2007), pp. 95-110. Study of Huguenots as military officers and soldiers during the Williamite War in Ireland, arguing that the played an important role in stiffening British forces there.

Nash, R.C., ‘The balance of payments and foreign capital flows in eighteenth-century England: a comment’, Economic History Review 50 (1997), 110-28

Neal, L., ‘The integration and efficiency of the London and Amsterdam stock markets in the eighteenth century’, The Journal of Economic History, 47 (1987), 97-115. Examines the degree of integration between the London and Amsterdam financial markets, using the convergence of key financial metrics such as share prices and exchange rates to argue that they were increasingly integrated in this period, facilitating the flow of money through these major financial hubs.

Neal, L., The Rise of Financial Capitalism: International Capital Markets in the Age of Reason (Cambridge, 1990). Comprehensive study of London, Amsterdam and (to some extent) Paris as financial hubs and their interaction during the eighteenth century, using metrics such as share prices and exchange rates to emphasis the growing degree of integration.

Neal, L., ‘Interpreting power and profit in economic history: a case stdy of the Seven Years War’, Journal of Economic History 37 (1977), 20-35

Neal, Larry and Quinn, S. ‘Networks of Information, Markets and Institutions in the Rise of London as a Financial Centre, 1660-1720’, Financial History Review 8, no. 1 (2001), pp. 7-26. Examines how London’s rise as a financial centre around 1700 both relied upon and reflected its status as a key node in networks of commercial and political information, which merchants and bankers relied on in their operations.

Nir, Arielli et al. ‘The Foreign Enlistment Act, international law and British politics, 1819-2014’, International History Review 38 (2016), 636-56

Norris, John T., ‘The struggle for Carron: Samuel Garbett and Charles Gascoigne’, Scottish Historical Review 37 (1958), 136-45

North, D. C. and B.R. Weingast, ‘Constitutions and Commitment: The Evolution of Institutions Governing Public Choice in 17th Century England’, Journal of Economic History 49, no. 4 (1989), pp. 803-832. Important and much-cited article arguing that the Glorious Revolution replaced royal control over public finance with parliamentary control, creating a ‘credible commitment’ which reassured investors and encouraged them to invest in British public debt.

Nye, J. V. C., War, Wine, and Taxes: The Political Economy of Anglo-French Trade, 1689-1900 (Princeton, NJ, 2007).



Study of the intersection of commerce, politics and political economy, arguing that British trade policy with France (including customs duties and tariffs) reflected wider political and diplomatic concerns rather than merely commercial or financial aims.

O'Brien, P. ‘The Political Economy of British Taxation, 1660-1815’, Economic History Review, 2nd ser. 41 (1988), pp. 1-32. An enormously important article, arguing that the share of taxation as a percentage of British economic output rose from 5 pct in the 1690s to 10 pct for much of the eighteenth century, and 20 pct before 1815. The ability of the British state to develop effective means to mobilise such a large share of its economy was crucial to victory.

Oosterlink, Kim, et al, ‘Baring, Wellington and the resurrection of French public finances following Waterloo’, Journal of Economic History 74 (2014), 1072-1102

Onnekink, D., The Anglo-Dutch Favourite: The Career of Hans Willem Bentinck, 1st Earl of Portland (1649-1709) (Aldershot, 2007). Biographical study of Bentinck, favourite of William III and an important ally in the management of the war effort in Britain and Europe after 1689, where he acted as an intermediary between the king and British interest groups.

Ormrod, D., The Rise of Commercial Empires: England and the Netherlands in the Age of Mercantilism, 1650-1770 (Cambridge, 2003). Important study of the economic underpinnings of Dutch and then British economic supremacy, analysing their mutual interaction.

Ostwald, J. ‘The “Decisive” Battle of Ramillies, 1706: Prerequisites for Decisiveness in Early Modern Warfare’, Journal of Military History 64, no. 3 (2000), 649-77. Uses the Battle of Ramillies in 1706 to draw wider conclusions about the nature of early modern warfare, arguing in particular that battles were rarely decisive off the battlefield unless the right circ*mstances prevailed.

Outhwaite, R.B., ‘The trials of foreign borrowing: the English Crown and the Antwerp money market in the mid-sixteenth century’, Economic History Review 19 (1966), 289-305

Outhwaite, R.B., ‘Royal borrowing in the reign of Elizabeth I: the aftermath of Antwerp’, English Historical Review 86 (1971), 251-63

Philp, Mark (ed.), Resisting Napoleon: the British response to the threat of invasion, 1797-1815 (London, 2006)

Pizzoni, Giada, British Catholic Merchants in the Commercial Age 1670-1714 (Woodbridge: Boydell, 2019)

Pool, B., Navy Board Contracts, 1660-1832: Contract Administration under the Navy Board (London, 1966). Old but still useful study of Navy Board contracting during the eighteenth century, focussing on contracts for ships with private dockyards, and the process of obtaining key resources such as wood or ironworks for ships built in the royal dockyards.

Pollard, S., ‘The decline of shipbuilding on the Thames’, Economic History Review, 3 (1950), 72-89.

Pressnell, L. S., Country Banking in the Industrial Revolution (Oxford, 1956).



An important study, still not surpassed, of the rise of country banks in England from the mid-eighteenth century onwards, showing how burgeoning connections with London enabled financiers there to invest in the British national debt.

Quinn, S. ‘Gold, Silver and the Glorious Revolution: Arbitrage between Bills of Exchange and Bullion’, Economic History Review 49 (2nd ser.) (1996), pp. 473-490. Quantitative study of the financial impact of the Nine Years War on foreign exchange operations, as they were destabilised by taxation and overseas remittances for the benefit of the armies in Europe.

Quinn, S. ‘Goldsmith Banking: Mutual Acceptance and Inter-Banker Clearing in Restoration London’, Explorations in Economic History 34 (1997), pp. 411-432. Examination of note-clearing by goldsmith-bankers after 1660, a vital stage in the development of a system of paper money, and subsequently adopted by the Bank of England after its formation in 1694.

Quinn, S. ‘The Glorious Revolution's Effect on English Private Finance: A Microhistory, 1680-1705’, Journal of Economic History 61 (2001), pp. 593-615. Tests the credible commitment hypothesis to see whether the Glorious Revolution and the new political regime

had an impact on rates of interest. Finds that there was no immediate change, but a slow decline in interest rates over the medium term.

Rabinowicz, O. K., Tapiero, J. K. and Rabb, T. K., Sir Solomon De Medina (London, 1974). Biographical study of Sir Solomon de Medina, one of the most important provisions contractors of the 1690s. Contains a certain amount of information about his wider commercial networks in Europe, both Jewish and non-Jewish, and his financial investments in support of the credit of the British government.

Redgrave, Toby, ‘Wellington’s logistical arrangements in the Peninsular War, 1809-1814’ (Unpublished PhD thesis, KCL, 1979)

Reitan, E. A., Politics, Finance, and the People: Economical Reform in England in the Age of the American Revolution, 1770-92 (Basingstoke, 2007). Examines the process of Economical Reform in Britain during the 1780s, emphasising the political pressure which lay behind demands for reform and the elimination of corruption, and the negotiations which enabled limited reforms by 1792.

Robertson, J., The Scottish Enlightenment and the Militia Issue (Edinburgh, 1985). Examines the intellectual and ideological history of the militia in Scotland from the late seventeenth century to the late eighteenth century, and how it shaped changing ideas about the military during the Scottish Enlightenment.

Rodger, N. A. M., The Wooden World: An Anatomy of the Georgian Navy ([London], 1986). A detailed social history of the eighteenth-century navy, emphasising the role of personal networks in the mobilisation and organisation of manpower and how these increasingly came under pressure after 1775, and were replaced by harsher forms of discipline.

Rodger, N. A. M., The Command of the Ocean: A Naval History of Britain, 1649-1815 (London, 2005). Comprehensive study of the operations, administration and social history of the British navy from its emergence as a professional standing force in the 1650s to become the dominant naval power in Europe and the wider world after 1815.

Rogers, N., The Press Gang: Naval Impressment and Its Opponents in Georgian Britain (London, 2007).



Social history of the press gang and naval impressment during the eighteenth century, emphasising the unpopularity of the press and the various methods used to resist or escape impressment, both in Britain and in colonial territories.

Roseveare, H., The Treasury, 1660-1870: The Foundations of Control, Historical Problems--Studies and Documents (London, 1973). Broad survey of the development of the British Treasury after 1660, emphasising the impact of warfare in driving financial expansion and administrative change, and the political battles necessary to secure Treasury control of spending.

Roseveare, H., The Financial Revolution, 1660-1760 (London, 1991). A short survey of the financial revolution in Britain, based mainly on Dickson, 1956.

Salvucci, Richard, Politics, markets and Mexico’s London debt, 1823-1887Econometric study of Mexican loans floated on the British market after 1823, and the financial structures and political and diplomatic negotiations which enabled them.

Satow, E. M., The Silesian Loan and Frederick the Great (Oxford, 1915). Detailed study of the intersections between politics, finance, diplomacy and naval warfare in the case of the Silesion Loan made by Britain to the Habsburgs in the mid-eighteenth century and secured on their Silesian revenues, and whether the Prussian conquest meant that the Hohenzollerns were now responsible for the loan.

Schonharl, Korinna, ‘Why does a prestigious emission house emit a loan for a peripheral state? The house of Rothschild and the Greek guaranteed loan of 1833’, Business History (2019)

Schwoerer, L. G., No Standing Armies!: The Anti-Army Ideology in Seventeenth-Century England (London, 1974). Intellectual and ideological study of the Standing Army Controversy in Britain in 1697, and the debates over whether to accept the continuation of a standing professional army or return to a militia force, based on the experience of warfare.

Scott, J. ‘"Good Night Amsterdam": Sir George Downing and Anglo-Dutch Statebuilding’, English Historical Review 118, no. 476 (2003), 334-356. Study of the impact of the Dutch state on English state formation after 1660, emphasising the role of Sir George Downing, the English ambassador to the Republic, as a conduit for institutional reforms modelled on Dutch precedents.

Scott, W. R., The Constitution and Finance of English, Scottish and Irish Joint-Stock Companies to 1720 (3 vols., New York, 1951). Highly detailed study of financial projects during the early phases of the financial revolution, including major semi-public corporations such as the Bank of England, the East India Company and the South Sea Company, up to the Bubble of 1720-1.

Scouller, R. E., The Armies of Queen Anne (Oxford, 1966). Comprehensive if rather unimaginative study of British armies and military administration during the War of the Spanish Succession.

Sherwig, J., Guineas and gunpowder: British foreign aid, 1793-1815 (1969) Detailed study of subsidies and British diplomacy during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, emphasising the interplay of political, diplomatic, financial and military concerns, but written mainly from the British point of view.



Simms, B., Three Victories and a Defeat: The Rise and Fall of the First British Empire, 1714-1783 (London, 2007). Wide-ranging and ambitious survey of British diplomacy during the eighteenth century, emphasising the importance of European alliances for British military victories and the dramatic consequences after 1775 when Britain faced European armies alone.

Smith, Barbara M.D., ‘The Galtons of Birmingham: Quaker gun merchants and bankers, 1702-1831’, Business History, 9 (1967), 132-50.

Sperling, J. ‘Godolphin and the Organization of Public Credit, 1702-1710’, University of Cambridge, 1955). Detailed study of the management of public finance and taxation under Godolphin during the War of the Spanish Succession, emphasising the importance of close relations with the City of London for maintaining confidence in English public debt.

Stapleton, J. M. ‘The Blue-Water Dimension of King William's War: Amphibious Operations and Allied Strategy During the Nine Years War, 1688-1697’, in D. J. B. Trim and M. C. Fissel (eds.), Amphibious Warfare 1000-1700: Commerce, State Formation and European Expansion, (Leiden, 2006), pp. 315-356. Applies Baugh’s work on the English ‘blue water strategy’ to examine how these views shaped British military strategy and policy during the Nine Years War.

Starkey, David J., British Privateering Enterprise in the Eighteenth Century (Exeter, 1990). Detailed history of British privateering in the eighteenth century, examining not only its military impact but also the commercial concerns which most privateers faced, and the success of the policy of contracting out this function to private individuals.

Stone, L. (ed.), An Imperial State at War: Britain from 1689 to 1815 (London, 1993). Important series of contributions by leading scholars in reaction to Brewer, The Sinews of Power, exploring in particular its implications for understanding other areas of British history.

Strachan, Hew, Wellington's Legacy: The Reform of the British Army, 1830-54 (Manchester, 1984). Examines the administration of the British army in the early Victorian period, arguing that Wellington’s immense prestige and conservative influence meant that the army failed to enact major reforms and entered the Crimean War largely unchanged from Waterloo.

Sundstrom, R. A., Sidney Godolphin: Servant of the State (Newark, 1992). Biographical study of Godolphin as Lord Treasurer in the 1690s and 1700s, emphasising his success in managing the Treasury and relations with financial markets in London in order to create confidence for investors.

Sussman, Nathan and Yafeh, Yishay, ‘Institutional Reforms, Financial Development and Sovereign Debt: Britain 1690-1790’, Journal of Economic History 66, no. 4 (2006), 906-35. Responds to the credible commitment debate by arguing that institutional reforms had only a limited impact on the interest rate, and that other factors, such as the successful development of trust and reputation, underpinned British financial power.

Sutherland, L. S., ‘Samson Gideon and the Reduction of Interest, 1749-50’, The Economic History Review16, no. 1 (1946), 15-29.



Examines the successful reduction of interest on British debt from 5 pct to 4 pct in 1749, and the role of Jewish financier Samuel Gideon as an intermediary in negotiations between the Treasury and key investors such as the Bank of England.

Syrett, D., Shipping and the American War, 1775-83: A Study of British Transport Organization, University of London Historical Studies (London, 1970). A study of the supply of shipping for British forces during the American Revolutionary War, arguing that the lack of a central coordinating body meant that departments competed for ships, pushing up the price and creating inefficiencies.

Syrett, D., Shipping and Military Power in the Seven Years War: The Sails of Victory, Exeter Maritime Studies (Exeter, 2008). A prequel to the earlier study, arguing that arrangements for shipping worked better during the Seven Years War because the existence of a Transport Board allowed for effective management of shipping to reduce costs and allocate resources.

Szechi, D., 1715: The Great Jacobite Rebellion (London, 2006). Detailed study of the 1715 Jacobite Rebellion, arguing that it relied heavily on foreign resources, but that the British state was able to draw on recent experience to mobilise resources in order to match and defeat them.

't Hart, M. C., ‘"The Devil or the Dutch": Holland's Impact on the Financial Revolution in England, 1643-1694’, Parliaments, Estates and Representation 11, no. 1 (1991), 39-52. Challenges the orthodoxy that the British financial revolution was based on Dutch precedents, by pointing out that superficial similarities concealed important differences between institutions such as the Amsterdam Bank and the Bank of England.

Taylor, Michael, and Bryson, John, Understanding the firm: spatial and organizational dimensions(Oxford, 2006) ch. 3 ‘Guns, firms and contracts: the evolution of gun-making in Birmingham’, pp. 61-84

Temin, P. and Voth, H.-J., Prometheus Shackled: Goldsmith Banks and England's Financial Revolution(Oxford, 2013). Argues that the growth of the British national debt held back economic development from the late eighteenth century by ‘crowding out’ investment that would otherwise have gone into industry, using the records of several private banks to show this in operation.

Tomlinson, H. C., Guns and Government: The Ordnance Office under the Later Stuarts. Vol. 15 (London, 1979). A study of the Ordnance Office between 1660 and 1715, arguing that the department did its best to meet the conflicting demands made on it by the army, navy and Treasury, and to manage contractors to provide the resources required.

Tomlinson, H.C., ‘Wealden gunfounding: an analysis of its demise in the eighteenth century’, Economic History Review 29 (1976), 383-400

Waddell, L. M. ‘The Administration of the English Army in Flanders and Brabant from 1689 to 1697’, University of North Carolina, 1971). Detailed study of military administration of the English army and its allies in the Netherlands during the Nine Years War, emphasising the challenges of managing and administering a coalition army made up of different nationalities.



Waddell, D.A.G., ‘British neutrality and Spanish-American independence: the problem of foreign enlistment’, Journal of Latin American Studies 19 (1987), 1-18

Walsh, P. ‘The Fiscal State in Ireland, 1691-1769’, Historical Journal 56, no. 3 (2013), 629-56. Study of taxation and revenue in Ireland before 1770, arguing that the Irish state relied more on customs and direct taxation than the excise, as was the case in England, but was neverthless able to tap into Irish resources relatively effectively.

Walsh, P., The South Sea Bubble and Ireland: Money, Banking and Investment, 1690-1721 (Woodbridge, 2014). Study of financial participation by provincial Britons in the early stages of the financial revolution, with a particular focus on Irish and Scottish investors.

Ward, S., Wellington's Headquarters: A Study of the Administrative Problems in the Peninsula, 1809-1814(London, 1957). Short but relatively detailed study of the administrative problems of coalition warfare in the Peninsular War, including the difficutlties of managing finance, and the reliance on personal relationships to overcome these problems.

Ward, W. R., The English Land Tax in the Eighteenth Century (London, 1953). Very short but important study of the English land tax during the eighteenth century, emphasising the scope that it offered for negotiations between the central state and local interests, and the political problems blocking the updating of tax quotas.

Webb, S. S. ‘William Blathwayt, Imperial Fixer: From Popish Plot to Glorious Revolution (Pt. I)’, William and Mary Quarterly, 3rd ser. 25, no. 1 (1968), 4-21.

Webb, S. S. ‘William Blathwayt, Imperial Fixer: Muddling through to Empire, 1689-1717 (Pt. Ii)’, William and Mary Quarterly, 3rd ser. 26, no. 3 (1969), 373-415. Two studies of Blathwayt as an imperial bureaucrat, who was able to use his extensive networks of contacts to manage colonial policy.

Webb, S. S., The Governors-General: The English Army and the Definition of the Empire, 1569-1681(Chapel Hill, 1979).

Webb, S. S., Marlborough’s America (New Haven, 2013) Webb, S. S. ‘Army and Empire: English Garrison Government in Britain and America, 1569 to 1763’, William and Mary Quarterly 34, no. 1 (1977), 1-31. Introduces the idea of ‘garrison government’, arguing that the early British Empire relied heavily on military officers to manage its territories, contributing to the absolutist manner in which they were ruled and thus creating the roots of colonial independence.

West, J., Gunpowder, Government and War in the Mid-Eighteenth Century (London, 1991). A study of the Ordnance Office and the supply of gunpowder in the mid-eighteenth century, focussing on the complex interactions between officials and the contractors, who faced considerable commercial difficulties managing its supply.

Wilson, Charles, Anglo-Dutch commerce and finance in the eighteenth century (Cambridge, 1941)



Path-breaking study of the interaction of British and Dutch finance in the eighteenth century, including some of the first efforts to calculate capital flows and Dutch investment in the British national debt after 1688. Expanded by Neal and Ormrod but still not superseded.

Williams, David, ‘James Farmer and Samuel Galton, the reality of gunmaking for the Board of Ordnance in the mid-18th century’, Arms & Armour 7 (2010), 119-41

Wright, J.F., ‘The contribution of overseas savings to the funded National Debt of Great Britain, 1750-1815’, Economic History Review 50 (1997), 657-74

F9. Riga Dorosenko, R, and Elisabeth Harder-Gersdorff, ‘Ost-Westhandel und Wechselgeschäfte zwischen Riga und westlichen Handelsplätzen: Lübeck, Hamburg, Bremen und Amsterdam (1758/59)’, Zeitschrift des Vereins für Lübeckische Geschichte und Altertumskunde, 62 (1982), 120-47.

Harder-Gersdorff, Elisabeth, “Bullion Flow” and rates of exchange between Amsterdam and Riga’, in J. Lemmink and J. van Koningsbrugge (eds.), Baltic Affairs: relations between the Netherlands and North-eastern Europe 1500-1800 (Nijmegen 1990), pp.97-119.

Harder-Gersdorff, Elisabeth, ‘Zwischen Riga und Amsterdam: Die Geschäfte des Herman Fromhold mit Frederik Beltgens & Comp., 1783-1785’, in The Interactions between Antwerp and Amsterdam with the Baltic Region, 1400-1800 (Leiden, 1986), pp.171-80.

Harder-Gersdorff, Elisabeth, ‘Aus Rigaer Handlungsbüchern (1783-1785): Geld, Währung und Wechseltechnik im Ost-West-Geschäft’, in E. Schremmer (ed.), Geld und Währung vom 16. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart (Stuttgart, 1993), pp.105-20

Kotilaine, J.T., ‘Riga’s Trade with Its Muscovite Hinterland in the Seventeenth Century,’ Journal of Baltic Studies, 30:2 (1999), 129-61.

Kotilaine, J.T, ‘The Significance of Russian Transit Trade for the Swedish Eastern Baltic Ports in the Seventeenth Century’, Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung, 49 (2000), 556-89.

Kirby, David, Northern Europe in the Early Modern Period: The Baltic World 1492-1772 (London, 1990).

Lesger, Clé, and Eric Wijnrok, ‘The spatial organization of trade. Antwerp merchants and the gateway Systems in the Baltic and the Low Countries c.1550’, in Hanno Brand (ed.), Continuity and Change in the North Sea Are and the Baltic c. 1350-1750 (Hilversum: Uitgeverij Verloren, 2005), pp. 15-35.

Mollat, Michel (ed.), Le Navire et l’économie maritime du Nord de l’Europe du Moyen Age au XVIIIème siècle (Paris, 1960). ‘This volume contains several valuable articles dealing with Baltic shipping issues: the supply of forest products in the Baltic ports, the tonnage of Baltic trading ships, the trade of Riga in the 17th century, and an important article by Carl-Gustav Hildebrand on iron exports from Sweden and Russia in the 18th century.’

F10. Vienna



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