Commonwealth Preservation (A Fallout Planquest) (2024)

Dr. Theodora Greene breathed a sigh of relief she did not know she had been holding for the last month, it seems that for the time being the CPB was cleared of any wrongdoing. The news stated that the several Chinese Spies were arrested as the source of the anonymous leaks that had sprung last month, from tabloids to major news stations of illicit dealings, depraved sadism and even more screwed up info that had been revealed. It was a close call, of back and forth between the CPB advocating to keeping such info for emergencies and revealing It all. The latter was risky and held no reward except to destabilize the Government in such time.

Perhaps driven by sheer indignity over the crimes or perhaps just revenge against the Slights of the Patriot Party towards the agency, the files were released and in an instant the sh*t storm was revealed and many of your enemies found themselves on the backfoot, fighting against the angry public and their own political opponents. You know that many of your political allies were also affected but for many in the agency, it matters little, they were depraved and such they had to be exposed.

Yet many of them were not stupid, the CPB was filled with bureaucrats and engineers, it was not a spy agency and for a time, many of the higher ups, including you were ready to take the blame should the worse come to pass as their investigators were able to sniff the trail leading to the CPB as the perpetrator of the leaks, with the agency likely to be defunded and many of its employees to be removed or thrown into reeducation camps should the worse come to pass.

But at the last moment, the DIA and FBI were able to 'identify' a Chinese Spy ring to be responsible for the leaks and immediately turning the attention of the Patriot Party and other American Political Scene to the question of Chinese Americans and Chinese Nationals. Many were prosecuted and outright thrown into internment camps as the blame shifted and the Party turned its supporters loose to anyone vaguely looking Asian which resulted in race riots and lynchings all across the country. Despite the feeling of horror and regret upon the innocent lives lost, you cannot help but feel relieved as the Patriot Party turned its attention away from you.

The DIA and FBI 'help' however, was not free. They were displeased by the firestorm you have created and while they understand that you desired to retaliate against the Patriot Party, the sheer chaos was too much even for them that they were barely able to turn into a net benefit in increasing scrutiny against Chinese Spies. Of course, a little recompense wouldn't go wrong in mending bridges and ensuring the survival of the agencies in the Post-Apocalypse will go a long way to show gratitude for the help, as painful and horrifying as it was.

Unlocked Mandated Vaults

DIA Langley Vault (25R per Die) (0/300) (Deadline Q3 2075)

Quantico FBI Vault (20R per Die) (0/350) (Deadline Q4 2075)

If one or both are not accomplished, then the DIA and FBI will reveal CPB Culpability and a DC roll on Dr. Greene and CPB

Q4 2072 Results

Resources: 0 (+1140 per Turn)

Government Approval: 120%

Director: Dr Theodora Greene, (+5 to Flora Projects)

Vice Director: Thomas Stackhouse (+5 to Commonwealth Projects)

C.I.T Research Group (+5 to all Research Projects)

Government Mandates

Commonwealth Emergency Store Houses Phase 2 – Deadline Q4 2075 – (+25 Government Approval, - 25 Government Approval if did not meet)

Commonwealth Auto-Cache Phase 1 – Deadline Q4 2075 (+40 Government Approval, -30 Government Approval if did not meet)

Patriot Party Mandate

If one project is not completed in the Deadline, will -5 GA Malus per Turn will return and if both projects were not completed the malus will be -10 GA per Turn.

Franklin Underground Research Base (Deadline Q4 2074)

Post-War Patriotic Broadcast Centers (Deadline Q2 2075)

Agri Vaults Phase 3: (25R per Die) (291/250) (Flora) (98, 64, 28, 79, Bonus 5)

This period saw the completion of another round of the Agrivaults, with the new tranche now located in Vermont and containing so much more to restart the environment. While the population of the state is less than six hundred thousand, there is more than can be done with fixing the environment of the state and perhaps in the event that war does come, can be made in the service of nature, rather than Humans.

The State of Vermont was never the most populated of all the states in America and even when the bombs fall, it was not considered important enough that merely ten bombs were diverted to the state rather compared to the thousands that were aimed at New York, Massachusetts and Virginia and further up north to Canada, which had been pretty large due to the presence of American Forces occupying the country as well as exploiting its resources.

As such, aside from a few medium sized craters, the State of Vermont is largely pristine and with its people either seeking safety in Massachusetts or died from the first nuclear winter. Instead, the greatest enemy had been the radiation and toxins from the bombs as well as the mutated Yao-Guai and other animal, including the notorious Giant Beavers which has the ability to gnaw down a tree and use it to block rivers.

With little need for crops and other food, most of the work of the Vermont Agri-Vaults are dedicated to the preservation of the forest. By modifying the native trees to thrive of radiation, the forests of Vermont were able to grow once more, and none more that the Maple Trees, although said Syrup is now irradiated and well known to glow in the dark as a result of the alterations. Those who consumed said Syrup tend to turn into Ghouls, addicted to the sap of Maple and roams the forests of Vermont for them. Interestingly, despite seemingly being feral, they do not harm anybody unless they threaten to harm them or steal their syrup.

Emergency Radiation Supplies: (15R per Die) (366/300) (30, 88, Bonus 5)

After nine months of work, the Radiation Supplies have finally been stashed into numerous boxes all throughout the Boston Subway. From Radaway, Rad-X enough to sustain a million people and even a thousand radiation suits should need arise to go to the surface. While most of them are in timed locks or in radiation detection locks, the largest supplies are accessible only by CPB personnel who are stationed in the subway.

When the bombs fell, a large number of people were able to take shelter in the Boston Subway. The majority of said bombs were shot down by defense lasers purchased by the CPB. However, the true threat as always been the radiation who have come to flood the Commonwealth come the first winter and flooded the surface along with the tainted snow. As is expected, the radiation gradually entered the subway despite all the seals but the abundance of anti-radiation medication prevented most deaths from radiation poisoning.

Within the following years, the Stations of the Boston would congregate to their own small polities and would use the tunnels to begin trade, as only very few bombs impacted Boston as such most of the railways remained intact, not only with each other but with also with the surface polities such as Diamond City and even the Technocracy. As such the stations quickly grew in wealth and power as the stations used their money to repair the tunnels and create a defense force against raiders and other forces.

With the formation of the Safeguard Church, the Technocracy and the Pyramid Republics, the stations of Boston realized they will need to protect their prosperity and sovereignty. As such in 2180, the stations would sign the Hanseatic League Charter, declaring all stations to be under the rule of the Subway Commonwealth, although they are usually called Hansa by the people above.

Acting as a sort of power broker and trade hubs. Hansa used its control on trade in Boston to become a Neutral Zone in the Politics of the Commonwealth and leveraging said wealth when one of the factions gets ornery. They would come out of the Brotherhood War somewhat unscathed, with the Techno-Hoarders focusing more on the Safeguard Church and the institute aside from giving up a few laser weapons and robots that they were able to recover once the Brotherhood was kicked out.

Underground Fiber Optic Wire Communications Network (25R per Die) (234/300) (Increases Pyramid Arcology progress by 150) (76, 4, 16, 43, 90, Bonus 5)

These last three months, thousands of workers began digging up large trenches of soil snaking all throughout the state each network growing wider and larger and ending to every single Arcology. Within the next months, the trenches were lined with cement and buried, with the tubes and fiber optics put into store houses to prepare for the burying.

Washington D.C Subway Radiation Proofing (20R per Die) (442/400) (91, Bonus 5) (+30R per Turn) (+20 Government Approval)

At last the Washington DC Subway Shelters are now completed and capable of sheltering a hundred thousand people comfortably and with amenities such as food and anti-radiation medicine and once the surface clears, then the people can rebuild. At least that is what it says on the ads and the office of the mayor. However, the reality is far less pleasurable, the subway it self is not as thickly lined with lead and the station too small to sustain that population in the long term, not to mention the Capital is where likely the majority of the bombs will fall and nothing will be able to survive the surface, but it is a good Panacea for the people and the payout is good enough for our conscience at least.

Washington DC, like all Capitals was the center of the second largest nuclear barrage in history, the first one of course was Beijing as America simply had more nukes. As such, many of its people, those who are not in the vaults flocked to the subways or fled the city as the missiles fell from the sky. The number of people that took shelter were double than what the Metro can handle. However, the Atomic Warheads and Bombs were not simple ones. When the CPB completed the Washington Subway proofing project, many in the Chinese Leadership felt that such action would allow some part of the American People and the government to survive.

Fearing this, the CCP modified the nuclear missiles that they were going to fire to the Capital. Of the one thousand, two hundred that would hit Washington D.C, nearly half of them would be Cobalt-60 Tipped Warheads, designed to inflict the maximum amount of radiation upon its targets and irradiate it did. The Cobalt-60 inflicted such radiation upon the capital that it would likely prove uninhabitable for the next five hundred years. Such was the toxicity of the radiation that even the air was burning and in less than a week, the entire population of the Capital Wasteland was dead, aside from those from the Vaults.

What is worse is that the radiation eventually seeped into the tunnels and irradiated the people underneath and causing many to die despite the ample radiation medicine and what radiation suits were available. Naturally, those that did not die became ghouls and quickly fed on the corpses of those that did not survive, the number of Ghouls that roam the tunnels number almost a hundred thousand and the outside was no better, teeming with Glowing Ones and Supermutants although most of the latter would leave for Appalachia on realizing the barrenness of the soil

After two hundred years, the radiation would somewhat drop in half but it would still not be safe to go outside without power armor and the Brotherhood of Steel under Star Paladin Owyn Lyons would go into the Citadel and would settle there, however the lack of population means that while they had the technology under the ruins of the Pentagon. They had no means to establish a civilization or sustain themselves aside from what supplies that can be scavenged and, in the end, had to depart from The Damned Capital to Appalachia

The Enclave would also settle in Chicago while launching massive scavenging operations on the ruins of the Pentagon, abandoning all plans at the moment to settle in Washington DC. They would slowly turn their eyes on another target, one who holds even more promise that the Capital.

The Northeast Commonwealth

California Emergency Supply Depots Phase 1 (15R per Die) (515/400) (+15R per Turn) (+20 Government Approval) (99, 6, Bonus 5)

At last the first Californian Emergency Depots have been completed, ready to serve California should the bombs fall. Equipped with everything from food to medicine and weapons, each is even larger than the one found on the Commonwealth and large enough to sustain thousands for years. Senator Richardson is quite happy about the deployment of the bunkers and hope than more can be built. Unlike most Senators who were our critics, she does not seem to have any major secret at this time so the best option would be to work with her to remove her threat.

The Wasteland Effect: The California Supply Bunkers

When the bombs fell, California was among the hardest hit by the missiles due to its position and its riches. As such, many of the people were forced to survive either in Vaults or in the Metro. In the aftermath of the bombs, the chaos had caused many of the government maps and documents to vanish and be lost in time. The bunkers have become a sort of mythical treasure and those who find them were to become rich as such many prospectors search for every nook and cranny of the Wasteland for bits and bobs of information to the remaining CPB Bunkers.

CPB Pip-Boy Deployment (35R per Die) (396/350) (+5 Bonus to all Categories) (47, 95, 12, Bonus 5)

After months of training and guiding our personnel in the use of the Pip-Boys, you were able to see a noticeable increase in the productivity of those who were equipped with the units. However it would take some time for the effect to actually take hold but you predict not only an increase in efficiency of our people. While most of the equipped are only team leaders and other heads, having a mobile computer is something that can make work easier.

Pip-Boys are a relatively Common sight in the Commonwealth, oftenly used as a status symbol by those lucky enough to scavenge one, inherited as a family heirloom or purchase one from the Technocracy. Many mid and high-ranking members of the Church would also wield the Pip-Boys as their own. Considering the sheer importance of the Pip-Boy how much of a help it can be on those living on the Wasteland, some unscrupulous members of either the church or the Technocracy would sell a reset program or do hacking jobs to allow said Pip-Boys to be used by others when the owner is killed.

Pip-Boys are one of the largest exports of the Technocracy, alongside water purifiers, Vapor Condensers and Nutrient Converters and such products would reach all the corners of the more civilized parts of the Wasteland and would highly be sought after by the NCR.

Recharger Vehicles (50R per Die) (351/300) (73, 75, Bonus 5)

At last, the remaining Recharger Vehicle Proposals have been completed, of the dozens of designs and prototypes that have been submitted, four designs have shown the most success without much cost. The first is the Pick-up Truck, a small flatbed truck capable of driving up to six hours carrying a one ton load, the second is a All-Terrain Bus capable of carrying up to thirty five passengers and a four hour drive before recharging, the third is the largest of all, a 3 Ton Box Truck with a driving capability of five hours drive before recharge and lastly is a small cart sized vehicle with a seven hour drive time before recharging. The fact that all of them do not require any fuel replacement means that even when civilization collapses, so long as there are spare parts, the vehicles will keep running

The Wasteland Effect: The Recharger Vehicles of the Commonwealth

Vehicles have always been one of the drivers, pardon the pun, of the growth of Civilization from small vans that carry supplies to buses where people can be carried by the dozen. When the bombs fell and civilization collapsed, for a time many vehicles, at least ones that are not fueled by petrol kept running but eventually as years turned to decades many of even the Nuclear-Powered Vehicles eventually ran out of juice.

The same story happened in the Commonwealth as well but the presence of Nuclear-Powered Cars eventually allowed some form of transportation to remain. As said vehicles are extremely valuable, many drivers would form up their own clans colloquially known as the Union of Gears, acting primarily to defend their interests from the larger powers and manage trade outside the Commonwealth which gave them quite a huge amount of wealth which they used to maintain their wealth.

The Safeguard Church would also make use of the Vehicles, with many either being recovered and repaired and others converted from normal cars with scavenged breeder reactors or purchased from the technocracy and used primarily for either exploring outside the Commonwealth to seek towns to convert or as armored forces, mounting Laser Gatling Turrets, Scavenged Gatling Guns or rocket launchers.

The Pyramid Republics and the Peacekeepers have their own fleet of Recharger Vehicles, though never as large as that of the Safeguard Church as they do not have the means to scavenge nor repair and convert the broken ones outside

The Technocracy also has their fleet, although most of them are trucks driven by Synth Drivers. For transportation of personnel, they prefer Teleportation.

G.E.C.K Reverse Engineering Research (100R per Die) (183/250) (2 Dice Limit per Turn) (15, 88, Bonus 5)

With the components now broken down and safely placed for study, the next target was the power source, it seems that the power for this thing was a Fusion-based power source that is designed to expend as much power as possible in a single instance, trading both longevity and even durability as the GECK was designed to be destroyed upon use. Quite wasteful, but understandable if it was the prototype.

Lobby for Additional Funding Phase 4: (30R per Die) (32/150) (-5 Government Approval, +150R per Turn) (32)

With the firestorm unleashed by the leaks of information regarding many of your critics and the beginning of infighting within the senate and congress. There was barely any time for your request for additional funding as your enemies and many of your supporters or at least the more morally questionable ones were desperately staving off the public and political opponents. With such chaos present, is it any wonder that your request was cast aside for now?

CPB Survival Loans Phase 1 (20R per Die) (191/200) (+10 Government Approval) (41, 17) (Autocomplete)

With the chaos going on in the halls of power, the release of the CPB Survival Loans were considered but an afterthought aside from those that have first inquire. Such was the disruption that even applying for the loans was also a hassle but push through they did.

The money that these Loans were gathered were used to build personal bunkers, nuclear fallout shelters, food stockpiles and other essentials including radiation suits, weapons, weapons training were included. As a result, throughout the Commonwealth, people begin constructing lead lined and airtight bunkers under their houses, in their sheds, as part of their garages and in the back of their shop or businesses and even on sports complexes, all sealed behind heavyset metal pressurized doors each rated to survive being 250 meters from a nuclear impact. Some were for single families, others were for whole for the whole extended ones, some pooled the money to create small communities.

Some however, were not content with locks, others wanted more security, either Biometric or Cameras, others too the extra step to add Protectron or Mr. handies as guards. But the most important parts were the same, the fission generator. Water and sewage treatment. Air filtration. Each constructed to a minimum level of quality and durability in order to ensure minimal required maintenance and provided a small amount of backup parts in case something irrevocably broke down.

Yet despite all this, with many able to build their little paradise in the apocalypse. It was not going to be enough.

The Personal Bunkers were never meant to save those inside it. Above all else it was a way to control the population as the bombs fell and to not overcrowd the subway shelters. As such, many of them were relatively successful in that regard, especially as many of the said missiles will be shot down by the CPB Lasers.

However, what no one, at least those that actually took the loans counted on was the time. Many such bunkers were above all else isolated deathtraps, and as the time went on many said families and people went mad with some escaping into the somewhat pristine Commonwealth after a decade or less with others due to a combination of too much stress, power or paranoia kept their families from leaving, others ended up worse with either being starved to death or taking their lives by their hand or worse.

The Survival Shelters is one of the few black marks of the CPB, and those that managed to come out from them tend to be crazed lunatics, traumatized loners or control freaks and the Church has built a memorial for its victims, a failed attempt at saving as many lives as possible

Expose Gathered Information (1 Die) (DC 25 for discovery pass) (-30 GA if roll failed) (27)

After the meeting between the officials of the CPB regarding the information, it was ultimately decided to reveal everything that was gathered by the teams. There was resistance of course, there was barely any benefit in such an action, the blackmail gathered was only on our enemies and allies and not the party as a whole. Still the desire for justice or as many would refer to it, spite, was too strong and bit by bit, you leaked out the information to many reputable or disreputable news sources, using patsies or third-party agents

The airwaves were filled with condemnation and anger from both the public and sponsors to the point that some were outright lynch and was barely held back by security and later by sentry bots. Many sponsors of the Patriot Party either revoked their support or outright pulled out their money and there were some defections of the unaffected ones to other parties while polls for the party plummeted to an all time low. Many of the Party's supporters, the true believers at least and not the common man, were infuriated by this and frequently attacked protesters and even CPB personnel and installations, correctly blaming us for the issue despite having no evidence

However, with the blame diverted towards Asians and Asian Americans, the Patriot Party had been able to claw back some of its power but it would never be able to claim much of its power that it had until the next elections, until then they would need more time and money to reclaim their former place.

Poseidon Energy HELIOS Two Solar Power Plant (Boston) (35R per Die) (91/300) (+20R per Turn, Unlock Poseidon Energy Research) (7, 84)

This period, you have also begun the construction of the HELIOS Power Plant, located in Brockton, Massachusetts. One of the warmer parts of the Commonwealth, there was some complaints from the citizens but as of the moment the biggest concern is actually finding the best spot to put both the collecting mirrors and the tower itself. So far it seems that it was bad idea to put a solar power plant in the cold Massachusetts Region but perhaps it can be solved with enough investment.

Vault-Tec Vault 120 Construction (30R per Die) (81/400) (+30R per Turn) (77, 4)

After talks with Vault-Tec, the construction period has begun with the digging teams. The Atlantic was never the calmest around these parts but it seems that the cold and the storms have made the work even harder than possible with several losses of robots and fatalities of workers. Still some progress have been made in tunneling the Stellwagen and more construction material can be moved in.

Mass Fusion Core Production Expansion (35R per Die) (257/300) (+30R per Turn) (40, 82)

This period, you have actually started to assemble the machinery for the Fusion Core, as natural the work needed to be slow due to the volatility of the components but a mix of multiple shifts managed to make it work and now the facility is mostly complete and ready to produce. However, a slight delay of the most critical components such as particle accelerators have delayed the construction once more and Mass Fusion is left embarrassed as it tries to search for more of the components.

Mental Berries (15R per Die) (125/250) (+20R per Turn) (4, 100, 21, Bonus 5)

Another personal project by Dr. Greene to relieve her stress at this time. Mental Berries are made to have the same components as that of standard Nootropic Drugs and made it to be a renewable version of said drug. While the progress has been quite slow, a surprise visit from Med-Tek representatives shocked you but instead, like Nuka-Cola offered payment for your plant and formula which they can use to reduce costs

Commonwealth Preservation (A Fallout Planquest) (2024)
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.